"Quick! Full speed ahead!"

"Return to the Navy Headquarters immediately!"

"Navigator, assign the fastest route immediately!"

The navy consisting of hundreds of warships was in chaos at the moment.

Marinford caught fire, which shocked everyone.

And saving the fire became the most important task.

""Xia Zhu boy, you are really reckless."

Kizaru stood at the bow with his hands in his trouser pockets, sighing helplessly.

Then, he looked through his sunglasses at the warships behind him that were holding the pirates, and said to the Den Den Mushi on his wrist:"Moshimoshi, Marshal Sengoku, can you hear me?"

"You should return to Marinford at full speed. I will personally escort these prisoners to the Undersea Prison."

This naval battle caused by the Golden City involved too many pirates. At least fifty or sixty ships were used to detain them!

There is no doubt that these pirates will be sent directly to Impel Down, which is the Undersea Prison.

The whole process must be foolproof.

It is difficult for ordinary naval generals to complete this task.

After all, there are many difficult and big figures among the pirates captured this time!

It is possible that someone will have a crooked mind and rebel and escape halfway.

Therefore, a high-end combat force that can deter all pirates is needed.

Kizaru, who loves to slack off the most, took the initiative to take over this burden this time.

It's not that Kizaru is so kind-hearted.

But he feels that compared to guarding prisoners, putting out fires is more troublesome.

"Thank you for your hard work, Borsalino."

Sengoku nodded at the other end of the Den Den Mushi, acquiescing to Kizaru's actions.

So, the navy's large force was divided into two groups at this time.

One group maintained the route to Marinford, and the other went straight to Impel Down.

On the Grand Line, the navy is different from the pirates.

They have their own exclusive routes, so the speed of travel is very fast.

In about half a day, they took advantage of the various strange ocean currents of the Grand Line and appeared in Marinford at an incredible speed.

At this time, Marinford was already horrible.

The horrible fire burned fiercely, turning most of the land into charcoal.

The solemn and majestic plaque with the word"justice" was also burned in the fire, leaving only half of it.

Facing the late arrival of Sengoku and others, it seemed to be mocking.

On the coast.

The remaining garrison forces and the awakened giant vice admiral were desperately trying to put out the fire.

Buckets of water were poured on it.

Unfortunately, in the face of such a big fire, those pitiful buckets of water were really ineffective.


Zhan Guo was also distressed when he saw this, and he called out softly to the tall Aokiji beside him.

"Leave it to me."

Aokiji nodded, and the next moment, he jumped high into the air and appeared directly above the fire.

""Ice Age!"

A powerful voice sounded, and a large amount of cold air emerged from his palm, which came into contact with the Wang Yang fire.

Then, visible to the naked eye, with the force of thunder, all the flames turned into ice. In an instant , Marinford changed from an island with four distinct seasons to a strange-looking iceberg.

Aokiji 's ability is extremely terrifying.

When fighting with Zefa, he easily broke the volcanic eruption caused by the opponent's detonation of explosive rocks.

All the magma turned into ice sculptures in the air.

At present, this little flame is naturally not a problem.

Unfortunately, although the fire was extinguished, Marinford was also destroyed beyond recognition.

After Aokiji dispersed his ability, Marinford returned to its previous appearance.

It was just that there were charcoal-like ruins and scorched earth everywhere.

"Are the islands destroyed by the Demon Slayer Order also like this?"

Looking at the devastation in front of him, Zhan Guo suddenly thought of the islands that were once destroyed by the navy with the Demon Slayer Order.

Are they also like Marinford in front of him?

With this thought, Zhan Guo sighed deeply.

When his home was destroyed, he could understand the feelings of others.

"Xia Zhu, Xia Zhu, you really haven't considered the consequences of doing this."

Zhan Guo stood at the bow, his cloak fluttering in the wind.

After a long time, he ordered people to prepare the boat and headed for the holy land of Marijoa.

He wanted to meet the Five Elders.

The destruction of Marinford could not be concealed, and an explanation needed to be given to the world and the top leaders.

At the same time, the bounty of the pirate Xia Zhu and the threat to the world all needed to be repositioned.

It can be said that at this time, Zhan Guo had countless messes waiting for him to deal with.


At the same time.

In another sea area not far from Marinford.

A navy warship was sailing alone.

However, there was no navy on the ship.

At the bow, there was only a red-nosed pirate, standing there, thinking about something, laughing up to the sky from time to time.

Not far behind him, a black-haired young man leaned lazily against the railing, holding his chin with one hand and rhythmically tapping the wooden surface of the railing with the other hand.

A pair of bright eyes stared at the air in front of him, without blinking.

It was as if there was something that no one else could see there.

This young man was naturally Xia Zhu.

After coming out of Marinford, he gave up using water control to propel the ship forward, but let the ship drift freely with the current.

Because now he didn't know where to find his subordinates, he could only wait for his subordinates to come to him.

He didn't have other people's life cards in his hand.

But his own life card was one for each of the four cadres.

So at this time, it was not appropriate for him to run around, just wait.

During the leisure time of waiting, he naturally looked at the system.

He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

I saw a message lying in front of me.

"Ding! Congratulations on destroying the Marine Headquarters, Marinford—your reputation increased by 1,000,000 points!"

"Current balance: 1400099!"

"Congratulations to the host for accumulating one million reputation points. The reputation store is now open. In addition to recruiting strong people, you can also buy powerful props!"

Destroying the Navy Headquarters really has rich rewards.

The reputation value alone is a full one million points!

At the same time, a new function was unexpectedly opened.

Reputation store.

Xia Zhu was naturally very curious at the beginning, and couldn't wait to enter the reputation to check it out.

As a result, he was attracted by it.

There are so many things in it!

All kinds of props, everything.

Kung Fu, weapons, special items... a series of categories unfolded in front of him.

In the category of Kung Fu, Xia Zhu actually saw"Nine Yang Magic Skills".》、《Tathagata Palm》、《

You know, in the world of pirates, there is no such thing as martial arts. The so-called physical skills also focus on the word"physical", and they all practice a certain attribute of the body.

For example, the six styles focus on speed, hardness, etc.

As for the fighting routines, they are all very shallow. Basically, you hit me and I block, you retreat and I hit. The body instinctive fighting method.

Like"four ounces to move a thousand pounds""、"There is no such advanced operations as"connection, transformation and release".

Therefore, these martial arts secrets naturally become very valuable, as they can maximize the power in the body.

Moreover, these skills have been improved and strengthened in the world of pirates.

For example, the book"Absorbing Power" comes from the world of"The World's Number One". The original effect is to absorb the opponent's internal strength and spirit.

But at this moment, because of the world of pirates, it has become a method of absorbing the opponent's domineering aura for one's own use after it is practiced!

How terrifying is this!

When fighting with others, the opponent's domineering aura will continuously enter your body.

This is equivalent to practicing in battle, and you will only become stronger and stronger.

However, perhaps because it is too against the sky, this book"Absorbing Power" requires a full 1.2 million reputation points.

In addition to the skills.

There are countless other good things in the reputation store.

For example, in the column of special props, all kinds of strange things emerge in an endless stream.

What kind of"substitute talisman""、"Teleportation Talisman"、"Subor Game Console"、"Lamborghini"、"Iron Man's suit".

From the fairy tale to the modern, there is everything.

Xia Zhu is more interested in the substitute amulet. After sticking it on himself, he can resist one fatal injury.

In other words, it is equivalent to having an extra life!

The most important thing is that this thing can also be used by other people.

In terms of price, it is naturally very expensive, requiring a full 100,000 reputation per card.

It is a disposable item.

The teleportation amulet, as the name suggests, is used for running away.

It can be directly teleported to a random location.

Unlike other teleportation props, the range of this teleportation amulet is extremely wide!

Almost across half of the Grand Line!

This makes Xia Zhu very excited.

In terms of price, it is the same as the substitute amulet.

This may be because both of them tend to have some life-saving attributes.

As for the last equipment column, it is relatively simple and crude.

The equipment here is not taken from myths and legends, but from various online games!

For example, the critical strike blade has a certain probability of letting The damage caused by the holder is doubled.

Sunfire Cape, when put on, has the effect of Flame-Flame Fruit.

Shadowless Sword, adds 30% damage when attacking.

There is also the famous sword Siming, which can enter a short invincible state when receiving fatal damage.

Several mainstream online game equipment can be found here.

However, the price is naturally not cheap.

Faced with the temptation of the reputation store.

Xia Zhu is really in trouble.

He wants too many things.

The desire to shop is too strong!


In addition to buying, he also wants to recruit strong people.

Drawing cards is also addictive to him!

One million and four hundred thousand reputation points are enough for him to draw three times.

Maybe he will be lucky enough to draw three powerful characters.

So at this moment.

Xia Zhu's heart is very entangled.

He has been lying on the railing for half an hour, and he hasn't figured out how to distribute these reputations.

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