Chapter 69, Studying Ethnic Studies

 After the three of them entered the house together, Sister Ting introduced Sister Ying to her like a big sister.

“This is the room where Jiaojie and I sleep. We each have a bed~”

That little look seems to be showing off how awesome your room is.

Sister Ying looked around the house. The environment was very small, but very neat.

 I think it was a small room converted from a storage room.

As for the two small beds, it was obvious that the older children could not sleep in them, so they were taken down for the younger ones.

 Sister Ting’s grandmother was the one who quarreled with Mrs. Liang.

 The two old ladies both have the kind of temperaments that don’t bow their heads. So there has been no contact for so many years.

However, the affairs of the elderly have nothing to do with the children, and the family members are not affected at all.

Old Mrs. Liang would not stop the children from playing together, but she didn’t rarely come to Liang He’s house.

Sister Ting’s arrogant little look is obviously something she learned from her grandmother.

Little individual, when he speaks, he has to lift his chin high high, as if this is so superior, and Sister Ying wants to laugh.

The other party saw that she kept laughing and said dissatisfiedly, "Why are you laughing?"

what's so funny?

Sister Ying shook her head with a smile and pretended to praise her, "No, no, I think my cousin's house is quite nice."

After hearing this, Sister Ting raised her chin proudly and said, "It's okay. Our family loves their daughters, so my sister and I also have our own house."

Sister Ying said to her heart, it was your mother who deceived you.

This house doesn't even have a window, so it's obviously just a place for clutter.

 But you can't say this, lest you lose face later.

Sister Ting saw her little carrot head and asked her, "Do you have your own house?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "That's not true."

 She usually sleeps in the same room as Mr. Wu.

Her mother is sweet and soft, and she will hug her to sleep, so she doesn’t want to sleep by herself.

 But her father was at home, so she could only sleep in the middle and be a sandwich pancake.

 Occasionally she slept with Mrs. Liang and Liang Qing.

  Anyway, you can sleep wherever you want.

If she asked for her own room, no one would listen to her, so she didn't bother to ask for it.

Seeing that she was silent, Sister Ting thought she didn't have her own house, and she immediately felt superior.

He raised his chin to comfort her, "It's okay. You're still young. When you grow up, you can have your own house."

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn't argue with her about it.

But Sister Ting saw that she was quite well-behaved, so she told her like a big sister, "Well, you are still young, and I am your cousin. From now on, you can hang out with me, and I will protect you."

Sister Ying:…

 Could this tone of voice be something you learned from boys?

It was Sister Xiaojiao who innocently handed the winter melon candy to Sister Ying, "Sister, eat it."

Seeing that the winter melon candy had melted, Sister Ying waved her hand and declined, "No, my grandmother won't let me eat too much candy."

After hearing this, Sister Jiao nodded believing it was true and ate the winter melon candy herself.

Sister Ting snorted and said to Sister Jiao, "If you're not promising, you just know how to eat. Be careful if you end up like the fat girl next door."

That little chubby girl is about the same age as Sister Ying, but she is really fat. Many families have girls who are greedy, and they often use the little chubby girl as a negative example.

 The little fat girl next door: ...whoever you mess with.

After a while, Liang Jin came to look for Sister Ying and knelt down to ask Sister Ting, "Sister Ting, are you going to go to school this year?"

Liang He's family was also well off, and the ethnology school was located in a large wooden house in their backyard. The husband was an old scholar who was related to the Liang family.

This old scholar has been a scholar all his life. Although he has done nothing, he can teach children to read, which is considered a credit.

 Liang Jin was taught by him when he was a child.

 As for the female gentleman, it is not fixed.

After all, there are not many women who want to be able to teach without having to take care of the family. Unless you pay a high price.

However, the Liang family is not a wealthy family, so naturally they are not willing to spend a lot of money to hire a wife.

Little girls who want to study can just study with the boys for three to five years.

They are all brothers and sisters of the same race, so it’s okay to study together.

 In rural areas, there are not so many details.

Liang Jin came today because he wanted Sister Ying to come over and study with her cousins.

As soon as Sister Ting heard that Sister Ying wanted to go to school at such a young age, she immediately wanted to go to school.

Originally, she could have gone to a clan school this year, but her mother asked her to take care of her younger siblings at home, otherwise she would have wanted to go to school and become literate.

Her grandmother said that girls should study some books before they can become young ladies.

 She doesn’t want to be an illiterate girl.

 So she ran over and told her father that she wanted to study.

Hearing this, Liang He didn’t object.

“That’s okay, then you can go with your sister.”

Although he did not pass the exam to become a scholar, he still hopes that his children can become talents.

Even if they are daughters, they hope that their daughters will be successful, so naturally they will not be prevented from studying.

 So the children agreed to come to school tomorrow.

 Ethnology studies are generally funded by the family. The family with more children will pay more.

However, the old man whom the Liang family learned from was also a relative of their own, so the money he needed was not much, and he only needed to give him some food from time to time.

Liang Jin carried Sister Ying back and told Mr. Wu about the matter. He said that his daughter was going to study in a clan school and asked her to prepare something and he would take her there with him tomorrow.

 Wu was naturally happy after hearing this.

“Hey, we have to send her to family education at such a young age? Isn’t it too early?”

Liang Jinxin said, "She is a little too young, but it is a good thing to start enlightenment early. I think my daughter is a good student. Let her study a few years in advance. There are only advantages and no disadvantages."

 After all, he is a scholar, and his daughter must be good too.

Mrs. Wu laughed at his wife for selling melons and boasting about herself, but she also hoped that her daughter would learn some knowledge.

 Who is a mother who doesn’t want her children to be well?

Although they also favor sons over daughters, their daughters are also taken care of very well.

 After all, if your daughter is good-looking, she will marry well.

 Marrying well can also help the family. Only foolish people will raise their daughters cheaply. If they grow up without talent or virtue, they will naturally marry badly.

The Liang family is a relatively civilized family, and they also love the girls very much.

Mrs. Liang knew that Sister Ying was going to study, so she had no objection.

Since all three of her children have gone to ethnic studies, each of them will marry better than the other, so she will naturally let Sister Ying go to school.

So the matter was settled.

Sister Ying originally wanted to play for a few years, but her father took her away to study. She had no choice but to go.

 On the second day.

Liang Jin carried a few strips of bacon as bundles and happily sent Sister Ying to the clan school.

Sister Ting and Sister Jiao also came over.

They are both four or five years old, and they have reached the age of enlightenment. They are attending ethnic studies for the first time, and they are obviously very excited.

 But they are still here waiting for Sister Ying.

When Sister Ying saw them, she came over to say hello with a smile, "Cousin~"

Sister Ting was still smiling at first, but when she saw her coming, she snorted coldly, "Let's go, you two follow me."

 Looking like a big sister taking care of a little brother.

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 (End of this chapter)

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