The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 876: , two brothers taking care of their children

Chapter 876, two brothers raising children

She held a small stuffed ball covered in saliva in her two chubby hands, and threw the ball directly to the spot with a "shoo", not even one centimeter more.

 Brother Zheng had no choice but to reach out and pick it up.

 But looking at the stuffed ball covered in saliva, Brother Zheng also felt disgusted.

“Xiao Miguo, please stop drooling. The **** are all dirty. It’s disgusting.”

Xiao Miguo grinned happily with two small white teeth.

 “Hey hey~”

Two small white teeth popped out from her lower gums. They were small and only had those two teeth. Her smile was particularly cute.

 She thought her cousin was praising her, and she smiled happily and silly.

 Brother Zheng smiled helplessly, feeling that he had suffered a big loss.

  No, I will ask my mother to raise my salary when I go back later, otherwise it will not be worthwhile.

  Brother Yuan was also very disgusted. He was very disgusted when he saw Xiao Liujin chewing on the toy and drooling on the carpet.

 “Oh, stop drooling, it’s disgusting.”

Just as he was talking, Xiao Liujin yelled and Chichi tried to run up to him.

Brother Yuan was startled, "No, no, no, don't come over, you're so dirty."

Seeing that he was scared, Xiao Liujin became more and more excited. He giggled and climbed on top of him, rubbing his saliva all over his face.

She also has two small teeth now. They are also lower teeth. There are only two and none on the top. She looks so cute when she smiles.

 Brother Yuan was so disgusted that he didn’t even want any clothes anymore.

 “Hmph, I quit.”

 After saying that, he was about to leave.

Brother Zheng grabbed him and said, "Hang on, I'll ask my mother for some extra pocket money tonight, and we'll go shopping for toys in a few days."

The brothers have pocket money every month, but it is very little.

Murong Yun means to make money yourself.

 So Jinghan gave them an idea. If they want to make money, they can do housework or take care of their sister.

 The toys that the two brothers liked were very expensive, so they had to work hard to make money.

Today, the salary for taking care of my sister is very high. If you get it, you can buy your favorite toys, but you must persist.

When Brother Yuan heard this, it seemed to be the truth, so he reluctantly persisted.

“Okay, let’s take one each. I’ll take the honey fruit.”

 Brother Yuan thinks Xiaomi Guo is better behaved and easier to take care of. He doesn’t have to play with her all the time and can be more relaxed.

Brother Zheng thought the same thing, but he didn't say so on the face. Instead, he fooled his younger brother, "Who said Xiaomi Guo doesn't need to play with me? Didn't you see that she keeps throwing **** to me?"

 Brother Yuan glanced at Xiaomiguo, who was drooling all over his hand, and retreated on the spot.

“Otherwise, each of us can help look after him for half a day. Then we’ll share the wages equally and we can have a rest together. What do you think?”

  After all, I have watched my father do business, and he also knows how to discuss cooperation.

 Brother Zheng thought about it and felt that this method was feasible. "

“Well, you read it for a while now, and then you’ll come to me after you’ve finished it.”

 Brother Yuan waved his hand, "I don't want to watch it now, I want to watch the second half."

These two little girls are full of energy, so he can take care of them.

On the contrary, the two little guys will go to bed in the second half. When the time comes, my mother and cousin will come to take them away, so they can easily still have money.

He didn’t want to suffer a loss in such a good deal.

 Brother Zheng did not expect that his younger brother, who is usually so easy to deceive, is not stupid at all when it comes to cooperation.

“Since we don’t want to suffer a loss, let’s each take care of ourselves.”

 Brother Yuan had no choice but to agree. “Okay, keep at it anyway, mother will be here soon.”

 At that time, you can stop working and get paid.

So the two brothers each looked at Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin, accepting their fate and interacting with them as toys.

 Xiao Liujin seemed to think that his brother was too perfunctory, "Ah da da!" and accused him to be more serious.

Brother Yuan was helpless and said to her, "You are drooling all over the place. Why should I throw it away for you? How about changing it?"

Xiao Liujin was not happy. He held his chubby finger and said to his brother, "Ah da da da." It was as if he was cursing, saying why he was not serious about playing with him.

Brother Yuan seemed to understand and explained to her, "Otherwise, can you play by yourself for a while while I watch?"

 He really didn’t want to handle a toy that was full of saliva, it was so disgusting.

Xiao Liujin has an outgoing personality. He will curse when he is unhappy, "Da da da da!" His little round face is bulging with anger.

While cursing, he crawled over to climb on Brother Yuan, who was so frightened that Brother Yuan screamed, "Don't come over here, it's all saliva."

Brother Zheng laughed loudly, and was glad that he didn't bring Xiao Liujin with him, otherwise the saliva would get on his face.

Xiao Miguo sat on the carpet and watched, with a round face like a little adult, the corners of her mouth raised and she snorted, as if she was watching a joke.

Brother Zheng was happy to see her changeable expressions, "Why do you like to watch the fun so much? Why didn't you help your close friend when he was being bullied?"

Xiao Miguo squinted at him, telling him to mind his own business.

The little nose also snorted, which was weird.

Brother Yuan could no longer resist the fat little sister, so he hurriedly ran behind Brother Zheng and negotiated with him, "Brother, I will give you a quarter of the salary, and you can exchange it with me."

 Brother Zheng didn’t want to take his hot-tempered sister with him, so he refused directly, “Three-quarters, otherwise I don’t want it.”

 Xiao Liujin has such a loud voice. Not only does he have to be deafened to serve her, but he also has to be smeared with saliva. He won't do it if the price is not high.

 Brother Yuan is stingy, and it would be generous to give him a quarter. Now he is naturally not happy if he is asked for three-quarters.

 “Forget it, I’ll do it myself.”

 After saying that, he ran outside the fence.

He was still lying on the fence and making faces at Xiao Liujin, "Just a little bit, you can't hit me, hahahaha."

Sister Ying asked the workers to make a small fence. It was made of wood, but the edges were well wrapped and rounded. It was also wrapped with cloth strips so that it would not hurt anyone or fall down.

And the maid is also watching.

When Xiao Liujin saw his second brother running out, he immediately crawled over and stood up holding the fence with his two fat hands.

Brother Yuan was not afraid of her running out and deliberately hid behind him, "You can't hit her, you can't hit her, just a little bit."

"Da da da!"

Xiao Liujin cursed angrily and never stopped.

Xiao Miguo found it noisy even though she was playing on the side, so she finally climbed on top of Brother Zheng. The little fat finger pointed outside and said, "Ta!", meaning to go out.

Brother Zheng was in a dilemma, "No, your mother has set a time for us. We can't take you out during the care time, otherwise we will deduct your wages."

It’s difficult for them because they have to go out to work at a young age and have to abide by so many rules.

Xiao Miguo didn’t listen, staring at her round eyes and said “ta da!” twice, meaning to take me out quickly.

 Brother Zheng coaxed her, "How about I tell you a story?"

 Xiao Miguo tilted her head and was thinking about it.

Brother Zheng boasted to her, "The story is very nice. It's super nice. Do you want to hear it, Xiaomiguo?"

Xiao Miguo ate her little finger, thought for a while, and agreed, but still pointed outside the fence, "Da!"

  Meaning that it’s okay to tell stories, but you have to go far away to tell them, otherwise you’ll give up.

 Brother Zheng knew that she disliked Xiao Liujin’s noisiness, so he could only carry her out of the playpen and take her to bed to tell stories.

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 (End of this chapter)

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