
read2();   Shenxiancheng under the wind and rain, the roar continues, resounding through the ears, and at the same time the boundless darkness of night envelopes all around, like the scene of the last days.

Under this circumstance, a large number of monks in the Supreme Profound Land and the natives of the North Sea and North Land, who had escaped under the scarlet fog of war, were driven by instinct to gather at the place of the Shenji Pavilion Inn. In their understanding, the Shenji Pavilion, as a great force across the entire Taixuan land, must have a way to protect itself.

In the night, the huge Shenji Pavilion inn lit all the oil lamps, which suddenly became brightly lit, and until this time, there were still most monks who knew little about what happened, and were in a daze with the rest. , Like a chicken trembling in the wind and rain, gathered on the street outside the inn of Shenji Pavilion, and looked up at the strange and frightening scene in the distance.

   The rainwater entrapped by the North Sea hurricane kept toppling down, slapped on the monks in Shenxian City. The cold North Sea water, with a biting chill, ignoring the big robe worn by the monks, drilled directly into the body.

   Then outside the Shenji Pavilion of Shenxiancheng, the young man You Tianya stretched out his right hand and wiped the rain from his face, his teeth trembled, and he spoke intermittently:

   "Miss and Yeichi should be fine, right?"

After   you Tianya's words fell, Xue Dao stood motionless beside him like a mountain, staring at the orange picture that was constantly folding in the void, and some cold voice came from under his hood:

   "You Tianya, you've been asking this question ten times, and they will be fine."

   The young young man from the Youtianweng clan nodded when he heard the words, then his expression was extremely annoyed. He stretched out his right hand, slapped his head, and whispered:

   "Damn, I'm such a waste, if I can fly, I can take you away from danger, but I just can't fly, I can't fly!"

After speaking, You Tianya slapped his head even more annoyed, his eyes were red, and then a forceful left hand stretched out from the side, grabbing the former's hand, and then the voice of Xue Dao was transmitted to You again. In the ear of Tianya:

   "It's not to blame you, you don't have to blame yourself, and one day, you can truly fly into the sky."

Although Xue Dao’s voice is still cold and stern, it still carries a trace of deep warmth. What is difficult for everyone around him to find is that with Xue Dao as the center, the surrounding rain is all over the sky. Presents a strange route flowing slowly, as if paying homage to the master in the deep sea.

   Xue Dao stared at the night sky above the North Sea, the orange line gradually approaching the center of the North Sea hurricane, and then an impenetrable voice came out from his mouth:

   "The so-called terrestrial fairyland has come, but it is actually nothing more!"

   Just as soon as the voice of jealousy fell with a little disdain, above the night sky of the North Sea, suddenly there was a loud roar of anger, and everyone could clearly see:

   "The deity is the third noble deity of Yan Jueguo, what are you, dare to insult the deity like this!"

   When this roar came out, all the monks in Shenxian City below had their eyelids jumping wildly, biting their lips to prevent the exclamation from blurting out.

  Like the vast land of China, the terrestrial fairyland power in the Taixuan Land is also unreachable for ordinary monks, one or two of its vast power can only be learned from the news of the world.

  The monks in the city can hardly imagine what existence it is that makes the Land Fairyland Master, regardless of his own face, send out such an angry roar that resounds through the sky.

In fact, he was in the void at this time, the divine consciousness descended on the Yan Jue Guozun who was beaten infinitely violently, and it was hard to imagine that he would be so humiliated. He knew that the figure melted in the night was cruising nearby, but Unable to capture, this kind of powerlessness, in his long life, I don't know how many years I haven't experienced it again.

Guo Zun Yan Jue used to think that after stepping on the bridge, he would no longer experience the feeling of being out of control after going through all the hardships, but at this time, the incomparable darkness around him made him sincere. Feeling weak, and then angry.

   Unprecedented anger!

But the unprecedented anger on Yan Jue Guozun brought a more violent blow from the Night Demon King. The night that was shrouded in the rich night turned a deaf ear to the words from the population on Tianchi Mountain, and directly waved the huge and incomparable night demon. The Wings clung to the latter's body like a bone gangrene, and every move was blasted, followed by a strong dark night law.

In this night, the body of the Master Tianchi, which was originally densely covered with lava, was like an onion that could be manipulated by others. It consumes a lot of the power of the origin, and it vents outward like a rootless duckweed.

  In the world of practice, all monks understand a truth. The only thing that can fight against the law is the law, and the one that can check and balance with the power of the source is also the power of the source. This is also the greatest advantage of high-level monks over low-level monks.

For example, today’s Chishang person’s original source power has been leaked, which means that the foundation has collapsed. Therefore, no matter how the Yan Jue Guozun who descended on the former’s body has the ability to reach the sky, unless he can directly descend on the body, then this Under the declining strength, its defeat is set.

   But how difficult it is to want a power who can stand on top of the entire world to accept a silly defeat, so his hoarse and cold voice rang out in the night:

"This deity swears that no matter who you are or where you are from, once you are known by the deity, the third deity of my Yanjue Kingdom, the third deity, and all the people of the entire Yanjue Kingdom, will pursue you endlessly. Kill, fall into the blue, go to the yellow spring, you will definitely die!"

As soon as Yan Jue Guozun took the oath of the land gods, the entire North Sea hurricane center, an unprecedentedly powerful dazzling thunder, directly penetrated the heaven and the earth, as if the heaven and the road were extremely angry and punished. This is also the certification of this oath by the heaven and the earth. .

  The great power of the land fairyland is a avenue to walk the world, enough to arouse feedback from the whole world!

But then, in the night above Tianchi Master, two sharp claws suddenly stretched out, and at the same time they grabbed the two ugly heads above the body of Tianchi Master, Night Demon King Yeyi, his dark eyes were steady. Like water, and it grasped the claws of the master below Tianchi equally steadily, no matter how hard the latter struggled, it didn't move a bit.

At this time, accompanied by Ye Yi’s constant bombardment, the two had just arrived at the core of this North Sea storm, and the storm and thunder pouring down directly in front of them, and then Ye Yi waved the wings of the Night Demon. , Grasping the Master Tianchi who had completely dissipated the power of the source, hovering before the thunder.

   Until this time, the outline shadow of the stalwart Night Stalker with wings spread like bats was outlined under the light of thunder, and then Ye Yi bowed his head, gently opened his mouth, and a frosted voice came out:

   "Your oath, I'm waiting!"

After    finished speaking, Ye Yi raised his hand, and directly pushed the head of the Heavenly Pond that he was holding into the countless shining storms and thunder in front of him.

   Heaven and Earth Thunder, slay all evil spirits!

After    two breaths, over the sky of Beihai, inside the crimson red interior, an uncontrollable muffled grunt spread out, and tightly there was an extremely angry roar:

   "Damn it!"

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