The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 692: , come to visit the Bonfire Festival

Chapter 692: Come to the Bonfire Festival

Hearing the sound, Nuer stopped and looked to the left, "Third uncle? Third aunt?"

Xiao Zi also looked over and politely followed Nuer and called her uncle and aunt.

The couple was surprised to see Noor carrying a girl, "Who is this?"

Noor introduced simply, "My friend."

 Having said that, I have nothing more to say and am ready to leave.

But his third uncle stopped him, "Your grandfather hasn't seen you for a long time. Go back and visit him when you have time."

Nur didn’t have a good impression of anyone in the family, so he gave a cold hum, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

 “I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first.”

 After saying that, he rode away.

His uncle and aunt looked at him and snorted coldly, "Aren't you just working in the third princess's house? What do you think you are? Hey, he's not just a dog slave."

His third uncle glared at his mother-in-law, "Why are you saying something so frivolous that he can still hear it?"

His third aunt made a "che~" sound and said, "If you hear it, you will hear it. We are his elders. How could he still dare to hit us?"

 “Ignorant woman! You forgot that we still need to borrow money from him! Idiot.”


 If you don’t talk about it, you might as well forget about it.

“But he has run away now, where can I borrow it?”

His third uncle frowned and said, "Let's go to the third princess's house tomorrow and ask."

The five sons in the family all have to marry wives, which costs a lot of money.

Since Nuer works in the Third Princess's Mansion, he probably has monthly income.

 When the time comes, you should put aside your old face and borrow some, and you should be able to borrow a little.

His third aunt was even more confident, "Yes, I will borrow it tomorrow. If you don't believe me, he will not borrow it."

Nur did not hear this because they had already gone away.

It was Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong who heard it.

Mr. Zhong came out with Sister Ying in the evening with his son in his arms.

The third princess and Jing Shirong haven't come out yet, so they said they were delayed for a while because of something and asked them to go out for a walk first.

Mr. Zhong held his son in his arms and went out for a walk with Sister Ying first to avoid being bored at home.

 Because the stroller was not ready yet, Mr. Zhong could only hold his son by himself.

 If your hands are sore, switch hugs with Sister Ying.

The two of them were walking on the street together, holding a child in their arms. They looked like a family of three.

After it gets dark, the lanterns on the street are lit up, and the red ones are particularly beautiful.

The street vendors selling snacks are even more lively, and there are people queuing up to buy snacks.

Sister Ying smells the fragrance and wants to try every snack.

“Brother Zhong, let’s buy some mutton skewers.”

The mutton skewers looked very big, and they were grilled together with the colorful peppers and potatoes. They were particularly fragrant.

Mr. Zhong was also hungry, so he nodded, "Okay, buy two bunches."

 He wanted to take the money, but Sister Ying had already paid the money.

 “Here, it smells really good.”

Mr. Zhong thanked him, took it, blew on it, and took a bite, "Yeah, it's delicious."

 Sure enough, what they sell is professional, and it’s really delicious.

Sister Ying nodded, "It's indeed delicious."

After eating mutton kebabs, they went to a place that sold scones to eat scones.

There is also sweet and cool ice powder sugar water, which is particularly delicious and refreshing.

Sister Ying ate along the way. When she was full, she and Young Master Zhong would hold the baby.

The boss saw how happy they were as a "family of three" and praised them, "These kids are so cute, just like you two."

 In fact, Sister Ying is wearing a veil, which exposes her big eyes.

 But the boss thought they were a family of three.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and she didn't explain.

  No matter what, people don’t believe it.

 After all, a man and a woman are holding a child, so they look like a family of three, and the explanation will only become more confusing.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and did not explain anything until the third princess and Jing Shirong came over. When they heard this, they both frowned.

The third princess called, "Come here, Mr. Zhong!" Mr. Zhong was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect her to come, and his face lit up with joy, "Are you here?"

 Running over happily.

The third princess glanced at him and asked, "Where is my son?"

Mr. Zhong just sighed and hurriedly went over to pick up his son.

 The third princess nodded towards Sister Ying, and then took Young Master Zhong to go shopping.

Sister Ying rubbed her sore hands and threw herself into Jing Shirong's arms with a smile.

“Mr. sir, you came so slowly~”

 She had eaten so much just now.

Jing Shirong took her and dragged her waist with his big hand, leaving his other hand free to touch her belly, "Are you full?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "You can eat a little more."

Jing Shirong smiled as he showed his hands a little bit.

“Don’t eat yet. We’ll go to the campfire center later. There are a lot of home-cooked dishes there. Save your stomach to eat there.”

Sister Ying smiled and leaned on him, "Then you can hug me."

  I haven’t seen him for so many days and I have missed him for a long time.

Jing Shirong lowered his head and smiled, "Okay~"

Hold her up immediately and give her a princess hug easily.

Sister Ying was picked up by him, squeezed his arm, and told him, "I've only held Little Piggy for a while, and my arms are so sore. Aren't you tired from holding me so hard?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "Why are you tired? You are very light and not heavy at all."

  It’s rare that he also said something that would make girls happy.

Sister Ying smiled and leaned over to give him a kiss, "We haven't seen each other for a few days, but I can still make people happy. Not bad, there is progress."

Jing Shirong felt the lip marks on his face and twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling in a good mood.

The couple went to the Bonfire Festival together. As soon as they arrived at the entrance, they felt the crowd.

Sister Ying came down and walked away by herself, holding hands with Jing Shirong to avoid being scattered by the crowd.

 Everyone here was following her. Jing Shirong was afraid that she wouldn’t see her, so he asked her, “Do you want to ride on her neck?”

Sister Ying shook her head shyly, "It's not good, there are so many people."

Jing Shirong said, "It's okay. Look around, there are many people riding on them."

Sister Ying looked over and saw that there were indeed many girls riding on her head, but they were all children.

 There is no one as big as her to ride on her husband's shoulders.

Jing Shirong didn't care about those looks, he picked her up, hugged her and sat on his shoulders.

Sister Ying was suddenly lifted up, feeling very happy.

Although I look shy on the face, I am happy in my heart.

When passers-by saw this scene, they looked over curiously.

Sister Ying coughed, thinking that she was wearing a veil and people didn't recognize her, so it didn't matter.

She didn't care, and Jing Shirong didn't care even more. He took her directly to the front.

Having just walked halfway, the crowd came over again.

They heard from a distance, "It's Master Kawuli. Let's go over and grab a seat. Maybe we can dance with Master Kawuli tonight."

 After saying that, they rushed over one after another.

Sister Ying sat on Jing Shirong's shoulder and could see clearly.

 The man surrounded by girls in the distance is the one he saw in the tea shop that day.

“Brother Rong, who is that person? Why are the girls so attracted to him?”

Jing Shirong had a general understanding of the situation here and told her, "That's Kawuli, the young master of the richest family in this area."

Sister Ying sat on his shoulder, "Is she richer than you?"

Jing Shirong smiled, "What do you think?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know, but I am definitely not as rich as our grandfather."

He should not be as good as Murong Yun.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "It's not comparable, but it's the richest in this area."

Moreover, that man’s business is carried out to neighboring countries, and his income is still very objective.

  It’s so quiet, please count your votes (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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