The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 705: , a son who can settle accounts

Chapter 705: A son who can settle accounts


Little Liti was startled, not expecting that she would suddenly appear.

Just now she was lying next to the door peeking, and didn't notice anyone coming.

Jinghan suddenly spoke up, startling her.

She fell to the ground, looked inside, and saw Murong Yun looking over, so she pitifully apologized to Jinghan, "Madam, I didn't do it on purpose."

Jing Han frowned, looking at her posture, he didn't understand anything.

  Back at Murong's house, the old lady at home wanted to seduce Murong Yun with women. Those women were just like the one in front of her, they were as weak and weak as she could be in front of Murong Yun.

They are weak, but they have to kneel in front of her, looking pitiful that they have been bullied by her.

Those who don’t know her think she is vicious and would bully their weak women who are unable to take care of themselves.

Jinghan had long been tired of this kind of drama. He waved his hand and told her, "Okay, stop kneeling. Go wherever you need to go."

 Xiao Li expected that she would not embarrass herself, after all, this was not her home.

 But she didn't expect that Murong Yun didn't come out to take care of it.

 She thought that Murong Yun would at least come out and take a look, so that she could express herself.

But people just took one look at it and then ignored it, and they didn't even think about taking care of it.

Helping, she was afraid that she would be kicked out if she went too far, so she could only walk away in despair.

But it doesn’t matter, if you fail this time, there will be a next time.

 What she said to Xiao Zi just now, she knew that their family would stay for a while longer.

 There is always a chance.

Jinghan looked back and saw that she was gone, and glared at Murong Yun.

 “Look at you, you are all covered in money, it would be strange if others don’t keep an eye on you.”

Murong Yun was speechless, "I didn't bring many banknotes." It was only ten thousand taels at most, which was not a lot.

Jinghan pointed to the jade pendant on his waist, "This piece of jade is worth at least 50,000 yuan."

There is also a hairpin on the head, which is also worth three thousand taels.

 Including the jade ring, they are all very expensive.

Leaving aside all this, the clothes he was wearing cost three thousand taels.

This whole body is full of the smell of money, it would be strange not to look for thieves.

Murong Yun smiled when he saw her complaining expression.

"You are still talking about me, so just look at you. You are worth much more than me."

Jinghan lowered his head and looked at himself. He didn't feel anything was wrong.

 “What’s wrong with me? I’m not wearing a spanner.”

Murong Yun smiled and asked his eldest son to say, "Calculate for your mother how much the things she has on her are worth."

As soon as Brother Zheng heard about the settlement, he immediately became interested and glanced at Jing Han with his big eyes.

 Took out a gold abacus from his pocket and began to count, "Sheet-fat white jade earrings, five thousand taels."

“There are only three purple jade bracelets in the entire capital, and they are estimated at 90,000 to 120,000 taels.”

“The finest South Sea pearl necklace, seventy thousand taels.”

“There are also the clothes imported from Persia that my mother is wearing, which cost ten thousand taels. Not counting the other items, the total of the bits and pieces is almost 180,000 taels of silver.”


  “Are there, are there so many??

She knew not to waste too much money when going out, so she brought a hairpin and a pair of low-key earrings.

 Including the color of the clothes on the body, they are also very ordinary and old-fashioned. How come there are so many in total?

Murong Yundu smiled, "Are you doubting your son's calculation?"

Jinghan felt ashamed, "Not really."

She knows that her son has been able to do abacus since he was a child. He can do mental calculations without an abacus and can calculate accurately every time.

 In addition, he has gone to various jewelry appreciation meetings with Murong Yun since he was a child, and he has a special understanding of the value of antiques. The valuation was almost always right. My son said that 180,000 is probably 180,000.

 She coughed, but she didn't expect that she was worth more than Murong Yun, so she retorted, "I originally wanted to keep a low profile, but who knew it was so valuable."

Hearing this, Brother Zheng sighed and said resentfully, "Mom, please don't say that you are low-key. My brother and I are the poorest in the whole family."

Look at what they are wearing. Although they are made of good materials, they don’t have any decent treasures on them. Their money bags are also clean. They only have one tael of silver a month, which is fine for the poor.

Murong Yunyan's father said, "If you want money, study hard and learn how to do business from your father. Then you can earn as much as you want in the future."

 His main education is “Whatever you want, earn it yourself!”

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. You can spend the money you earn however you want.

 Once you become a member of the family, you have to follow the family's instructions and act, which doesn't give you any pleasure at all.

Brother Zheng understood this truth, but he also said wisely, "Then I have to find a way to make money."

Murong Yun smiled and rubbed his head, "Don't worry, the resources of a father are your resources. In this regard, being a father still emphasizes the relationship between father and son."

He also wanted to train his two sons to become talents so that they could take over the empire he had built for them in the future.

 Brother Zheng smiled when he heard this, "Thank you, Dad."

 Brother Yuan was still young and didn’t understand this, so he also laughed and said, “Thank you, Dad.”

Jinghan saw that their father was kind and his son was filial, and he smiled and did not mention what happened just now.

They were just little girls trying to seduce her, but she didn't take them seriously, and Murong Yun didn't take them seriously either.

After Sister Ying got up, she came over to find Jinghan.

 “Would you like to take a look at the chicken coop?”

Jing Han smiled, "Okay, let's come together. Can the kids come together?"

 They have been riding in the carriage for many days, so it would be nice to take them out for some fun.

Sister Ying nodded, "Of course, I'm just here to ask them to come together."

“Brother Zheng, brother Yuan, do you want to see the chickens and ducks?”

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were very happy, "If you want it, mom, we want to go."

Murong Yun nodded, "Okay, let's go together."

So the group of people went over together.

After arriving at the chicken coop, Murong Yun looked around and nodded, "Not bad."

 The location here is well chosen and the site is large, so it is indeed suitable for raising chickens and ducks.

In addition to the proximity of the lake, it is convenient for chickens, ducks and geese to drink water, and the manure can also be used to irrigate the vegetable garden nearby, killing three birds with one stone.

Sister Ying said to them, "Brother Rong has mentioned to me before that we want to raise cattle and sheep on a large scale, but cattle and sheep consume grassland, so this must be solved."

There is grassland here, but thousands of cattle and sheep eating grass are still very lethal, so this needs to be addressed emphatically.

Murong Yun nodded and said, "When I came here, I observed the nearby terrain. It is very suitable for raising cattle and sheep."

“There is a prairie at the top of the mountain. The grass there grows very quickly. As long as the number of cattle and sheep is controlled and they don’t eat the grass roots, the wild grass grows very fast and is enough for the cattle and sheep to eat.”

Moreover, they can also be fed in a mixed manner. As long as the grass is not eaten up, there will be no problem in terms of eating.

Sister Ying took note of everything and asked him some professional questions.

Murong Yun gave her detailed answers, just like a professional knowledge base.

It was the first time that Sister Ying talked to someone about this. All the questions were answered, and she couldn't help but look at Jing Han with admiration.

Jinghan looked puzzled by her and smiled, "What do you think I'm doing?"

 Shouldn’t we praise Murong Yun? Why are you looking at her instead?

Sister Ying smiled, walked over to her and said, "Cousin, you have really found a treasure brother-in-law."

 (End of this chapter)

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