The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 675: , the couple has a good relationship

Chapter 675: The couple has a good relationship

 In the evening, Jing Shirong came back as promised.

When the cook saw him coming back, she cooked some roast mutton.

The local roasted mutton has a unique flavor and smells particularly fragrant.

Xiao Liti thought a little when she saw Jing Shirong coming back.

It was rare for her to take the initiative to serve the food, and actively arranged the roast lamb on the plate.

Twisting her waist, holding the plate, she walked towards the house in small steps.

 “Miss, uncle, it’s time to eat.”

Hearing the sound, Sister Ying looked up at her and said in a calm tone, "Let it go."

Xiao Liti said "yes", deliberately approached Jing Shirong, lowered her head, bent down, put the mutton in front of him, and introduced it enthusiastically.

“Uncle, this is our local roast mutton. It’s delicious. Can you try it?”

Jing Shirong didn’t even look at her. He picked up a mutton skewer and handed it to Sister Ying’s mouth, “Try it?”

Sister Ying raised her peach blossom eyes, opened her red lips lightly in front of him, opened her mouth to bite a piece of mutton, her movements were seductive.

Jing Shirong watched her movements and couldn't help but swallowed.

 Charming Adam’s apple rolled as he swallowed.

Sister Ying smiled and fed him, "You eat too."


 The two of them just looked at me and I looked at you, and they started to feed each other affectionately.

Seeing how affectionate they were, Little Liti had no chance to say a word, so she could only twist the veil angrily and go out in defeat.

Xiao Zi came in with a dignified meal, glanced at the loser, and chuckled.

“Young man, you still want to seduce my uncle with your modest skills?”

   Her young lady and uncle are as loving as one person. It would be even harder to separate them than to reach the sky.

Xiao Zi put down the food and asked in a low voice, "Miss, does this girl want to quit?"

Sister Ying waved her hand and said, "Don't worry, I'll talk to Mr. Zhong when he comes tomorrow." Then let him be replaced by an honest one.

Xiao Zi nodded, "That's okay, then you can eat it while it's hot."

 After saying that, he went out, leaving the couple to eat in the house.

Sister Ying brought vegetables to Jing Shirong, and Jing Shirong held her on her lap and fed her.

Sister Ying opened her mouth, took a bite for herself, and asked him to take a bite as well. She was so loving.

She said while eating, "Why do I feel that we are becoming more and more in love, and we are even more sticky than when we first got married."

They all say that life will become dull after marriage, but it feels like their relationship is getting stronger and stronger. It has not diminished at all. On the contrary, they want to be with each other all the time.

Jing Shirong felt the same way. He lowered his head to kiss her and ate the rice grains on her lips.

 Then he looked at her affectionately, then at the gauze clothes she was wearing, and asked, "Can you show me the clothes you bought during the day?"

Sister Ying blushed and said, "Whatever is good to wear, they are not all the same."

Jing Shirong whispered in her ear, "It's different."

 The underwear he bought during the day were obviously different from what she usually wore. He wanted to see them.

Sister Ying's cheeks were red and she patted him shyly, "Who did you learn this from? You have become more and more unrestrained recently."

 I used to be quite a reserved person.

 Oh, no. It's not subtle, but it's not that either.


Jing Shirong saw that she was embarrassed and embarrassed, and smiled with her handsome face, "What? Tell me?"

Sister Ying shyly punched him, "No, let's eat!"

  In any case, she is definitely not as thick-skinned as him.

Jing Shirong shook his head, smiled, shrugged, and did not deny it.

Sister Ying ate some grapes, fed him, and asked, "Are you still busy next?"

  There was a fire at the inn, so the Bonfire Festival was postponed. The third princess said that it would be held again in a few days.

Jing Shirong nodded, "It should be a holiday by then, and I will be back to accompany you."

 It won’t work these days.

The spies he trained have to continue training, and they all have to train in the middle of the night. They probably won't be able to come back at night.

Even after she came back, she fell asleep.

Sister Ying hugged him, lowered her head and leaned over, her nose touching his. "It's okay. If you're busy, just go and do it. I'm fine at home."

"But you have to eat on time. Don't skip meals. It's not good for your health."

Jing Shirong listened to her instructions obediently, with a rare gentle and obedient voice, "Okay."

 He knew that he was a family man, and his body no longer belonged to him, but also to his wife, and he had to be responsible for the rest of her life.

After saying that, he picked up Sister Ying and said, "Then let's have another midnight snack."

Sister Ying said "I'll go" and "you"

 She pinched his ear and said, "Tell me the truth, did you peek into some drawing book?"

Jing Shirong’s face felt hot, he coughed and refused to admit it.

 Actually, Sister Ying guessed it right.

 When he was in the military camp, he listened to the group of brats chatting every day, and they always talked about women.

He doesn't like to talk about this, he feels he doesn't respect women very much.

 But the brats are young and energetic, and they always like to discuss which woman is more beautiful, and even secretly look at drawing books.

 Some painting books were actually bought from neighboring countries. The scale is staggering.

Jing Shirong once accidentally took a peek and was really surprised.

 He didn't like to touch these things.

But these brats say that women actually need to be pleased.

 If men are too dull, they will not be liked by women. Over time, their mother-in-law’s liking for them will fade.

Jing Shirong felt relieved after hearing this.

 After all, he does have a cold temperament and is not very good at pleasing girls, nor can he say sweet words.

Especially when Sister Ying is angry with him sometimes, he doesn't know how to coax her, so he stops and listens to what those brats have to say.

 But those brats, just talking, went off track again.

 Continue to take out the drawing book and talk about it, and then talk more and more boldly.

  Whatever you say, just follow the instructions and make sure your wife is devoted to you.

No, he thought that he had not been with Sister Ying for so long and wanted to please her, so he took a few peeks.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but it will be serious once you look at it.

In addition, he already likes Sister Ying, so he can't control it without looking at those who are also flirted with by her.

Sister Ying saw that he was silent and his handsome face was getting redder and redder, so she guessed what he must be thinking.

She tugged at his ear, coquettishly, "Say, what are you thinking about?"

Sister Ying looked down at her and said in a hoarse voice, "I miss you~"

Look, isn’t this still a couple of sweet words?

Sister Ying raised her lips and smiled, "Miss me? I'm right in front of you, why don't you think about it?"

Jing Shirong looked at her and nodded, "You're right."

 Having said that, he lowered his head and leaned down.

 Since you are in front of me, you are welcome.

Sister Ying hugged his neck and smiled.

“It is said that everything comes to life in spring, and you are not bad in summer.”

Jing Shirong understood and smiled.

 “Don’t underestimate me.”

 After saying that, he picked up the rabbit and put it into the nest.

Sister Ying could fight with him at first, but later she lost the strength, so she simply gave up and let him do as he pleased.

 On the second day.

Jing Shirong went to the military camp early in the morning.

Xiao Zi served him food. Seeing Xiao Liti approaching, she stopped her and said, "Go to the kitchen to grind corn. We'll make tortillas later."

 Meaning not to let her get close to Jing Shirong.

 (End of this chapter)

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