The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 272: Did not shame the old sister (four thousand words big

Arriving outside Sun Guoqiang's office, when Xia Zekai knocked on the door and went in, Sun Guoqiang was at his desk.

Hearing the movement and seeing Xia Zekai pushing the door in, Sun Guoqiang shouted: "Boss, why are you here?"

"Old Sun, do we still have money in our account?" Xia Zekai asked him.

Sun Guoqiang was stunned by the question. After he came back to his senses, he said, "Boss, there's still a little bit."

There is still a good use of this term, and Xia Zekai suddenly feels worried, that is, there is not much money, and he is a pauper.

Once back before liberation!

"How much is there?" Xia Zekai asked him.

Sun Guoqiang pointed to the notebook opened on his desk and the computer screen lit up and said: "I'm counting. If you look at it as a whole, if you remove various daily expenses and land purchase costs, there will be hundreds of thousands of dollars this month. Profit, it won't be more."

"There are hundreds of thousands? Profit?" Xia Zekai suspected that he had heard it wrong. He repeated it, and after seeing Sun Guoqiang nodding, he breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought I was a pauper."

Sun Guoqiang went on to say: "This month would have been pretty good. If it weren't for the purchase of land for more than 2 million yuan, this month's profit would be about 3 million yuan."

"The profit on the children's toilet?" Xia Zekai was finally not confused, thinking of this.

After seeing Sun Guoqiang nodding his head, he felt relieved again.

"Boss, to be honest, I didn't expect that the profits of the children's toilet would be higher than that of Rongdou." Sun Guoqiang admired again and again, and he took a second glance.

Xia Zekai was even more happy when she heard her say this: "Yes, it's not bad. Can the salary be calculated today?"

Sun Guoqiang looked at the various accounts with a headache. He said: "Boss, I will work overtime today, and I will give you the result tomorrow morning."

"That's not necessary, just get it out tomorrow." Xia Zekai didn't rush to ask for it.

He said: "Old Sun, if you are too busy, just tell Wang Yewei and hire an accountant."

"Okay!" Sun Guoqiang replied and started to settle the accounts again.

Xia Zekai looked at it for a while. There were a lot of these accounts, but they weren't messy. Sun Guoqiang sorted them out very clearly, making them clear at a glance.

He looked at it for a while, and then asked, "From the accounts you calculate now, who has the highest salary this month?"

Sun Guoqiang raised his head, glanced at Xia Zekai, and said, "If nothing else, from the current results, Huang Gong's salary should be the highest, mainly because she has a lot of profit from the children's toilet this month. That's 10,000 yuan."

"Yeah, this is very good. Knowledge is money. Huang Gong has put in a lot of hard work in this area and designed a lot of new product drawings. Our children's toilets are also very popular. She should get the money." Xia Zekai said The result was fully affirmed.

Sun Guoqiang followed and nodded. Before calculating a rough account, he was surprised when he saw the preliminary results. After such a long time, apart from Xia Zekai, Jingtong Development finally has the first employee with a monthly income of more than 10,000 in a real sense. He always thought that this would be Zhang San, but he never expected that this person was Huang Ying who had just joined the company for more than a month.

"Lao Sun, this is kept confidential in advance, and when the monthly staff meeting is held the day after tomorrow, I have to publicize it." Xia Zekai began to calculate in his heart.

Sun Guoqiang is not a big-mouthed person, he responded and continued to work.


Not completely turned into a pauper, and still has hundreds of thousands of profit surpluses, Xia Zekai was very happy. When he returned from the company in the afternoon, he went to the farmer’s market to buy a lot of fresh seafood and some wild pork. Pork ribs, prepare to treat yourself to dinner.

After waiting for the girl and Tong Tong at the entrance of the kindergarten, Xia Zekai drove them back to the community directly.

"Dad, what's the smell, it smells so bad!" The girl moved her nose and sniffed, the smell of seafood in the car.

Xia Zekai smiled and said, "Daddy just went to buy something delicious, and I will make it for you and my sister when I get back later. It's delicious."

"Really, I'm so hungry." The girl rarely knew that she was hungry, which made Xia Zekai very happy, thinking that his boss could finally eat more.

When Tong Tong heard of eating, she could ignore even playing, she immediately urged: "Daddy, go home quickly, I can't wait anymore."

"Isn't this coming home? You two will wait for me for a while, and I will open the door for you." Xia Zekai's time for talking has already reached downstairs. After he parked the car in the parking space, Xia Zekai went to give them to their sisters first. Open the door and go.

Luo Xincheng didn't go anywhere this day, so he watched TV at home. He saw his brother-in-law carrying two large bags in a black plastic bag and returning with his two nieces and daughters, he hurriedly greeted him and took it from his brother-in-law. Those two **** bags.

"Brother-in-law, what's in this bag, it's quite heavy." Luo Xincheng didn't pay attention. When he first took it, his hands fell a large distance.

Xia Zekai said to him: "I just bought the seafood from the farmers' market this afternoon, as well as wild pork ribs. I will have a good meal tonight."

After that, he said to his younger brother-in-law: "Xincheng, look at the two of them, I'll go to tidy up, and stew the ribs first."

"Okay!" Luo Xincheng doesn't know how to cook at all, and he doesn't even know how to clean up this stuff, otherwise he would go to help.

In his own words, he can make a bucket of instant noodles in three minutes, but this is not a culinary skill.

Seafood is difficult to deal with the sand and impurities on the shell. Xia Zekai first cleaned up the black pork ribs and simmered them in a pressure cooker.

Instead, I took an iron brush and started cleaning the seafood shells. This is hard work and takes time.

He bought a lot of seafood. Two times in the middle, his tired waist was sore and numb. Then he stood up straight and rested for a while, and then continued to deal with it.

When Luo Xiyun came back, he had just finished washing.

"Ze Kai, what are you doing, so loud." Luo Xiyun heard the sound of ‘brushing’ from the kitchen in the living room.

"I bought a lot of seafood, and I cleaned it up, and I will put it in the pot immediately." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xiyun was quite puzzled. After changing her shoes, she opened the door of the kitchen and took a look. She looked at a pot full of seafood, a little dumbfounded: "Why did you buy so much."

Xia Zekai said of course: "I have earned money. This month, all expenses have been eliminated, and there is still a lot of profit. I can't eat well if I earn money."

Hearing what he said was so stiff, Luo Xiyun gave him a compliment with backhand: "Okay, eat well every day from now on."

"What you said, the money is enough, but the stomach has to be able to stand it." Xia Zekai waved her hand like a chick: "Hurry up and wash your hands. The wild boar chops are all stewed, and we will eat right away." ."

Steaming seafood is a bit troublesome, mainly too much.

Xia Zekai did it twice, and the girl and Tong Tong were so happy to see this fresh thing, they ate a lot with **** vinegar sauce.

Tong Tong had a full stomach and shouted comfortably: "Dad, this is so delicious, let's eat this tomorrow night."

"I will change to another food tomorrow night. Let's eat seafood in a few days." Xia Zekai said.

Hearing her father's explanation that she would buy other things tomorrow, Tongtong was happy. She clapped her hands and said, "Okay, okay, I want to eat."

Luo Xincheng seldom eats seafood. He couldn't help it today. He also ate a lot. He said sweetly, "Brother-in-law, what you cook is delicious."

"If it tastes good, eat more, don't leave this stuff, it won't taste good when it's cold, it's especially fishy." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xiyun said: "Xincheng, you will go to bed early in a while and go with me tomorrow morning. At that time, Mr. Yang from the sharpener will give you a face-to-face test."

"Okay, sister!" Luo Xincheng responded quite simply.

Luo Xiyun was still a little worried, and asked him: "Xincheng, you told me to operate the machine tools, look at the drawings, etc., are you sure there is no problem!"

"Sister, don't worry, I definitely can't shame you." Luo Xincheng gave a promise.

"Well, you'd better remember what you said now. If you shame me tomorrow, I will throw you down directly from upstairs." Luo Xiyun's eyes were very dangerous.

After Xia Zekai saw it, he was happy.


On the first morning of September, it was sunny and the temperature was not high. The weather forecast said that the highest temperature today is only 26 degrees. It feels cool when you go out.

After having breakfast at home in the morning, Luo Xiyun drove away with her brother Luo Xincheng.

After Xia Zekai washed the dishes and chopsticks, he went to shout to the sleeping girl and Tong Tong.

When he came out of the house, Tong Tong kept telling him: "Dad, don't forget to buy something delicious today."

"Well, I can't forget, and don't see how fat you are." Xia Zekai looked at her second child with disgust, without any consciousness.

I don't know that Tong Tong really understands this time, she also looked at Xia Zekai disgustingly: "Dad, Mom said you are like a pig, oooooooo!"

"..." Xia Zekai's whole person is not good, he thought to himself that after only a few days to clean up the girl, she started to speak bad things about herself behind her back.

"Girl, Tongtong, you two talked to your father, what did your mother say about your father?" Xia Zekai asked them both.

The girl thought for a while and said, "No, I can't remember."

Tong Tong also shook his head.

At the same time, Luo Xiyun had already driven her brother to the company. After parking the car in the parking lot, Luo Xiyun pointed to the many people waiting at the company gate and said to her brother: "Xincheng, you see those people, right? They are all here for the interview today. You will also wait for a while. When time is up, someone with HR will bring you in."

"I'll call Manager Yang again later. He will come over to chat with you after the morning meeting." Luo Xiyun was also worried about her brother's work.

Luo Xincheng felt a little embarrassed, and said, "Sister, go ahead with your own affairs, I know all about it."

Luo Xiyun stopped talking now.

Luo Xincheng returned to the gate of Aideli. It was less than eight o'clock. There were already more than 20 people waiting outside the gate to prepare for an interview.

From this point alone, it can be seen that Aideli Co., Ltd. is still very marketable.

"Brother, did you come for the interview too? How did you go in just now, I want to go in, too. The janitor will not let in." When Luo Xincheng was thinking about something, there was someone taller than him next to him. The young man asked him.

After Luo Xincheng heard the sound, he turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "That's how I went in."

The person who asked the question was boring, thinking that Luo Xincheng was unwilling to tell him, so he turned his head and went again.

At about half past eight, a girl with long hair came over to pick them up. Luo Xincheng took another look at the person who came for the interview. After a while, it was estimated that it was more than double the person who was waiting at the beginning.

"Good guy, this company is pretty hot." He thought to himself.

The long-haired girl who led the way brought them to the big training room. In the training room was a video of the development history of Aideli Co., Ltd. Luo Xincheng watched it carefully for a while, but he didn't understand anything.

"Well, everyone. Next, the person in charge of each department will tell you about the job application requirements of their department, and then everyone will listen carefully to their application requirements. After comprehensive consideration, it is not too late to make a decision."

"What I want to say in particular is that we have many positions with a monthly salary of more than 5,000. The salary for piece-rate positions is definitely good, but these tasks are also tiring and not everyone can do it. You might as well pay attention to other positions. ."

"There are also a few people in the company introduced below, and I will come here directly if I read the name."

"Luo Xincheng..."

Luo Xincheng never thought that he was the first to be pronounced his name, so he ignored him and hurried to the front.

Then I saw a thin middle-aged man who seemed to be in his forties smiling at himself. He had square cheeks, a 37-point haircut, and a smile on his face: "You are Luo Xincheng, Luo Xincheng. Is the manager your sister?"

Luo Xincheng understood in his heart that this was probably the person his sister was looking for.

That's This is Yang Shengguang, the manager of the abrasive workshop. He said to Luo Xincheng: "Xiao Luo, come with me, let me see if you can drive the bed."

In this link, Luo Xincheng passed the test very quickly.

He and his classmate Gao Chengxiang did not slacken off during the one and a half months when they went to Sioux City. They drove the bed most of the time. They also learned CNC machine tools from Gao Chengxiang’s fellow villagers. They are not very familiar with this stuff, but they are generally non-standard parts. Can do it independently.

He thought that after this session, there will be other interviews, but Yang Shengguang smiled and said: "Romania, okay, you really have two things, it's enough for us to do this job."

"Well, I'll ask you to take you to the training room just now. The HR staff will arrange you to go to the hospital for a physical examination this week. If it goes well, you will be able to join the job next week." Yang Shengguang said in detail.

No matter how slow Luo Xincheng's reaction was, he could understand it, and he passed the interview.

Cheng, finally didn't shame the old sister!

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