The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 299: Cooperative investment

"Okay, go and sit on the third floor. There are a lot of people today, and the dishes are slower, Lao Yang, don't worry." Lao Zhou seemed to be familiar with Yang Tiande and told him in advance.

Xia Zekai saw that there were people sitting underneath, and there were voices talking upstairs. This business was really amazing, and it was as hot as the impression.

They didn't have anything else in the afternoon, and they didn't worry, they just waited slowly while talking in the room.

After a while, the store began to serve food one after another.

Yang Tiande also brought the blueberry yam and special steamed pumpkin specially ordered for the girl and Tongtong. He said to the little sisters: "You can try if it tastes good or not, let's change it."

These two dishes are slightly sweet, and the yam is made into a puree, the small pumpkin is also steamed, the whole is very noodles, there is no bite in a bite.

It is suitable for children to eat.

After the girl and Tong Tong each tasted a bite, they liked it very much. The two of them had to hold a small spoon and a small bowl and pull blueberry yam into their mouths.

After a while, the waiter brought two steamed egg custards that looked like a mirror and an eight-treasure rice.

Yang Tiande rushed to put it in front of the girl and Tong Tong. He said, "Girl, you two eat more. Tell me what else you want to eat."

"Seven brother, there are too many to eat, don't be so polite." Xia Zekai said.

Yang Tiande waved his hand: "It's just a bite to eat. Why are you so polite with me? If the child can't eat it, we can't eat it, and don't waste it."

There is nothing wrong with this.

The two drank again.

Luo Xiyun's eyes on the house finally settled, and the decoration has to be put on the agenda.

She wondered how to decorate the two houses if the two houses were put together on the weekend.

But having said that, the house of more than 300 square meters was opened up, and it made her feel happy to think about it.

I can't think about it.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiyun quietly turned his head and glanced at Xia Zekai. He didn't know if Xia Zekai also sensed it. He just turned his head and looked at her. The two looked at each other. At that moment, Xia Zekai's eyes were full of smiles.

Luo Xiyun felt like playing a drum. She kind of returned to the year when she met Xia Zekai.

At that time, her job was not good, and even the salary was not paid in time in the company.

His job is not bad, but the business is just getting started. This month, there is a little more commission. Next month, if there is no order, he may get more than one thousand yuan. The two of them live together like this, and slowly come over.

Later, her husband made a down payment from the family and bought a second-hand house. Xia Zekai's business also improved, and the business volume was relatively stable, and they had children.

When her parents and in-laws came, she felt that the house was really small, but she never dared to mention the change of the house.

She knew in her heart that it needed money, a large sum of money, and it wasn't just a matter of opening her mouth.

In later days, when the two girls were resting, she thoroughly used her fragmented time, no matter how sleepy she was, she would never rest, study, study, study...

For three full years, she finally paid off. She took the Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate and later quietly found a ‘high-paying’ job.

She was originally thinking about giving her husband a surprise, thinking about how to tell him that she was going to work and he was at home to look after the children.

I can also make a lot of money and change to a larger house earlier.

But the standard she considered at that time to change the "big house" was to replace the current 86-square-meter with a 120-square-meter three-bedroom.

Who knows that God made a joke with her.

Her husband happily agreed to her proposal. After resigning and not going to work, she didn't expect her career to advance by leaps and bounds, so that she could not find the slightest sense of superiority in the ‘high-paying job’ with a monthly income of over 10,000.

"What do you want, you won't agree with a few calls, hurry up and eat more while it's hot." Xia Zekai shouted.

He filled the small bowl in front of Luo Xiyun with chicken, trotters, beef, and a piece of hard fried meat, which is the characteristic of Bo City.

It looks like a child.

Yang Tiande laughed and said, "It's great. If I was as sensible and reasonable as Brother Xia when I was young, that would be great."

"Seven brothers, there is no need to mention the past. Is it okay for you to be different now." Xia Zekai said.

Yang Tiande nodded. After he and Xia Zekai had another goodbye, he whispered to Xia Zekai, "Brother Xia, I am going to close that store in the city. I want to do something else. Tell me what else is good." Did you do it?"

This decision made Xia Zekai feel quite abrupt. He wanted to ask Yang Tiande what he said to stop doing it. The chicken shop, Rijin Doujin, and they were all cash.

If he wanted to make a living like this, he should have received some news and hesitated.

Xia Zekai said: "It's hard to say anything else, I don't understand, but I know that in the next few years, real estate will definitely be the big head..."

"I can't figure it out, that stuff can be tens of millions or hundreds of millions, Brother Xia, are you kidding me? I really don't know anything." Yang Tiande gave him a blank look.

"Haha!" Xia Zekai laughed, and he waved his hand and said: "I didn't mean this, Brother Yang, can you get a vote, quit real estate and do decoration."

"Think about it, today Ziyu Garden is handing over the house, how many people will have to renovate in the next period of time, this is the first phase of a community project, there are 3 buildings, how many households?"

Seeing Yang Tiande sinking into a state of contemplation, Xia Zekai said to him: "There are second and third phases behind Ziyu Garden. There are many that need to be renovated, and there are other communities that will not renovate after taking the house?"

"But there are a lot of grabs, as long as anyone knows some craftsmanship, the couple can do it." Yang Tiande said like this.

He is really not ignorant.

Xia Zekai nodded: "Yes, but they don’t fight and have no advantage. You get some people and register a company. From the service and price, you can let the owner see that the benefits and realities are coming. Slowly word of mouth spreads. It's done."

"One more thing, although I haven't done renovations, I also know that the profits here are huge, and I really make money." Xia Zekai sighed.

From the source of the decoration materials to the end, profits are everywhere, but this cannot be said.

He knew in his heart that a slightly crooked individual doing decorations, when contracting labor and materials, they usually do some tricks on the quality of the materials. Otherwise, many decoration owners choose to buy the materials themselves. UU reading www.

But having said that, if this matter is scaled up, then when the market reputation is formed, ensuring high quality and uniformly purchasing some good decoration materials in batches can pull down the cost price from the source. This is the company and Individual differences.

"Brother Xia, don't you get into it?" Yang Tiande held up the wine glass with his right hand and his chin was flush. He looked at Xia Zekai calmly and asked him.

After understanding Yang Tiande's words, Xia Zekai was stunned for a moment. He pointed at himself and asked, "Seventh brother, are you talking about me?"

"Yeah, you have the ability and mind. I think you have a better vision than me. If you do this with me, I will feel at ease. I am embarrassed to talk to you more if I encounter something in the future. "Yang Tiande said with a smile.

Luo Xiyun didn't speak anymore. She looked at her husband and then at Yang Tiande. She was thinking about having a meal in her heart. How could she talk about cooperation?

Was this Yang Tiande deliberately doing this, or was it a temporary one?

She can't figure it out.

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