The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 893: , old and not ashamed to be pregnant

 Chapter 893, I am not ashamed to be pregnant

The remaining yamen servants were about to go to the yamen when Mrs. Lin was mentioned.

Young Master Lin hurriedly begged for mercy, "Miss Liang San, you have a lot of money, please let my grandmother go, she didn't mean it."

Sister Yang laughed angrily, "Is it intentional to slander a young girl who is innocent in front of so many people?"

“You also specially called the body examiner over and bribed the body examiner. Isn’t this intentional?”

“Then tell me, what does it mean to be intentional? Huh?”

Qi Yuanming spoke at the right time, "Since you believe that your grandmother didn't mean it, then go to the court and speak for her."

Young Master Lin was scared to death and begged for mercy, "No, no, no, this has nothing to do with me. I don't know anything. Don't arrest me."

But the government officials still took them all away.

After Liang Jin learned about this, he was very angry and wanted to have the person arrested and beaten fifty times.

But Sister Yang’s wedding is coming soon, so it would not be good to cause death at this time.

  Simply lock them up first, lock them in the darkest inner room, scare them, and then wait until Sister Yang gets married.

Mrs. Lin did not lock her up, but put her back.

  After all, she was "pregnant", and it would not be appropriate to arrest an old pregnant woman, so she let her grandson take her place.

When the Lin family heard that this had failed, they were horrified, "What? My son was arrested?"

 Mrs. Lin was frightened to death when she heard that her son had been arrested.

"What should we do? Go and deliver the message to the master."

The Lin family originally moved here. Because going to the capital was expensive, Mrs. Lin decided to let her son go to the capital alone to become an official, while they stayed in Jiangnan to wait.

Her son could have been transferred to Jiangnan this year, but the emperor has not yet said which position he would like to take. He may be expected to enter the prefect's yamen. But he has no chance to meet the prefect.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lin was very unwilling and thought of helping her son. It would be better for her son to be the prefect.

 When his son becomes the prefect, their whole family will be able to enjoy the blessings, so that's why today's news is happening.

 Originally, she discussed this matter with her family, but the daughters-in-law were opposed to it at first.

But when I think about being the daughter-in-law of the prefect's family in the future, it will be a great honor to talk about it.

 In addition, the future of his sons was all pinned on Mr. Lin, so he acquiesced to Mrs. Lin's idea.

 Everything was planned well.

It is a fact that Miss Liang San traveled far away, and it is also a fact that she came back in a hurry to get married.

 It is also true that someone entered her yard.

 So many signs of indiscretion and lack of self-love are enough to make the Liang family drink a pot.

 After all, the official had a daughter who was unruly and did not care for herself, and the official name was also stained.

 When you take the assessment next month, you will definitely fail.

 When Uncle Lin comes back, he will be able to take this position as a substitute, so why not do it.

Who would have thought that when the plan was originally planned, deviations would occur, and the deviations would be so huge.

The old lady secretly got pregnant, maliciously smeared people, and even her own grandson was caught. The daughter-in-law of the Lin family almost couldn't resist it.

“Mom, what’s going on? Why are you pregnant? Whose child is it?”

Mrs. Lin was already half-stunned to death, but she didn't expect her daughter-in-law to say such a thing, and she almost fainted again.

 “What nonsense are you talking about? This is a conspiracy of the Liang family, idiot!”

Her daughters-in-law didn’t quite believe it, “But ten doctors all said you were pregnant, so you can’t have all ten doctors lying, right?”

Mrs. Lin is also very depressed. In order to prove that she was not pregnant, she specifically called a doctor from her natal family, but got the same answer. She is still puzzled.

"It must be someone from the Liang family who is behind this. This can't be true. I'm so old that I'm pregnant."

The daughter-in-law doesn't care whether she is pregnant or not. "The most important thing now is what to do with Acheng? He still has to take the scientific examination this year. If he is imprisoned, how can he take the scientific examination because of the stigma?"

 The family's hopes are placed on Young Master Lin and Master Lin, for fear that something will happen to them.

“Mom, please think of a solution quickly.”

Mrs. Lin was also worried, "If it doesn't work, I'll go and beg Mrs. Wu, hoping she will release Cheng'er."

 Several daughters-in-law were not sure, "Can it be done?"

 “What if they don’t let me go?”

 “No, Cheng’er has not committed any crime, so there is no way he will not be released.”

"If they don't let me go, I will go to their house and cry. I don't believe they can see me, an old woman, crying at the door."

 Everyone sympathizes with the weak. When the time comes, all she needs to do is go to the door of Liang's house and cry, and everyone will naturally feel pity for her.

 When the time comes, she will pretend to be an old fool and the matter will be over. I don’t believe that Mrs. Wu dares to hold on to her.

 Everyone thought this method was acceptable, and just as they were about to nod, the yamen officer sent the person back.

 “Madam, the young master is back.”

 “You’re back? Is it true or not?”

She hurriedly ran out to take a look, and sure enough, Lin Cheng was brought back safely. He was fine, with no injuries at all, but he was not in good spirits.

"Cheng'er, how are you? Where does it hurt? Tell your mother."

Lin Cheng shook his head weakly, "I'm fine, I'm just a little hungry."

 He had not eaten a grain of rice when he entered the cell and almost starved to death.

 Fortunately, he was not punished and was released after being imprisoned for an afternoon. He also claimed that the incident was caused by Mrs. Lin and had nothing to do with the child, so he was released.

 After hearing this, everyone would only say that Liang Jin was generous, but no other father would be able to bear it.

Mrs. Lin knew that the Liang family was doing it for others to see, and she felt angry, but she never dared to come up with bad ideas again, for fear of being retaliated against again.

Mrs. Lin also said, "Mom, let's forget about this matter. I think the Liang family is not easy to deal with. If we continue to make mistakes, our family will be doomed."

Mrs. Lin was not convinced, but she also knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and her image as a villain was probably spread.

Sure enough, the next day, people spread the news that Mrs. Lin had secretly gotten pregnant. Some people believed this and some didn't, but they always pointed fingers at the Lin family, which made the Lin family afraid to go out.

As soon as she left the house, people started whispering, "Isn't that the daughter-in-law of the Lin family? I heard that her old lady was misbehaving and was staying at Yangzi's house with a young boy. I heard that she has a big belly. She is really old and shameless." Dead people."

The daughter-in-law of the Lin family was so embarrassed that she ran back home crying and never left the house again.

The other sons and daughters-in-law are the same. As soon as they go out, they are pointed out where they dare to go out.

After reading this, Qi Yuanming snorted coldly, still feeling uneasy.

Sister Yang saw that he was so angry and pinched his square face, "Okay, don't be angry. I'm not even angry with you. Why should you be angry?"

Qi Yuanming said angrily, "You're an old man, just because your mother refuses to marry, he throws dirty water on your head? It's still such a sinister trick."

 Any other girl would have committed suicide long ago because she couldn't stand the insult.

Such a sinister damage move, the old man didn't feel any guilt at all when using it.

Sister Yang knew that he felt sorry for her, so she sighed helplessly, "I didn't want her to have it easy. If my father hadn't been taking the exam next month, I wouldn't have been merciful."

 (End of this chapter)

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