The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 353: Those who don't have money are all liars

After Xia Zekai followed Kang Xuchen to pay the money and came back, Kang Xuchen went to find someone to help Xia Zekai and the couple drive the car away, cleaned the outside, and took care of the full set of foot pads and dash cam film.

It was noon after finishing all these tasks. Before the car was finished, Xia Zekai and his family of four enjoyed another free lunch.

The box lunch was quite hearty. I don't know if it took special care of Xia Zekai and his family of four. Xia Zekai discovered that there were chicken legs and a few ribs in the box lunch.

Because it was Saturday, the sign could not be listed, and it was already December. Luo Xiyun was thinking about getting a temporary license, and he would list it next month.

The passionate red Volvo S40 came back. Xia Zekai tilted his head and said: "Daughter-in-law, what are you waiting for, hurry up and try it."

There is nothing too difficult to drive in an automatic car. After Luo Xiyun got used to the operation of the new car, the trip went smoothly.

After the girl and Tong Tong saw the new car, they both showed disdain for the GL8 of dad, thinking about getting into mom's new car.

But the new car smelled bad, and there was no child safety seat. No one was looking at the two of them yet, so they were allowed to sit behind, and no one was watching. Luo Xiyun didn’t dare to hold her daughter if she floated again. The safety is joking.

No matter how sulking the girl and the little sister Tong Tong were, Luo Xiyun drove away first.

Xia Zekai put the girl and Tong Tong one by one on the two child seats in the middle, fastened the seat belts for them, and then walked home behind them.

After Xia Zekai drove back to the community, Luo Xiyun had already parked the car in the brick parking space under Building 14 in the community.

There are several neighbors who are watching the children watching the new car.

There are men and women, and Xia Zekai is quite familiar with them.

He drove over, parked the car, and got out of the car. He heard one of the women who looked about the same age as them shouting: "Oh, sister Xiyun is so prosperous as a couple. Now, how long is it? I just bought the GL8, and then I bought a Volvo S40. This car will cost more than 200,000 tens of thousands."

Xia Zekai turned his head and looked over, it was Yuhan's mother who was talking.

To be honest, he usually calls Yuhan's mother, and he really doesn't know what her name is.

Hearing her boasting, Luo Xiyun shook his head: "Mother Yuhan, it's a transportation tool. It snowed last week. My husband used to have that Fox hit again. It has been sent to a 4S shop for repairs. Thinking about this, it's pretty wicked. I plan to buy it and get it in two days after it’s repaired. It’s too unlucky."

"Oh, Xiyun, your family is really making money. Jingya's father is really capable. Look at this car. This car is really beautiful." The person who spoke was the opposite of Xia Zekai's house, Han Mei's mother.

After Xia Zekai picked up the girl and Tong Tong from the car one by one, several people watching the new car immediately shifted their positions and praised him, making him a little embarrassed.

Someone said: "Dad Jingya, you have bought two new cars. When will you change to a good house? Just go to school, medical treatment, and shopping malls in this house in our community. There are still a lot of things to do in all aspects."

Luo Xiyun wanted to say that their family had already bought the house, but Xia Zekai rushed to her and said a few words, blocking what Luo Xiyun hadn't said yet.

"Our couple think it’s good to live in our community. It’s also convenient to go to school, eat, and it’s close to the highway when you go out. It’s good in all aspects. Why do we have to live in the city, traffic jams every day, and it’s strange to go out? Convenient, not enough to sulking." This is what Xia Zekai said.

Immediately after he finished speaking, someone raised their thumbs and exclaimed: "I have heard no, but Brother Xia is humble, or else they can make money!"


Several other people also tweeted and then changed their tastes, and then talked about what is good in the Qiyun Garden Community. Anyway, it was a good meal. This operation made Luo Xiyun stare.

After watching for a while, after the adults and their children dispersed, Luo Xiyun said, "Ze Kai, why don't you tell them that we are going to move away. They are all neighbors for four or five years, and they are in good condition. I'm still thinking about taking a moment to invite everyone to have a meal before we move out."

Xia Zekai said: "Then there is no need to talk about the house. I will talk about it when I move out. It will take at least three months. Keep a low profile and do less."

"Just what you can do!" Luo Xiyun said to him.

In the evening, Luo Xiyun invited the three of them to the Oasis Ecological Park for a meal. When they went there, they drove the Volvo S40 she had just bought. Xia Zekai looked at the girl and Tong Tong in the back seat.

To tell the truth, when he sits in the back seat, the space behind it appears small, and he has to adjust the passenger seat to the front so that he feels spacious.

"Zekai, don't tell me, this electric seat is more hand-adjusted than the previous Focus. It is very convenient." Luo Xiyun feels very fresh about the electric up and down adjustment of the driver's seat.

Xia Zekai didn't interrupt her good mood. He wanted to say to his wife: "Wait a few years later you will see electric cars without gears or cars with knobs, and electric seats that can heat and massage your butt. Did you think it was fresher at that time."

"If you find that you can use your mobile phone to control the car in a few years, you won't have to play for two days to enjoy it."

The renewal of the car is too fast. At the moment, it is just a simple car. It will be called the Internet of Things smart car in the future. The times are getting more and more advanced. If you can't keep up, you are doomed to fall behind.

After dinner, Luo Xiyun drove the car and took his father back to the community.

In the evening, after putting the girl and Tong Tong to sleep, Luo Xiyun gave Xia Zekai a good treat.

She was able to take the initiative and work hard this time, daring to try any tricks, and finally broke Xia Zekai's old waist, which made Xia Zekai wonder if his wife was crazy.

"You crazy girl, you are still growing up in the days to come. What do you want to do, you almost killed me, but I'm so exhausted." Xia Zekai screamed, panting like a cow, exhausted with exhaustion. It started to numb.

Luo Xiyun put one leg on him, lying on the other side, looking at Xia Zekai face to face, she kept smiling, making Xia Zekai bewildered.


Over the weekend, Xia Zekai never expected to usher in two uninvited guests.

To be precise, he didn't expect the two of them to have such thick-skinned faces, and they would eat and drink as soon as they met.

"I said Mr. Zhang, Mr. Liang, are the two of you so miserable now? How long have we not eaten meat?" Xia Zekai looked at the two people who were eating Hesai on the opposite side, really like a long time. He was really convinced that he hadn't been exposed to meat and fish.

Zhang Yiming's face was tender, embarrassed to say.

Liang Rubo didn’t have this taboo. He said directly: “The money that I took away from Boss Xia last time has been invested in this project, and I will have to owe Boss Xia’s financial support, otherwise we Don't talk about continuing the project, it is still unknown whether there is such a company."

Finally told the truth.

"So miserable?" Xia Zekai's mouth twitched, and he almost lost everything.

Zhang Yiming went on to say: "We have to be responsible for Boss Xia's investment."

This made Xia Zekaigao take a look at him. Don't look at the young old Zhang not talking very much, as if he is not very good at social skills, but in fact, he is not only high in IQ, but also high in EQ.

There is no unnecessary nonsense, what he said can be stuck on the key points, which makes people feel particularly comfortable to listen to.

"Mr. Zhang, how much is the difference this time?" Xia Zekai looked at them and asked.

Luo Xiyun was feeding the girl and Tong Tong next to him. Outsiders were present. They both looked very honest today.

When Zhang Yiming and Liang Rubo heard Xia Zekai's question, they looked at each other and then looked at Xia Zekai: "There is a lot of difference. Now the product has been made, and there is no problem with internal testing. The next step is to promote it to the market. , Does Boss Xia have any intentions..."

Liang Rubo went on to talk about the advantages of the product, and also talked about their promotion plan. This time the amount of funds required is not small, and it is impossible for them to raise Jiujiufang at the previous price of RMB 4.5 million for cabbage. NS.

Xia Zekai shook his head: "I am about to buy the automation equipment of the new factory. I have to invest thousands of dollars back and forth. How can I still have the money to invest in the ninety-nine house?"

"Sure enough, he still has money." Liang Rubo muttered in his heart.

If you can spend thousands more to buy equipment, can such a person have no money?

Liars are not playing like this.

Zhang Yiming looked at the expression on Xia Zekai's face that didn't seem to be a joke. He thought for a while and said: "If this is the case, I will go back and contact other capitalists to see their situation. Will Boss Xia still pursue the investment by then?"

Xia Zekai did not rush to answer Zhang Yiming’s question. He said: "Let me see the situation. I just bought a new car for my I only have more than one million funds left on hand... "

There are only more than one million left. Zhang Yiming and Liang Rubo, who were eating, were the first to react, thinking about finding a knife and robbing him. This coercion kept beeping in front of them, what else did they say? I just bought a new car for his wife, and I have to prepare money to buy automation equipment. Isn't this just showing off that you still have money?

What a dog thing!

Zhang Yiming scolded in his heart.

He is so short of money now, why did he run into something like Xia Zekai.

As for the new car Xia just said he bought for his wife, the two of them also saw it. It was really beautiful and it was not cheap at first sight.


Zhang Yiming and Liang Rubo really had a meal after coming over this time, and then took the high-speed rail back to the capital that afternoon.

After Xia Zekai had no gains here, he told him about his plans to introduce other capitalists. Zhang Yiming had no other way out at this time. After he went back, he contacted Wang Qiong of Hainer Asia and wanted to ask her about Jiujiu. Is there any interest in the room?

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