Chapter 694, the coming of star chasers

After Jing Shirong confirmed the strength of the other party, he pulled Sister Ying and walked directly in front of the woman without paying attention to her at all.

 Ashari was furious.

On this street, apart from Kawuli, no one dared to ignore her like this.


But the couple in front of them didn't take her words seriously at all and continued to walk out.

 Everyone around was watching the joke, and Asari shouted angrily to her subordinates, "Go and catch them!"

If you don’t establish your authority in front of everyone today, everyone still thinks that the Aisha family is easy to bully.

 Four male servants quickly chased after them and blocked the path of Jing Shirong and Sister Ying.

 Kawuli also noticed the situation here.

 He looked at Asari and told her, "Have a good life and don't be arrogant."

 His original intention was to let Asari forget it.

But Elsa felt that he was making fun of her.

"What do you mean? You say I'm arrogant? Why am I so arrogant?"

“That couple just stole the food at the banquet and ate so much. What’s wrong with me giving them a few words?”

Kawuli hated her self-righteous and aggressive look the most.

He frowned and said, "I've already apologized to you and put the money on the table. Why are you still dissatisfied?"

He could clearly see that Sister Ying had put two large pieces of silver on the table, obviously for paying the bill.

 What he saw clearly just now was that the couple only took a small bite of the food. They were clearly tasting the food and not eating secretly.

 Asari said she was stealing food from others and refused to let them go. This was not being aggressive.

 “You! How come you are helping an outsider, even though I am your future wife!”

 Originally, she went to Kawuli's house today to hear the elders announce this matter.

 At first she was very happy because she could marry the person she liked.

Unexpectedly, Kawuli refused the marriage without even thinking about it. In front of her elders, she was so angry that she almost cried.

“What’s wrong with me that you want to bully me like this?”

It was obviously the couple who ate the food secretly, why did she have to humiliate her in front of so many people?

 Kawuli knew that she was angry about what happened in the morning, so he sighed and reasoned with her.

 “I don’t like arranged marriages, and it’s not about you.”

“Also, this matter has nothing to do with outsiders, so don’t make them angry.”

 Said, let those servants go down and don't block others' way.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong looked at each other and looked at the two people.

 “Shall we help?”

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No need."

 Just let them solve their own problems for young people.

 “Let’s go back and eat watermelon.”

Sister Ying hummed, turned around and nodded to Kawuli to express her gratitude, and then led Jing Shirong away.

At this time, other girls also noticed Jing Shirong's tall figure and looked over curiously.

“Hey, who is that brother? He’s so good-looking~”

 The other girls nodded, "Yes, except for Master Kawuli, this is the first time I have seen such a handsome brother~"

 “But what a pity, he seems to have a wife.”

 Other girls, "So what, we don't have many wives and concubines here?"

“Even if I have such a good-looking brother, I would also like to be my concubine.”

 Then the wind direction immediately changed, "Let's go over there and see which family my brother is from."

 “Yes, let’s take a look.”

So a group of girls suddenly left Kawuli and chased in the direction of Jing Shirong. Kawuli? ?

"what's the situation?"

Where did those girls go just now?

The servant replied, "He said he was going after that handsome man."

  Kawuli. “Have you changed your mind?”

Didn’t you scream to dance with him just now?

Now you see the handsome husband and you immediately change your mind?

 Hehe, woman.

The servant snorted and almost laughed.

 There is no way, who can make a sixteen-year-old girl so lively and bold, she will chase after a handsome man when she sees her, otherwise she would be unworthy of her liveliness at this age.

Kawuli couldn’t laugh or cry, but he didn’t care.

 It was the Aisali in front of her that gave her a headache.

 The family wanted him to marry a well-matched Aisali as his first wife.

 But he doesn’t have any feelings for Asari between men and women, so naturally he doesn’t want to.

In addition, his family has business dealings with the Asari family. This marriage is mixed with too many impure things. He doesn't want to have to worry about his father-in-law's family every time he does business in the future, which will become a hindrance and nothing can be done well. Naturally, I don’t want to marry into their family.

 But Asari has a very strong self-esteem.

She is used to being the eldest lady at home, and is sought after by the people when she goes out. She has never been rejected by others, so naturally she can't swallow it.

 In addition, there were many sisters in her family. Seeing that she was rejected from marriage, they all laughed at her for being unattractive.

He also said of her, "If you had a pretty face, people wouldn't reject you."

Aishaly was originally a bit thicker than ordinary women. Her eyes were big but dull, and had nothing to do with beauty.

 But she had been a child of a wealthy family since she was a child, and was used to hearing compliments from servants, so she didn't feel bad about herself.

 But after comparing it with the gorgeous and beautiful girls outside, she realized that she might not be good-looking after all.

 Coupled with being indifferently rejected by Kawuli, it became more and more felt that Kawuli was a vulgar person who only cares about his appearance.

 Ke Qi Gui Qi, after all, she still loved him and said she didn’t want to break off the engagement, so she told Kawuli.

“We have been childhood sweethearts and have grown up together. After so many years of love, no one is more suitable to be your wife than me. Can’t you be nicer to me?”

 It would have been a blessing for anyone else to marry her, so why couldn't he cherish it?

Kawuli has feelings for her, but they are just the feelings of friends, or the feelings of neighbor siblings.

 It has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women.

He looked around and saw that everyone was watching, trying to save some face for her, so he said, "Let's go to the attic to talk."

Asari didn’t want to be embarrassed outside, so she followed him to the attic.

 Coincidentally, Sister Ying and the others are also hiding in the attic at this moment.

Just now, they went to the street to buy watermelons and were going to freeze them in well water so that they could eat them the next day.

While paying, a group of girls suddenly chased after her, and they seemed to be targeting Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong didn’t want to feel surrounded by being sought after, so he picked up Sister Ying and went to a nearby teahouse.

The first floor was not safe, so I went directly to the private room on the third floor.

From upstairs, you can hear the group of girls below wondering, "Huh? Where are they? Were they still here just now?"

 Other girls asked, “Is it possible that you have gone home?”

But the speed is too fast?

“Did brother find us? That’s why we ran so fast?”

 The other girls nodded, "It's very possible."

A few people looked at each other and said, "Wow~ That brother must be good at martial arts. He's so awesome. I like it~"

 “I like it too, hee hee hee~”

“Then let’s look forward, maybe his home is nearby.”

 “Yes, go find it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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