The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 307: Relatives who do errands on the lips (2nd

The latest website: Xia Yunhui and Xia Zekai’s brothers and cousins ​​returned to the house. He directly called his eldest brother Xia Yunfei and told their father Xia Weiguo before leaving: “Dad, let’s go to Yunliang’s house and sit down for a while. Just come back."

"Can you go tomorrow?" Xia Weicheng frowned slightly. He said, "Your aunt, second aunt and third aunt will be here in a while."

"Dad, let's go and get back quickly. There are other things to do tomorrow," Xia Yunhui said.

Xia Weicheng also helped to speak: "Brother, let them go, Yun Hui and Yun Liang are friends who have played for so many years, and they finally come back, why can't they sit and chat together."

What he said is very reasonable. Xia Weicheng is bothering his two sons to carry him secretly to their grandma's house. Although he said he was old, he didn't think he was confused. There were some things that he knew better than anyone else. .

"Go early and return early!" Xia Weiguo was irritable and didn't say anything else.

"Hey, Dad, let's come back early." Xia Yunhui nodded, and then asked his wife Dong Fei if he was going, and then asked his sister-in-law Li Aijuan. The two families are going to follow. Now it is very lively.

Xia Yunfei beckoned to his uncle and brother Xia Zekai: "Brother, give me your car key, how about I also try your new car."

"Here!" Xia Zekai took out the car key from his trouser pocket and threw it directly over.

After they dragged the family away, the house was instantly cleaned up, but Xia Shande now likes to be lively, he waved at the girl and the little sister Tong Tong: "Girl, Tong Tong, come here."

The two little guys ran over quite wisely.

Xia Weicheng was there to persuade his elder brother Xia Weiguo: "Brother, you are more than sixty people, and there is nothing else you can't think of. Besides, Yun Fei and Yun Hui have nothing to do. Why did you do that just now."

Xia Weiguo was silent for a while, and said: "Brother, brother, I have been a father and a mother for decades to pull the two of them together. Is it easy for me? When the two of them were young, where was the blind mother? It's so cruel that I ran away, and I'm not happy to say a few words?"

"She doesn't care!" Xia Weiguo gritted his teeth and hated him.

When Xia Zekai listened to his uncle talking about these past events, he seemed to be able to appreciate the feeling in his heart.

But Xia Weiguo’s voice was a little louder, and the girl was taken aback. Xia Shande was unhappy at this moment. He scolded his elder son: "Weiguo, what are you doing? You finally got together for the Mid-Autumn Festival. After drinking a few catties of horse urine, I don’t know the east and the west. If you are crazy about drinking, you go to the Yellow River and play..."

Xia Weicheng was yelled at by his father and said nothing.

Xia Zejiang did not dare to speak anymore.

Xia Weiguo was upset in his heart. He said, "Ze Kai, you and I will go outside for a walk."

"Okay, uncle, wait a while, I'll get two bottles of water." Xia Zekai agreed.

After they went out, Xia Weicheng said to his old father: "Father, eldest brother, he was also wronged in his heart and complained."

But before he finished speaking, Xia Shande intercepted his words. The old man blew his beard and stared at him and said: "What is wrong, what can be wronged? I have a family and have children. I can't bear anything by myself. It's been a year, and I'm talking about drinking, I'm annoyed to listen."

"Grandpa, you can't be annoying, my aunt will be here in a while. They shouldn't feel distressed if they see you still angry." Xia Zejiang persuaded him.

The old man let out a ‘hey’ and bowed his head to talk to the two great-granddaughters.

Brothers Xia Yunhui and Xia Yunfei took the family to Xia Yunliang's house in the south of Xiajiazhuang, and sat with their old classmates for a while.

I was thinking about taking a turn and going to my grandma's house, but their brothers were persuaded by Dong Fei and Li Aijuan.

Xiajiazhuang is so big, there are no secrets that can be hidden, let alone a big holiday, there is no need to make a grief with his father.

In fact, Dong Fei and Li Aijuan understand the difficulties of the father-in-law a bit, but they can’t control this matter. They can only wait for the father-in-law or one of their husbands to wake up and put it down completely. result.

Xia Zekai accompanied his uncle out of the house and walked east, and walked straight for one kilometer to the Yellow River Barrage Dam. After the great flood ten years ago, the side of the Barrage Dam next to the Yellow River was paved with stones. Yes, rows of trees have been planted on both sides of the barrage.

Looking east from the top of the dam, you can see a long river shimmering in the sun, and you can see that the water is turbid about three miles away.

Xia Weiguo looked at the Yellow River for a long time. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit a cigarette. He also asked his nephew Xia Zekai: "Zekai, do you smoke?"

"Stop smoking, my throat is not so good, smoking is easy to cough." Xia Zekai said to his uncle.

Xia Weiguo flicked his cigarette **** with his finger, squinted and nodded: "Well, it's better not to smoke. Unlike me, I've become a habit of smoking after decades. My lungs are not clean anymore, but I don't smoke and feel that I don't have anything. ."

Xia Zekai always felt that his uncle had something to say, but he didn't want to understand.

The two of them walked along the Yellow River dam to the edge of the river for a while. The closer they got, the more they felt a damp coolness coming. They were wearing less clothes and felt a little cold on their bodies.

Within a few minutes after Xia Weicheng finished smoking a cigarette, he lit another cigarette. Both fingers of his right hand were smoked and turned brown. Xia Zekai persuaded him: "Master, it is better to smoke two cigarettes less. It's good."

"Hey, I can still smoke for a few more years." Xia Weiguo sighed, making Xia Zekai unable to answer.

The sound of ‘huh, huh’ sounded in my ears, listening carefully to the sound of the water, my heart seemed to calm down.

Xia Weiguo squinted his eyes and looked into the distance along the water. He said, "Ze Kai, in fact, I know that your two brothers went to his grandma's house several times with me on his back. Sensible, wait for someday I'm gone, I will look for you, I will take care of him!"

"Uncle, you think too much, my brother didn't go there, they just went to my brother Yun Liang to play." Xia Zekai said.

"Hey, Ze Kai, you are a good boy!" Xia Weiguo then sent a good person card to his nephew.

Before he finished speaking, Xia Zekai's cell phone rang.

Take it out and see that it was his wife who called, and Xia Zekai quickly connected. Luo Xiyun told him on the phone that the second aunt and the third aunt were coming, and asked him and the uncle when they were going back.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go now." Xia Zekai said.

After hanging up the phone, he said to Xia Weiguo: "Uncle, my second aunt and third aunt are here, let's go back."

"Well, then go back." The two men walked back again.

When they came back, Xia Zekai saw his car parked at the door again. At home, the eldest brother and the second brother were talking to two aunts, and several children gathered around Xia Shande again, and laughter came. , Xia Zekai was inexplicably relieved.

The second aunt and the third aunt came, and Xia Zekai said hello to them, only to realize that the third aunt was still working at the magic city, and he did not come back this Mid-Autumn Festival.

The second uncle went to work in the capital, and he was not back when he was reunited during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Everyone is struggling for their family.

"Father, how are you doing the treatment now, how are you feeling about yourself." The second aunt asked with concern.

Xia Shande smiled and nodded: "It's better, now I can eat. I can eat a bun and a few pieces of meat for a meal."

Hearing what he said, my second aunt Xia Guilian smiled and said: "You can still eat meat, that would be great. Two days ago, I was thinking about going to Jicheng with sister Guixiang to see you. The shop at home is really too good. I'm busy, I can't go away..."

Xia Zekai has become accustomed to his second aunt's style of ‘doing things on his lips’. He speaks in a set way, making everyone feel at ease when he hears it, but he just doesn’t do practical things.

Xia Weiguo was feeling uncomfortable, and suddenly heard the second sister say this, he choked: "Our father has been in the hospital for more than a month, and you have no time to rest."

"Big brother, isn't it impossible for me, your nephew is still waiting for the house to build a house and buy a car to get married, and money is needed everywhere..." Xia Guilian hurriedly explained.

Xia Zekai felt unnecessary and didn't ask his second aunt to collect the money for the treatment. He interrupted and said, "Second aunt, third aunt, drink a glass of water for a while. I ordered the food at the Rising Hotel in town. , It should be delivered soon."

"Well, Rising's food is not ugly, it's just a bit more expensive, and it's better than other restaurants." Xia Guilian said with a smile.


Aunt Xia Guizhi came a little later. She mainly had to take care of the sick number at home, and she was not so free in time.

After seeing her old father, her eyes became a little red, and without saying anything, she took out the hard fortress prepared in advance and gave it to her old father Xia Shande.

Xia Zekai took a look. The small stack was not too much, but it was all red one-hundred-yuan bills. It was estimated that it was about one thousand. If nothing else, the aunt is still real.

Xia Shande said nothing about the eldest girl’s money, and kept pushing it out, but the second aunt Xia Guilian next to her was a bit embarrassed. She felt that the eldest sister was not doing the right thing. Why didn’t you tell me in advance for such a big thing? , Just do that when she comes up, then where does she put it.

Then what she didn't expect was The third sister also stuffed the old father...


The Rising Hotel delivered two tables with 20 dishes each at 6 o’clock. This time I gave a discount. The original standard of 380 yuan, but 20 yuan, so that the two tables add up to 720 yuan. , The driver who delivered the food said so.

Xia Zekai called the boss to confirm, and by the way, handed the money back to the driver, and then took the lunch tray back.

A little story happened in the middle. When Xia Zekai went to the kitchen to serve hot steamed buns, his mother Zhou Yinghong followed along, and he was still talking about how he had more food in the evening than at noon, and how much money was spent.

"Mom, it's a matter of spending dozens of dollars more. Besides, we are all a family and there are no outsiders. What if we eat better." Xia Zekai said with a smile.

Zhou Yinghong curled her lips: "Ze Kai, you said lightly, but I'm afraid that some people really don't consider themselves a family."

Zibi Literature

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