
read2();   If at this time, above the Nine Heavens, there are other people in the Lingxiao Hall deep in the fairy palace, they will definitely suffer heavy damage to their hearts and souls.

  Because at this time in the High Heaven Hall, these two are standing between the top existences of all the monks, and once the secrets involved in the exchange are leaked out, it is enough to cause endless waves on the mainland.

One is the lord of the sacred court of the Supreme Profound Land, and the other is the master deity of the Sleepless Sect in the Chaos Despairing Sea of ​​Gods. These two are naturally considered dead enemies, but they have the opposite of each other. transaction.

   More critically, the consequence of this transaction is the disappearance of the Lord, the leader of the insomnia!

   In other words, the holy lord’s move is to reduce the Taixuan Land’s own strength while providing a steady stream of cultivation for the sleepless people who are coveting the mainland in the Chaos Deity Sea.

   is a naked traitorous collusion!

   And none of this can escape a word, live!

Just as the scarlet mouth in the sea of ​​extinguishing gods said in the High Heaven Hall, the five decay of heaven and man is the last and most incomprehensible method of the heavenly path. Even though the Holy Venerable has the highest cultivation base in the world, he can only use the vastness The endless force of air transport washes out the five decayed air in his own body, thereby deceiving the world.

However, the five decayed energy that has been washed out must have a place to go. The land of the profound mystery cannot tolerate such filthy things. This remains of the immortal palace cannot be hidden from the heavens. Therefore, the **** of sleepless religion in the sea of ​​gods is great. Mouth is the final choice of the Lord, even if this choice may have an unimaginable price.

   In fact, he has cultivated to such a realm as the Lord. Every moment, the infinite thoughts in his mind can revolve hundreds of millions of times, and his mind has also reached an ethereal realm of not being happy with things or sad.

   Therefore, the roar of the sleepless gods lingering in the Lingxiao Hall at this time did not cause the former to have too fluctuating emotions, and at the same time, the blue lantern burning with substantive energy was as smooth as a rock, like a rock.

   Then the figure sitting cross-legged in the blue light let the mocking voice fall, then slowly spoke, and the voice came out faintly:

"When the fairy palace was still there, the five decays of this saint's heavens and humans had already come down, and tens of thousands of years later, those who thought that I had little time died one after another, but the saint is still alive, you know Why?"

   After this indistinguishable question of age came out from the side of the blue light, within the light, the unrecognizable Holy Venerable did not wait for the existence of Chaos Desire God Sea to respond, but directly continued:

"Because this holy deity is so powerful that even though the five decays of heaven and man have locked me in for tens of thousands of years, I still have the means to conceal this world, and you, the young Immortal God, you shouldn’t think you are the first. A sleepless person who swallows the five decays of heaven and man, right?"

   As soon as the unmotivated words of the saint uttered, in the phantom of the sea of ​​gods, the grinning scarlet mouth gradually closed, and then showed a solemn expression, and even fell into a long silence.

"You should be very clear. Before you grew up, how many gods were in charge of Sleepless Sect, but they were all dead. It was the saint who killed them, because they are just like you are at this time, beginning to swell and become Very disobedient."

At the end of this sentence, on the top of the High Heaven Hall, the blue light of Qi Luck above the lotus platform suddenly jumped, and with the sway of this light, countless strengths of Qi Luck that had been condensed into a substance seemed to be condensed The extreme volcano erupted and exploded in an instant, and made a deafening roar.

   Then a big hand that was completely composed of the power of Qi Yun stretched out from the light of the blue light, directly straddling countless spaces, and reaching into the phantom of the undulating sea of ​​chaos.

   "Holy Lord, you are detonating a war, forcing me to summon the people of Sleepless Cult to come out of the nest, and completely turn the Sea of ​​God into a purgatory on earth!"

The scarlet giant mouth in the phantom of the sea of ​​gods uttered a weird roar, but the big hand of heaven and earth that was shrouded in the sky, did not stay at all, and continued to carry an unimaginable edge and vast might, facing the chaos The huge mouth in the sea grabbed straight down.

   "Don't push the god!"

Following the scream of the Insomniac god, endless black mist spit out from his open mouth, and in the next moment, in these dark mist, a pair of scarlet eyes lit up at the same time. Then the entire Chaos Deshen Sea began to surge in an extremely violent posture.

At the same time, outside of the Taixuan Land, the truly vast and chaotic Sea of ​​Despair suddenly began to riot, and countless screams enough to pierce the eardrums accompanied by frantically surging chaotic air. The earth rushed on the defensive line formed by the creatures of the Supreme Profound Land, and then countless monks of various races within the line of defense issued a warning scream from the sky, the chill surged, and the soul trembled.

   The phantom of the Chaos God Sea shining out of the blue light of Qi Yun in the Lingxiao Palace is the real projection of the entire ocean, and it is more intuitive and direct to the core than the vast and endless real ocean.

In the next breath, within the Sea of ​​Despairing Shadow, the palm of the saint directly patted the black mist from the giant mouth, instantly blasting countless sleepless people who had just opened their eyes into powder. The big blue hand that obscured the sun directly shook inward.

   Overturning clouds and rain, chaos avoiding!

The black mist spit out from the big scarlet mouth burst outwards like a balloon that was squeezed forcibly, and then the big blue hand hovered directly in front of the big mouth, almost an inch short of pinching the latter directly in the hand, and then green Within the light of the lamp, the holy voice of the Holy Venerable directly passed down:

"Within five years, the two immortal mountains that sank in the Great Profound Land and the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago will be reborn. This is extremely important to the sage. This sage does not want any accidents to happen. Therefore, within ten years, the next Chaos Tide Before you come, can you restrain the sleepless person?"

   After the sound of the vastness of the Holy Venerable fell, the huge scarlet mouth covered by the big blue hand suddenly grinned and let out a wild and wanton laughter, and then the response sound came out, resounding throughout the entire High Heaven Hall:

   "It's really ironic, ironic, when I can't think of your dignified deity, and the conditions for a gentleman!"

After    had finished speaking, the tongue stuck out in this scarlet huge mouth, and after licking it back and forth, he continued to speak:

   "Of course it is possible to talk about the conditions, but the original **** and the insomnia teaching are not the holy courts below you. You can pass it in one sentence. The original **** needs benefits!"

   "After Erxianshan was born, if you have the ability, the deity will not hinder you, you can also participate in the competition!"

   "The sinking fairy mountain ten thousand years ago, such a great blessing is indeed a rare temptation, the Lord, your condition, the **** promised, then by the North Sea, whoever will die will have their own ability."

   The big scarlet mouth in the Chaos Sea grinned again and gave out a horrible grin, but the former laughter stopped abruptly in the next second, because the big green hand extended by the Lord directly overturned.

   Under the big hands of heaven and earth, Chaos Mie Shenhai fell into calm directly.

   Everything is quiet, everything is closed!


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