
read2();  "Heroes, have the lofty ambitions of the clouds, swallow the mountains and rivers, and have the power of Kyushu. They can carry justice on their shoulders, turn the mansions, relieve the people from hanging upside down, and I will wait With a sharp ear, how to be your majesty and marshal so fancy!"

   Endless Mountain Yulongguan Central Camp, after Wei Guogong’s heroic words fell, Wang Jing and Peng Mu, whose complexions changed suddenly, went straight to the ground on one knee, and their solemn voice followed.

   Actually, even as clever as Wang Jing, he could not have imagined that the young emperor in the White Emperor's Palace, who was in charge of the world, wanted to train himself two to become a new hero in the entire Great Xia Army and countless people.

   "To show off cleverness is to call it a hero; to be brave is to call a hero. Every era needs a hero, because we all know that the power of an example is sometimes infinite, especially when the enemy is present."

Inside the Yulongguan Central Camp, the response from Wei Guogong Xu Sheng rang softly, and then the burly old man stood up from his seat and looked down at the two extremely young figures below. With Qi Yi in his eyes, he continued to speak slowly:

"In the Dingding era when the old man was fighting in the four directions, many powerful characters appeared. Among them, there were heroes, some heroes, and some heroes. But the only one who truly deserves the word of hero is His Majesty Taizu. And a decade ago, aliens invaded southward. Zhenyu Hou Linlang saved Dawn from water and fire, and he is also a hero."

   After Wei Guogong's voice fell, Wang Jing raised his head, looked at the former's wise eyes, and said heartily:

   "The General Marshal is a military horse, but gray-haired and gray-haired is once again dressed in battle, and in one fell swoop to annihilate the fortress of the foreign race, making the human tribe's eternal merits, destined to remain a hero forever."

   "No matter what you say outside, the old man is very clear in his heart. Most of my achievements in my later years are bestowed by your majesty. Even if it is an ordinary general, as long as you obey the Holy Order obediently, you can still achieve it.

   "But now that the times are changing, people like the old man will get old after all, so we need new heroes in Daxia, who belong to this era!"

After Wei Guogong Xu Sheng finished speaking, he walked to the corner of the camp, and gradually unbuttoned the big robe of the king who was embroidered with the **** bird and spread his wings, took off, and then took a piece of Daxia ordinary armor hung in the corner and put it on , The voice continued to spread:

"Heaven and earth are heroic, and the ages are awe-inspiring. No one is born a hero. Heroes come from small people. You and the other two must not be presumptuous. At present, everyone can become a hero in the Great Profound Land. So in this crisis and opportunity In an era of coexistence, the old man hopes that you can seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Old Wei Guogong’s remarks were extremely sincere, and he did not hide it. He directly took out the considerations of Zhao Yu and the entire Ministry of War. He is old after all. Therefore, the entire army of Daxia needs a new successor, but even if he has the entire court For anyone, this support is both glorious and heavy as a mountain. It is not easy to carry it.

Wang Jing was originally a smart and show-off person, so he could fully understand the meaning of the words of the old man. Therefore, the young man who had high hopes from the Ministry of War directly raised his hands and thumped his chest, expressing himself with actions. Determination and will.

  Though thousands of people, I will go!

"All of us know clearly that now the greatest hero and reliance of Daxia is your Majesty, but your Majesty is the emperor and the lord of Daxia. If your Majesty rushes to the forefront in every battle, then this is what I am waiting for. The greatest shame in a lifetime for a person who fights for a living!"

Taking off the court clothes of Guogong and putting on a armor, Guogong Wei's momentum also gradually changed. He lost a little bit of grace and nobleness as Guogong Wei, and on the contrary, he gained the iron-blooded dominance of the marshal of soldiers and horses, and then this old man who liked this armor more. Back to the commander position, looking at the two Wang Jing below, continue to speak:

"Whether the times make heroes or heroes make times, the two characters of the country and the people are inseparable. The prosperity of the country, the thieves follow the heroes; the defeat of the country, the officials and the rogues light the law, and in my opinion, under the control of your majesty The Great Summer of China is the best era for all the people, and anyone can become a hero.

   "The entire Daxia and Shenzhou Haotu will eventually be handed over to you young people. By the way, this time the old man came back and brought his grandson and granddaughter."

After finishing the sentence, Wei Guogong raised his hand and pointed to his side gently, and then he heard that the old Wei Guogong had a conversation with Wang Jing and others. The two brothers Xu Hao and Xu Jin, who were in horror, recovered, took a step forward and faced Wang. Jing and Peng Mu also saluted.

The eyes of the two brothers and sisters are extremely curious, especially Xu Hao, and they also have a strong admiration. In the family of the Lord, he knows the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division better than the others. More understanding of the unimaginable intrepidity of the Tianhui Army Taboo, the voice of Wei Guogong continued to sound in the huge Chinese army camp:

  "When returning from the capital of God, the old man made a bet with these two little guys. Wang Jing, you find a team of Ben Leiwei from the Thunder Army and fight with these two.

"And this commander has only one requirement. If you can't win, this team Ben Leiwei doesn't need to go to Shenjing City with you, and stay directly at Yulong Pass. When they have played, when will they find you. "

  As soon as these words came out, Xu Hao, who was full of confidence in the camp, suddenly changed his face, while Xu Jin directly stretched out the hand of the old Wei Guogong and said coquettishly:

   "Grandpa, how can you be like this!"

   But no matter how the second lady of the Wei State Government’s mansion acted like a baby, the old man remained unmoved. Then Wang Jing with a weird face nodded and walked out of the camp, raising his head and screaming towards the sky.

Suddenly, bursts of screams hovered in the sky, above the sky, suddenly purple thunder appeared out of thin air, thunder dazzling, although the endless mountain is a white sky, the thunder light is still dazzling, and then these thunders pierced the void with extremely violent speed , Falling straight down, the sound of crackling thunder was endless.

After a few breaths, outside the Central Camp of Infinite Mountain, Ben Leiwei, a unit directly under Wangjing, slowly retracted the huge Dao Soul Eagle Wings behind him, and then bowed down on one knee and saluted, accompanied by a roar into the sky. In the surrounding void, there is still a tingling thunder light shining on the skin.

After experiencing the battle of the wild forest in the southwest and the battle of the fortress of the gods, the Ben Lei Army at this time can be described as the name, moving like thunder, the power of violent thunder continues to flow in the young body, like walking Thunder and lightning in the world.

   Then Wang Jing stepped forward and came to Ben Lei Jun, repeating the words of Old Wei Guogong.

After finishing the sentence, the middle-aged captain headed by Ben Leiwei, with a long scar on his face, showed a very strange expression. He raised his head and looked at the sisters and brothers of Xu Hao and Xu Jin who came out of the same self-employed tent. He clasped his fists, and the voice rolled out without humble or utterance:

   "Ben Leiwei, please enlighten me!"


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