After Xia Zhu founded the pirate camp, he had already become the opposite of the navy.

The two are natural enemies.

Even killing the navy generals will give him a lot of reputation points.

So at this moment.

Xia Zhu was facing an empty navy headquarters, and his heart was itching.

If he took down the navy headquarters, how much reputation points would he be rewarded?

Just thinking about it in his mind, Xia Zhu felt unbearable.

The key is that this matter is too exciting!

Killing the navy headquarters directly is unique in the history of the pirate world.

Just a few decades ago, the legendary pirate Golden Lion was hurt after Roger was executed, and ran to the navy headquarters to make a big fuss.

He wanted to use the power of the"Floating Fruit" to destroy Marinford.

Unfortunately, the cruel facts gave him a blow to the head. Facing the two highest combat forces of the navy headquarters, Garp and Sengoku.

Golden Lion not only failed to destroy Marinford, but also sent himself to the underwater prison.

In the end, he cut off his legs, broke free from his shackles, and escaped from the iron-clad city of Impel Down.

It can be seen that the headquarters of the Navy is indeed the most dangerous place in the world.

Under normal circumstances, no pirate can act recklessly here.

Even in the plot line, Whitebeard, who launched the war on the top two years later, led a pirate group of 50,000 people under his command, but failed to successfully break into Marinford.

This is when Kizaru, Aokiji, Garp and a group of Seven Warlords of the Sea let him go.

In that battle, it can be said that from beginning to end, only Akainu was fighting hard.

But think about it from another perspective. If these three people did not slack off at the time, and Sengoku also ran to the front line, facing these five major forces and a group of Seven Warlords of the Sea, who could land in Marinford?

The Gate of Justice outside alone cannot get in!


Today, Xia Zhu picked up a big bargain.

Sengoku personally led the team and led a group of generals and vice generals to go out to eliminate the pirates.

Marinford was empty.

He accidentally landed on this island because he jumped from Sky Island. It can be said that this was a surprise attack! A surprise attack that no one could react to!

Such a good opportunity to brush up reputation is in front of him. If Xia Zhu doesn't know how to cherish it, then there is really no need for him to be a pirate.

"Zhan Guo, you just go and play jungle slowly. I'll steal the crystal for sure!"

Thinking of this, Xia Zhu showed a playful smile.

After letting Buggy hide himself, he walked forward step by step.

"Stop, stop!"

The naval colonel was horrified when he saw that Xia Zhu was fine after taking a set of hot fire attacks, and he even lost the confidence to speak.

"Flying Finger Gun!"

Facing a small character like the colonel, Xia Zhu had no interest in interacting with him and simply pointed a finger in the air.

The next moment, the naval colonel coughed up blood, and a thumb-sized hole appeared on his chest, bleeding.


"Damn pirate, you actually... you actually……"

The surrounding navy soldiers were furious when they saw this scene.

Most of them were in their twenties, full of vigor and vitality.

They joined the navy because they had the ambition to protect the people, so they hated evil.

When they saw this scene, their eyes suddenly turned red, and they didn't care about the difference in strength between the two sides, and ran towards Xia Zhu with swords raised.

"Die, pirate!"



Looking at this scene, Xia Zhu couldn't help but sigh.

"You are really brave, but you have chosen the wrong opponent."

He stomped his right foot heavily on the ground, and 10,000 points of power rushed out. In an instant, the whole ground was like an earthquake, and countless gravel burst out.

The powerful impact force shook all the navy present into coma.

Faced with these new recruits who were passionate about justice, Xia Zhu did not kill them.

Of course, the two sides have different positions, and they can't just let them go.

So Xia Zhu took another approach, stomped on the ground hard, and used the powerful impact force to knock them all out. It can be regarded as an alternative solution to clear the soldiers when there is no Conqueror's Haki.

But no matter the style or the way of activation, it is not as useful as Conqueror's Haki. That's right.

Conqueror's Haki is something that only one in a million people possesses.

And it is innate, and can neither be acquired nor inherited.

It would be difficult for Xia Zhu to awaken it on his own.

He can only wait patiently for the system to work and see when he can get one from the treasure chest.

But it is estimated that he will not be able to get it for a while.

Fortunately, Conqueror's Haki does not improve actual combat much except for increasing the prestige.

Although the name sounds nice, to put it bluntly, it is just a kind of momentum to intimidate others.

And it can only intimidate miscellaneous soldiers who are not as strong as himself.

Compared with the usability of Observation Haki and Armament Haki, it is really too far behind. Too much.

In a high-end duel, it is completely useless.

So not all those with Conqueror's Haki are top-notch warriors. If the Armament Haki and Observation Haki are cultivated to a certain level, they can also beat those with Conqueror's Haki.

Of course, that's just talk.

If there is really a chance to get Conqueror's Haki, Xia Zhu will definitely not refuse.

Don't ask.

It's really tempting to ask!

The camera pulls back.

At this time, Xia Zhu, after knocking down a group of miscellaneous soldiers, patted the dust on his body, and strode towards the headquarters of Marinford.

Of course, he couldn't just destroy it mindlessly and destroy it directly.

As the most important fortress of the navy, if there were no some in Marinford. What kind of precious and good things, Xia Zhu didn't believe it at all.

So before the demolition, of course, we have to clean up the oil and water first.

He walked into the Navy Headquarters building unimpeded. There are many attics in it, which are the offices of various naval generals.

Xia Zhu randomly flipped through a few along the way, and they were all some boring documents, nothing too good. It was not until he walked into Garp's office that he was attracted by a bounty placed on the table.

On it, there was a boy wearing a straw hat, and the bounty amount below was 30 million berries!

Seeing this bounty, Xia Zhu was stunned.

What's going on?

Luffy actually went to sea?

30 million berries, is this the end of Arlong?

Could it be that the world line has been advanced?

According to the normal plot development, Luffy will have at least two years before he goes to sea.

But now, I don’t know if it’s because of his own reasons, he actually went to sea in advance!

Could it be that because of the matter of pulling Sky Island to the ground, the consciousness of this world was aware of it, so the development of the story was advanced?

In any case, this is a very important news.

Luffy’s going to sea means that all events may appear in advance, and he must be fully prepared.


The two key characters in the early stage, Crocodile and Enelu, one was taken in by him as a subordinate, and the other was released by him to Qinghai.

Neither of them is waiting for Luffy to brush up experience in the original place.

I really don’t know what Luffy’s adventure in these two places will become.

Thinking about it, Xia Zhu feels interesting.

Putting this bounty order back to its original position,

Xia Zhu continued to move forward.

Soon, he came to Sengoku’s office.

The layout inside was very deserted. Except for a sheep lying down to rest, there were not many official documents.

Come to think of it, as the head of the Navy Headquarters, he has his subordinates to handle the trivial matters.

Only some major matters that cannot be decided will be submitted to him for decision.

And how many major matters can there be?

Naturally, it is a little quiet in here.

Xia Zhu looked up and down, and was about to leave disappointed, when he suddenly noticed that there were two yellow boxes on the bookshelf in the corner.

The box looked covered with dust and was very inconspicuous.

But Xia Zhu's observation color strongly reminded him that there must be good things in it!

Thinking of this, Xia Zhu grabbed it directly, and then with a flick of his fingers, he opened both boxes.

Suddenly, two fruits covered with strange patterns appeared in front of Xia Zhu.

"Devil Fruit!"

Xia Zhu's eyes lit up immediately.

I never thought that Zhan Guo actually had two devil fruits!

As the Grand Admiral of the Navy, he really had some good stuff!

Fortunately, he didn't burn down the Navy Headquarters in a confused manner.

Instead, he robbed it first and then burned it.

Look, isn't the big harvest coming?

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