Chapter 957: Like women?

 Because she only likes people who are stronger than her, and the ones introduced by the matchmaker are all polite, or those who are not as good as her in martial arts.

Since the introduction is not satisfactory, let’s have a competition to recruit a bride.

 As long as someone can stand out among a group of contestants and compete with her in the end, if he can beat her, she is willing to marry.

 If it fails, we will hold another one next year.

 This is already the second one this year.

We competed last year, but no one could beat her.

Mr. Zhong was curious, "If I can't defeat her, wouldn't she stop getting married?"

Other onlookers also had this doubt, "It shouldn't be the case. There are so many martial arts heroes, so there shouldn't be even a single master, right?"

Mr. Zhong felt that there were martial arts masters, but there had to be someone willing to marry her.

Otherwise, having high martial arts skills is one thing, but if you don’t go up and fight, you will still be blind.

Jing Shirong seemed to remember vaguely after hearing these words.

The princess seemed to have competed with the third princess in martial arts, and judging from her moves, she was indeed a master.

At that time, the third princess Kankan only defeated her in two moves, which showed that the opponent's martial arts was very strong.

Mr. Zhong was surprised, "Really? She really competed with the third princess?" This was the first time he heard about it.

Jing Shirong nodded, "It happened a few years ago, and I heard about it."

If this is the case, then the princess is not young.

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Age doesn't matter. It just depends on whether she is willing to condescend to get married."

Like the third princess, if she doesn’t want to get married, she won’t have anything to do with her later.

 Master Zhong was so beautiful, but suddenly he remembered.


This princess has competed with the third princess and lost. Could it be that she likes the third princess?

 After all, everyone said that she didn’t like men, but only liked women.

If this is the case, the third princess is so outstanding, maybe she is really liked by the princess.

 That won’t work! The third princess is hers.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 “Don’t think blindly, it’s nothing.”

 At the beginning, the two of them fought purely to show their strength for their own positions. They didn't know each other, so they didn't like each other.

Mr. Zhong was confused, "What do you mean? What are they competing for?"

Jing Shirong thought about it, "It should be a master competition jointly established by several neighboring countries."

Every three years, there is a noble master competition held by the five neighboring countries.

 Most of the people who came to compete were princes of nobles.

 Generally this kind of competition is a contest between several emperors.

  Everyone wants to test the strength of each other's offspring, and at the same time, they also want to show the neighboring countries the bravery of their own offspring. This competition only exists.

The reason why the third princess was sent to play in the last game was mainly because the princes' martial arts were not as good as the third princess, so we simply let the third princess go.

 Because the rules do not clearly stipulate men and women, princesses can also enter the ring.

At that time, the princess from a neighboring country saw the third princess going up, and she immediately went up.

 It was the first time the two met, but they both felt good about each other.

 When masters compete, most of them appreciate each other.

 In the end, the third princess won, and the other party was convinced.

Mr. Zhong didn’t like what he heard. “Is it possible that the princess doesn’t want to get married because she still remembers the third princess?”

 That's right, otherwise why would she have to find someone who can beat her?

 Perhaps I just can’t let go of the third princess in my heart.

 Jing Shi Rong.

Brother, please calm down, please. I'm just admiring you.

Mr. Zhong didn’t believe it. “How can you be sure? You haven’t seen it with your own eyes.”

Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, this incident was very popular at the time, and the reputation of the third princess for being brave and good at fighting also spread. Several princes from neighboring countries had a new understanding of her and some admiration for her. meaning.

This kind of competition has always been a double-edged sword.

 First of all, you can spread the word about your outstanding prince and make him popular.

 The disadvantage is that being too outstanding may attract enemies to chase you. However, the third princess has a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and the enemy is not a fool and will not act rashly.

 After listening to it, Mr. Zhong finally understood.

 “So that’s it.”

 He was not in the capital before and did not know about these things. He only found out after hearing about it today.

 He asked, “Will this kind of competition still be held now?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, but I don't know when."

 He was not a nobleman, so he did not pay attention to these things.

The two of them watched for a while, but neither saw any masters, so they lost interest and didn't really want to watch.

 Including the three children, they were tired of watching it and stopped watching it. They wanted to go to the inn to eat.

Jing Shirong hummed, held one by one hand, and took them to the inn for dinner.

 After dinner, I bought them toys and then went back together.

After Mr. Zhong returned, he told the third princess about it and asked her if she remembered the princess who competed in martial arts to recruit a bride.

 The third princess thought about it and felt a little impressed.

 “Princess Grant?”

 She remembered, "She's not married yet?"

It has been so many years. The other person is about the same age as her. She is already married and has children. She did not expect that the other person is not married yet.

Zhong Da’s eyes lit up when he saw her talking about Princess Grant, and he suddenly became jealous.

“What’s so good about her that you can remember her for so long?”

The third princess looked confused, "She is very good. Whether it is management ability or martial arts, she is better than other princes." This kind of person can naturally impress people.

Mr. Zhong looked jealous, "I heard that she is still competing in martial arts to find a bride. I don't know if she is waiting for someone to compete with her, huh."

The third princess had a question mark on her face, "Why are you angry? Who did she flirt with? What does it have to do with us?"

Mr. Zhong rolled his eyes at her and said, "What do you think?"

 After saying that, he went to sleep in a huff.

 The third princess has a question mark? ? I have no idea what this man's temper is about.

But forget it, it’s not a big deal anyway, so I went over to sleep and didn’t worry about it at all.

 But Mr. Zhong wouldn’t let her touch it at night, which made her depressed.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you go out to play today? Why are you still not happy?"

This man is too difficult to maintain, which is really disappointing.

Mr. Zhong’s clothes were torn into a mess by her. When he saw her complaining, he immediately became unhappy.

"I don't want you to hug me today. If you don't like men, go find a woman."

The third princess was also angry, "Why are you so crazy? Why are you arguing with me? It's not like I haven't made you feel comfortable. It's like I'm coercing you."


Mr. Zhong didn’t expect that she would be such a gangster and dare to say anything. He blushed with anger.

 “I won’t tell you anymore, you stinky woman.”

The third princess was also angry, "If you don't say it, don't say it, you stinky man."

 The man is really difficult to maintain and not cute at all. I will never touch him again next time, huh.

Young Master Zhong was also furious.

Hum, that stinky woman is so self-righteous that she dares to despise him as a man. Maybe this stinky woman is still thinking about other women, hum.

The two of them looked at each other distastefully, turned their backs, and ignored each other.

 On the second day, the third princess went to the military camp early without leaving a word.

Young Master Zhong looked at her sulking back and refused to coax her. He didn't care whether she liked her or not.

 (End of this chapter)

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