The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 911: , the monkey spirit’s little baby

Chapter 911, Monkey Spirit’s Baby

 The next day.

 Jing Shirong and Sister Ying both got up late.

 Xiao Miguo got up early in the morning, dazed for a while as usual, and then started looking for her mother.

 She turned around and saw her mother beside her. Then she looked inside and saw that her father was also inside.

She crawled over and sat on Jing Shirong. She slapped her father's face with her little chubby hand and said, "Da da." She got up to play with me.

Jing Shirong was still sleepy, but his daughter woke up, so he could only get up and play with her.

 “Daughter, are you awake?”

Xiao Miguo made a few clicks, sat on him, and stretched out her little hands to pluck his stubble.

Even though her hands were so small, her grip was quite precise. She actually pulled out a beard, and Jing Shirong was so painful that she woke up.

 “Hiss~” little girl.

  "Why is it so strong? It hurts daddy and makes him cry."

 After saying that, he started crying in a fake voice.

Xiao Miguo tilted her head to watch his performance, and when she saw that he was not acting well, she immediately grinned and laughed "Giggle~".

Jing Shirong couldn’t help but laugh and cry when he saw that she was not fooled.

“Daddy is crying and you don’t comfort me? I’m so sad.”

 Speaking, he continued to fake cry. Pretend to wipe away tears with your hands.

 Xiao Miguo was not fooled and laughed loudly.

Jing Shirong couldn't help but smile when he saw her small front teeth showing when she smiled.

 “Are you hungry? Do you want porridge or noodles in the morning?”

Xiao Miguo bit her little finger and thought for a while, "Dudu~" It means everything.

Jing Shirong knew that she, like Sister Ying, loved to eat and had a large belly.

 Get up and carry her to the kitchen.

The cook was already picking vegetables. Jing Shirong asked her to order two bowls of noodles while he took the little honey fruit to wash up.

Xiao Miguo wanted to play in the water as soon as she saw it.

 The two little fleshy hands slapped on the basin with a "snap" sound.

Water splashed everywhere, hitting both the father and daughter.

Jing Shirong said to her, "You can't shoot like this, your clothes will get wet."

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and smiled at her biological father, "Hehe~" The little tweets on her head were curled up, and paired with her round little face, she looked so cute.

With her acting cute like this, Jing Shirong lost his temper. He waved his hand and said, "Let's play. We'll change clothes later."

Since my daughter likes it, let her play if she wants.

With permission, Xiaomiguo immediately stepped into the wooden basin with her two little feet, splashing on the water.


 She was having fun, and Jing Shirong laughed along with her.

 Children are so easily satisfied and can be so happy even when they tread water.

 After a while, Xiao Liujin also woke up. As soon as he woke up, he had to look for Xiao Mi Guo.

Jinghan knew they were washing their faces here, so he brought Xiao Liujin over.

“Hey, Xiaomiguo is there, go find her yourself.”

Xiao Liujin crawled in without looking out. He held Jing Shirong's hand and stood up. He also stood in the wooden basin and stepped on the water.

As soon as Xiao Miguo saw her idiot cousin coming, she got dizzy and wanted to get out of the tub immediately.

Jing Shirong didn’t know why, “Aren’t you going to play anymore?”

Xiao Miguo shook her head and just wanted to run away.

Jing Shirong also wondered why she said she would stop playing if she didn’t want to.

As soon as Xiao Liujin entered, he immediately splashed water everywhere.

 He and Xiaomi Guo were sprayed all over their heads and faces.

 Jing Shi Rong.

It turns out that my daughter meant to run away just now, but he was careless.

 It seems that Xiao Liujin’s level of damage is comparable to that of an adult.

Xiao Liujin also wet himself and laughed happily. Only Xiao Miguo looked disgusted and glared at Xiao Liujin angrily, wanting to bite her.

Not only was Xiao Liujin not afraid, she also threw her head up and laughed like a silly girl.

Jing Shirong couldn't help but smile and comforted Xiao Miguo, "Okay, don't be angry. Sister didn't mean it."

Xiao Miguo lowered her head helplessly. She knew that Xiao Liujin didn't do it on purpose. This guy was a fool, and she was not as knowledgeable as a fool.

So she shook her head in disgust and reached out for Jing Shirong to hug him.

Jing Shirong picked her up and changed her into clean clothes first.

 Then he took Xiao Liujin to change clothes.

  Xiao Liujin was not satisfied after playing. When changing clothes, he started crawling around again and playing hide and seek with Jing Shirong.

Every time Jing Shirong tried to catch her, she would crawl under the chair and laugh "quack, quack, quack", very naughty.

“Xiao Liujin, come out quickly. Otherwise, uncle will be angry.”

Jing Shirong tried to scare her out, but Nair was not afraid at all and even laughed.

"No no no no."

  It means don’t come out, if you have the ability, go inside the chair and catch her.

Jing Shirong was helpless and asked Xiao Miguo, "What should we do? Help daddy catch your cousin."

Xiao Miguo sighed like a little adult, climbed in with a click, grabbed Xiao Liujin's hair, and dragged her out.

 Xiao Liujin's hair hurt, and she loudly accused Xiao Miguo with a "da da da" sound, as if asking her to let go.

After hearing this, Xiao Miguo really let go, but he still slapped her on her fleshy arm, saying "Go~" to let her out.

Xiao Liujin, imitating her example, slapped her and wanted to hit her.

Xiao Miguo raised her eyebrows as if she was angry, "Da da!" It means you dare to hit me.

Xiao Liujin imitated her angry look, raising eyebrows and saying, "Da da!" Who told you to hit me first.

 “Da da da!” I did it for your own good.

 Small six pounds, "da da da", then I am doing it for your own good.

The two of them were sitting under the chairs, clicking here and there, clicking away, it was so lively.

Jing Shirong could not see clearly, so he could only lie down, stretched out his long hands, and dragged them out one by one.

"Okay, now change your clothes and don't move around."

 After saying that, he hurriedly put on the clothes for them, so that they could run away again if his hands were too slow.

 After changing clothes, Jing Shirong felt that he was soaked all over.

 Not only those who were sprayed with water just now, but also those who were tired from raising children.

Every time I compete with the two children in a battle of wits and courage, I break out in a sweat, which is more tiring than military training.

 After changing clothes, the food in the kitchen is ready.

  He took the two children over and put them on the baby chair. He gave each of them a small bowl and gave them a spoon, "Blow and eat later."

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin both knew what it meant to be hot, so they pursed their mouths and started blowing.

Jing Shirong took the opportunity to quickly change into clean clothes.

 Although he was already very fast, when he came to the kitchen, the ground was already a mess.

 Look at the two people on the chair again. Their faces are all covered in batter, and their hair is also covered in batter.

 Even the ears have a face line.


 “What have you done?”

Weren’t you still blowing hot air just now?

 It only took a moment to achieve this?

Jing Shirong almost collapsed. He sat down and asked them both, "What's going on? Who can tell me first?"

Xiao Miguo looked helpless, looked at the instigator on the side, and sighed like a little adult.

Jing Shirong understood immediately, "Xiao Liujin? Did you do it?"

Xiao Liujin was stunned for a moment, realizing that he was about to be scolded, so he started to pretend to be good, looking at him cutely with his big eyes, pretending that he had not made any mistakes.

Jing Shirong laughed angrily at her monkey spirit appearance.

 “Why don’t you talk?” He chatters endlessly on weekdays, but when he makes a mistake, he is quieter than anyone else.

Looking at the mess on the table and the noodle paste on the two children, he sighed helplessly and could only wait until they were full before washing them again.

 (End of this chapter)

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