Chapter 93, Jing Shirong is back

Sister Ting and Sister Jiao ran in together, smiling.

“You’re back, Sister Jiao and I miss you so much.”

Sister Ying smiled and brought them candies.

"These are the candies I brought from my great-grandmother's house. They are said to be from Persia. You can try them."

That candy is a bit like jelly candies, there is no such thing in Ningxi Town.

Sister Ting took the candy and was very curious. She opened the candy wrapper, looked at it carefully, smelled it, and then put it in her mouth.

As the sweet taste spread in her mouth, her eyes widened in surprise.


 She has always eaten winter melon candies before, but this is the first time she has eaten such fragrant candies. She really likes them.

Seeing that she liked it, Sister Ying gave her another one, "You have to rinse your mouth after eating, otherwise aphids will appear."

Sister Ting hummed, took the candy, and said thank you happily.

Jiao Jie'er also took two pills, holding them in her mouth sparingly and reluctant to chew them.

The sisters are very interesting to watch when they move and when they are still.

 After breakfast, Sister Ying carried a small book bag and went to school hand in hand with the other two sisters.

 In class, before the Master came, Sister Ting started chatting with her.

“Sister Ying, the lectures Master teaches are getting more and more difficult these days, and I can’t even understand them. I really want to tell my dad to stop Master from giving us such difficult lectures all at once.”

 Because the Master mainly taught boys the knowledge needed to take the exam, he did not bother to teach the girls entry-level knowledge. Everything can only be understood by the girls themselves.

Sister Ying can understand sometimes, but she still has to go back and ask her father about Taiguwen.

If Sister Ting and the others don't understand, they might as well take her back and ask her father.

Anyway, her father must understand classical Chinese.

 In the evening, when school was over, the three of them went home together.

As he arrived at the door of his house, a carriage stopped at the gate of Jing's house.

Sister Ying and Sister Ting both looked at it curiously.

“Hey, isn’t that the Jing family from before?”

Sister Ting nodded, "Yes, didn't they leave? Why are they back?"

  The Jing family left suddenly before. They thought that Jing Shirong and the others would not come back, but they did not expect that they would come back again.

 “Let’s go and have a look.”

Sister Ying was only one year old when the three Jing Shirong brothers left. Now she is more than three years old. The Jing family suddenly came back, and she was also curious about the appearance of the three Jing family brothers.

Sister Ting was also curious and took Sister Jiao with her.

The Jing family's carriage will stop at the door. Butler Sun will get off first, and then let the three children get off together.

 Jing Yu and Jing Xin jumped out of the car one after another, followed by Jing Shi Rong.

 After two years of not seeing each other, Jing Shirong has grown a lot taller.

 He is six years older than Sister Ying, so he is nine years old this year.

 In this scene, Shi Rong acted like a little grown-up, helping Housekeeper Sun move around.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin, two brothers and sisters, ran into the house to play.

After moving the things, another carriage came behind, with Jing Shirong’s parents and grandmother sitting in it.

Jing Shirong went over to ask his parents and grandmother to come down.

Sister Ying and the others were watching from the side.

Jingshi and Jing’s father got out of the car one after another, and finally asked Mrs. Jing to get off.

 “Mom, we’re here, come down.”

Mrs. Jing said coldly, "Yes" and stood down proudly.

 When she came down, she had to hold Jing's hand, and she was very elegant as an official lady.

Jing Shirong's face was calm, as if he was used to Mrs. Jing's attitude, and he stepped forward to lead them into the house. Mrs. Jing looked at this small courtyard with disgust in her eyes.

“Can people live in such a small place?”

 She lived in a large courtyard with three entrances and three exits in the capital. Not only was the scenery beautiful, but the flowers and plants inside were even more valuable.

Just a pot of green chrysanthemums costs one hundred taels, let alone other things.

 But here, the yard is small and the high walls are old. At first glance, it looks like an old house. She doesn't like it at all.

Seeing that she was dissatisfied, Mrs. Jing could only advise, "Now that our family can come out safely, it will be nice to have some housing. You can make do with it for now, and I will give you a bigger yard in a few years."

 The Jing family was also very wealthy before.

 But when I came back from the capital, I couldn’t bring much with me. The only thing I had close to me was banknotes.

But this person has traveled a long way, so it’s better not to be too arrogant. It’s better to keep a low profile.

Mrs. Jing probably knew this too. She snorted coldly and stopped finding fault.

 The three of them went in together, settled in first, and then cleaned up.

This time the Jing family came from the capital to retire and return to their hometown.

Although Ningxi Town is not their hometown, at least the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so it would be nice to live a peaceful life.

This time the Jing family brought quite a lot of things and people, two large carriages of things, which will be packed into the courtyard.

They brought their own personal maids and servants with them, so they could live a good life.

 But in Mrs. Jing's eyes, this kind of life with only one personal maid is purely suffering, and she can only adapt slowly.

Sister Ying and Sister Ting watched for a long time, but no one noticed them.

 Maybe they were too small and were blocked by the carriage, so the Jing family happened to not see them.

Sister Ting and Sister Ying whispered, "Are we going to visit the Jing family?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, I just came back, and I think I have to clean up before I can receive guests, so let's not go."

Sister Ting nodded, thinking that was the reason.

“Then let’s go to your house to play. Didn’t you say that your father bought you a lot of toys?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then let's ask Sister Shumei to play with us."

I haven’t seen Shumei for a long time and I don’t even know how she is doing.

Sister Ting also wanted to see her, so she went there with Sister Ying.

As soon as they arrived at Shumei's house, they heard Shumei's grandmother cursing.

Shumei was being scolded on the sidelines.

Sister Ting has always had a problem with Shumei's grandmother, Mrs. Zhou. She felt that she was an old pious woman who bullied her granddaughter, so she deliberately shouted, "Sister Shumei, we are here to see you."

As soon as Mrs. Zhou heard that they were coming, she glared at Sister Ting in displeasure.

Sister Ting was not afraid of her and still walked over to hold Shumei.

“Sister Shumei, let’s go to Sister Ying’s house to play.”

Mrs. Zhou was dissatisfied and said, "Where are you going? You haven't finished your embroidery yet! You're not allowed to go!"

Her eyes were so wide that she wanted to come over and beat Shumei again.

Sister Ying was very angry after seeing it, but she also knew how to do it.

She faced Shumei and deliberately said to Mrs. Zhou, "Sister Shumei, my great-grandmother was in the cloth business. She gave us many kinds of cloth this time. Do you want to go and have a look? Isn't it useful for craftsmanship?" "

 As soon as Mrs. Zhou heard that it was beneficial to her craft, she immediately agreed.

“Then go ahead and watch other people show off their tricks and make more money for me.”

Shumei said nothing and quickly led Sister Ying and the others out.

When they arrived at Sister Ying's house, Sister Ting asked angrily, "Sister Shumei, did your grandmother scold you again just now?"

Shumei sighed, "Yes, the last time I sold the embroidery, I only gave her fifty cents. She was so angry that she kept cursing."

  The votes are still close, everyone works hard~ Moa da, da da da~



 (End of this chapter)

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