Chapter 79, Mrs. Liang’s past

Mrs. Liang snorted and said angrily, "Then they have personally sent people to invite you. I have to go, otherwise I will be accused of being unfilial."

 Because the day after tomorrow is her mother’s sixtieth birthday.

 In ancient times, people married young and became grandmothers in their thirties.

 Those who can live into their seventies or eighties are quite famous.

Country people live a long life, and they can basically live to seventy or eighty years old. They often hold a grand birthday on the day of their sixtieth birthday, which means they can live longer after sixty.

 When an old man celebrates his sixtieth birthday, his children will basically be present.

Our hometown has sent people to invite her, and there is no way that Mrs. Liang will pretend to be ill and not go.

 Otherwise you will be gossiped about.

Mrs. Liang’s maiden name is Sun.

The Sun family personally sent someone to invite Old Mrs. Liang yesterday, and the person they sent was the old woman next to Old Mrs. Sun. This shows that Old Mrs. Sun intends to let Old Mrs. Liang go back.

Sister Ying asked, "Will our whole family go together the day after tomorrow?"

Old Mrs. Liang nodded, "Yes, let's go with the whole family. We can go together as a family so that no one will look down on us."

 Sister Ying? ?

 “What does this have to do with looking down on you?”

Mrs. Liang explained to her, "Then you don't understand. At that time, my grandmother wanted to marry me to a county magistrate as a concubine, so as to help my brother's future. If my father didn't agree, I would have to Becoming a concubine."

 What is a concubine? It is a thing with no status.

 Thanks to her grandmother's imagination, she actually asked her to be a concubine. Just thinking about it makes her angry!

Sister Ying asked quickly, "Is your grandmother still there?"

Mrs. Liang shook her head, "No more. I left a few years ago, otherwise I wouldn't go back."

The Sun family's patriarchal preference was the worst among her grandmother's generation. If his father hadn't wanted to save face and knew that his daughter would lose face as a concubine, he didn't let her get married. Otherwise, he wouldn't have the good life he has now.

Sister Ying did not expect that Mrs. Liang would be so aggrieved at her parents' home, so she touched her cheek with distress.

Mrs. Liang never expected that she would still be loved by others in her lifetime. Although Sister Ying was a little kid, she still felt warm in her heart.

She finally understood why Mrs. Wu held this little thing in her arms every day. It turned out that he was so warm-hearted. Even though he is young, he is quite good at comforting people.

Sister Ying is a warm baby. After hearing about Old Mrs. Liang’s pitiful life experience, she touched Old Mrs. Liang’s cheek, hugged her and kissed her.

“Grandma, don’t be afraid, I will protect you from now on.”

Mrs. Liang felt very happy when she heard this, but she snorted childishly on her face, "Your thighs are not as thick as my arms, and you still protect me?"

Sister Ying hugged her and laughed, "Then let daddy protect you."

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "Of course your father will protect me. I am his mother." She said it very proudly.

Sister Ying also laughed and said, "Tell me about the Sun family again. I'll understand it first. Then I won't embarrass you when I go there."

Seeing how much she liked to listen, Mrs. Liang became interested in chatting, so she recalled it.

“Actually, I don’t remember much about what happened back then. It’s been many years since I got married.”

 The only thing she remembers is that her grandmother and grandfather were extremely patriarchal. The daughters in the family were not valuable, and only three sons were the most important.

 So the families their sisters married into at that time were all because of the high betrothal gifts given by them.

 Because the family wanted to support their younger brother’s education and it would cost a lot of money, they had to marry their daughter off to a wealthy family in order to get more betrothal gifts.

At that time, the Sun family's family situation was not bad. It could not be said to be rich, but it could not be said to be poor. They can afford to raise nine children, but Mrs. Liang’s grandmother and grandfather are thinking more long-term. After all, there are only three grandchildren in the family. In the future, they will have to marry wives for their grandchildren, and of course they have to save more money.

 But it was not easy to make money in those days. In addition to the money for studying and traveling expenses for exams, it is really impossible without money.

So Mrs. Liang’s grandmother and grandfather wanted to marry all six of their granddaughters to wealthy families in order to pave more relationship paths for their grandsons.

The Sun family's family background is not bad, and the family they are looking for will naturally be good. In addition, Mrs. Liang and her sisters are very capable, and they will all marry well.

We arrived at Mrs. Liang's place. She was so beautiful that the youngest son of the county magistrate fell in love with her and wanted to take her as his concubine.

 The reason why he took a concubine was because there was already a tigress at home.

That tigress was still intolerant. I heard that she had killed a concubine who was three months pregnant before.

In such a tiger and wolf family, Mrs. Liang's grandmother and grandfather actually wanted to send her there as a concubine!

Of course Mrs. Liang refused. She was also a proud person. She would rather be the wife of a poor man than the concubine of a rich man. She would not marry anyone at all.

 In the end, it was her parents who fought hard for the first time and forcefully married her to the Liang family in the next town, otherwise it would probably be a tragedy.

It is precisely because of this that Mrs. Liang did not hate her father and mother, otherwise it would be a situation where they would never interact with each other until death.

Sister Ying knew that some people in this era were pedantic and selfish. She patted Mrs. Liang distressedly and comforted her, "Fortunately, you married my grandfather, otherwise nothing would have happened to me."

Mrs. Liang also smiled when she thought of her husband.

"Actually, your grandfather, let's just do that. A dog has the same virtues. If it weren't for his handsomeness, I wouldn't marry him."

 As he said this, there was a smile on his face.

The Liang family was also a middle-class family back then, and it was considered a good match for the Sun family.

However, Mrs. Liang’s mother-in-law prides herself on being from a scholarly family and feels that Mrs. Liang is a bit unworthy of her son, so she doesn’t quite agree.

 In the end, it was Sister Ying's son's grandfather who proposed the marriage to his parents, otherwise it would not have happened.

Sister Ying asked curiously, "Then why is my grandfather missing?"

When talking about this, Mrs. Liang said sadly.

“He is just a medicine jar. He is so good-looking, but he is sick all day long. It scares me to see him.”

Grandpa Liang was a good person, but his health was not good and he got sick every now and then. Later, the children in the family grew up. When he saw that Mrs. Liang had children to take care of her, he felt at ease.

 Old Mrs. Liang had known that such a day would come, so she could quickly accept it, otherwise she would cry to death.

Sister Ying thought to herself that her grandmother’s life was really hard.

 Fortunately, I got through it.

"Grandma, don't worry. Dad is now a scholar. When he takes the Qiu Wei exam the next year, he will be able to pass the exam for you and come back."

Mrs. Liang is also looking forward to it.

“I also hope that he can get ahead, and then I can breathe a sigh of relief with the Sun family.”

Now the Sun family is also developing well. Although her three younger brothers are not scholars, they have some business acumen, and the family is richer than before.

Since the two families rarely interacted with each other, she didn't know how the Sun family was doing now. She only knew that the nephews from her mother's family had inherited the mantles of their brothers and were doing a good job in business.

Now that I’m here to invite you, just go.

Anyway, she has a scholar son in her family. In this comparison, she won directly.

Hum, let her parents see when the time comes. Of her three children, two are married to scholars and one has passed the scholar examination herself. They don’t know how many heads they are taller than her.

 (End of this chapter)

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