
read2();  "His Royal Highness, because of yesterday’s battle, the large ship of the Qingzhi Kingdom originally docked in the dock was severely damaged and was temporarily unable to sail, so all the priests in the ship were in the early days. Transfer to Shenxiancheng.

"But it was discovered that the young human race who had been in a coma on the ship disappeared. After the priests noticed the abnormality, they sent me to the Shenji Pavilion to confirm, but unexpectedly the other two human races also disappeared, so they hurried to come. Report to your Highness and Master."

   In the guest room of Shenji Pavilion of Shenxiancheng, the anxious voice of the young priest lingered back and forth. Then Qinglin, who raised his head thinking about it, suddenly stood up from the ground, his complexion changed greatly, and he blurted out:

   "Where is the eldest lady, is Miss Qingtian?"

As soon as this question came out, not only the young priest who came to report the letter, but also the Master Young Miao, who had always been beside him, changed his face wildly. He turned his head abruptly and looked at the young priest who was stuttering and speechless. The figure flashed and rushed outward, an anxious voice came out:

   "Get out of the way, the old man will confirm it himself!"

After about thirty breaths, in another guest room not far away, Qinglin looked at the empty room in front of him, his face was pale, then he slowly walked to the window and looked at the bustling Shen Xiancheng Avenue below. He spoke word by word:

   "There is one hour before noon Moyue, send all the sacrifices out to search, pay attention not to say anything."

   "Yes, Your Highness!"

   The young priest who came to report seemed to be frightened by the incident. After a long period of breath, he nodded and walked out.

   Then Master Qing Miao stepped forward and came behind Qing Lin, and then a very solemn voice sounded:

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. The eldest lady has a robe of the Wizard of Oz. It is not easy for people from Yan Jueguo to find out. Moreover, once the eldest lady pulls out the jungle for trial, I will feel it. This Shen Xiancheng is not big, it can Arrived in a short time.

   "I'm not afraid that Missy will be in danger."

   A faint voice came from the mouth of the young man, Qing Lin slowly turned around, his emerald green eyes stared at Master Qing Miao’s old face, and continued to speak slowly:

"I'm afraid that the eldest lady is getting deeper and deeper in the matter of the human race. People in the entire Profound Sky Land know that anyone who dares to protect the human race is clearly against the Lord. Now the situation in the entire Profound Realm is treacherous. , Our Qingzhi Nation must not be the target of everyone else, otherwise, if we remain unwilling, we will end up in pieces!"

   Along with the solemn voice of Qinglin, the undercurrent surging, the intriguing Shen Xiancheng gradually became more lively, because there will be a major event that will attract the attention of all monks at noon today.

   Wuxianzong will publicly execute the human races captured from Rift Valley at the gate of the sect!

Although with the rapid development of things, many hostile forces have completely torn their faces on the inaccessible Beihai County Aojia, and they have started life and death battles with each other, but this time the public execution seems to all parties. , It was like a shift of attention, which could relieve the tight nerves in Shenxian City, so early in the morning, there were a large number of monks rushing towards the five heavenly giant peaks.

   Among them, there are many inland sects who have suffered a great loss in the Rift Light Valley of Beihai County, and their eyes are full of bloodthirsty.

   These people are undoubtedly the forces that are most concerned about this execution. After all, in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, life and death are the most important, and chance is second, and this is the face.

If the race and the sect lose their face, then what is their prestige and growth. In the eyes of these people, the public execution of the Wuxianzong has earned face, so these people are walking on the street at this time. , Looks haughty and domineering.

A bird’s eye view of the whole gossip-shaped Shenxian City from the sky, you will find that on the eight avenues, there are monks with black rivers heading towards the Wuxianzong in the center, and as time goes by, the number of people is increasing until Can't see the ground with dense runes.

   Shen Xiancheng has seen so many monks from all over the country during this time.

Somewhere in the streets of Shenxiancheng, among a large number of crowds of different races surging forward, five figures in large black robes stepped forward, and then a clear and sweet voice came from the middle of the hood. From below, it sounded in the ears of the other people:

   "Don't worry, everyone, this witty lady is wearing a **** robe besides the robe of the Wizard of Oz. Under the superposition of the two, no one can discover the identity of Ele."

   After the young girl Qingtian's words fell, Ye Yi, who was standing tall and straight beside her, flashed a strange color on her face under her hood, and then asked:

  "Ms. Qingtian, if you don't talk to the people, you sneak out with me, is there something wrong?

   "There is nothing wrong with saving our fellow clan, but you don't have to come to this pool of muddy water."

"My Qingtian has always attached great importance to promises, and promised to wait in Shen Xiancheng and wait for what he said, not to mention the behavior of Yan Jueguo's monsters most unaccustomed to this lady, but this lady miscalculated one thing. , That is, I did not expect the entire cultivator of Shen Xiancheng to be dispatched through the news."

After    finished speaking, Qing Tian slowed down a bit, then looked around for a week, saw crowds of dwarf in all directions, and continued to sigh slightly:

   "There are so many people, and now we can only act by chance."

After   's words fell, the girl stretched out her hand to stroke her round chin, narrowed her eyes, and continued to speak:

"But this young lady has already thought of a solution for the time being. First of all, at the time of execution, I will temporarily draw half of the jungle trial. Under the vast will of the mother of the jungle, all the monks present will fall into chaos for a few breaths. , At this time, I can save a few save a few."

   Qingtian finished speaking, turned around to look at You Tianya who was in a daze from the periphery of the crowd, pointed his little hand, and continued to speak:

"Then the heavy burden will come to You Tianya. At that time, you will directly recover your body and flap your wings. You Tianweng is one of the fastest flying races in the Tianyun Temple. Under the flapping wings, most people can't chase you. on.

   "Then I will fly to the depths of the North Sea temporarily, and then I will discuss the long-term plan and make the next step!"

After   Ms. Qingtian’s confident and indifferent voice fell, You Tianya, a young man who was directly named and entrusted with the important task, changed his face and hurriedly raised his hand and swayed, hurriedly said:

   "No, no eldest lady, I, I can't fly."

   "You Tianya, what nonsense are you talking about, the Youtianweng clan was born into the sky, how could it be impossible to fly? Don't worry, this lady won't put you in danger."

   "But, but, hey, miss, you listen to me first."

  While traveling around the end of the world is still hesitating, the vigorous and resolute Qing Tian has already made strides towards the center of Shen Xiancheng, and only a faint voice has passed into the ears of a few people:

   "Don't say anything, just go and take a good position first, which will help action, otherwise it will be too late!"


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