
read2();   Looking eastward at the stronghold, thick smoke and fire rose up until noon, adding a touch of unusual human touch to this gathering place opened in the jungle.

  Although the human races living in this Dongwang Pass are all practitioners or hunters who come to hunt in the Nanban jungle, there are already some sensitive chambers of commerce that have stationed here early, opening restaurants, and providing thoughtful service.

   Therefore, the spectators who came here by the beast shuttle bus from the deserted city gathered in twos and threes in the restaurant and teahouse of Dongwangguan for a short break, and after having lunch, they were collectively transported to the Valley of the Giants.

  The main event is finally coming. This makes the people who have been rushing in the jungle not only do not have the fatigue of the journey, but they are getting more and more excited. You start to look forward to one of the eight forbidden places, the valley of the giants.

Then in a restaurant not far from Dongwang Plaza, Zhao Yu lifted the tea on the table, took a sip, and continued to look down at the fold presented by Liang Po, and this fold On the first page of the book, four characters are clearly written:

   Green branches, tree charm.

In fact, since Ye Yi passed through the road and sent the information provided by Wuxianzong to the Taixuan Land across the border, the candlelight of the intelligence department headed by Sima Annan, the military aircraft department and other yamen has not been extinguished day and night. The people who came in and out of, together with the map of mountains and seas, carried out an incomparably detailed analysis of the huge and incomparable map of Taixuan Land.

Subsequently, the contents of these analyses were deliberated and supplemented by hundreds of officials, and then collectively sent to the Sitian Supervisor, and then a monk who read the hair to perform deductions, and finally registered in the book, submitted to the cabinet for review, and then sent to Imperial Front.

   At this time, before Zhao Yu, there was the first document on the power of the Taixuan Land that was passed by the cabinet and sent urgently, and it was one of the four great kingdoms in the Taixuan Land, Qingzhi.

Zhao Yu looked down at Zhezi’s gaze, smooth as water, and gently swept the text on the bottom Zhezi, and beside him, besides the rouge who was sitting and drinking tea and resting, Sun Qian was standing bowed and holding his sister. , Man Yuanyuan standing quietly.

   Sun Qian’s eyes were filled with curiosity and inquiries, while the barbarian girl’s eyes were very calm like a young emperor.

Zhao Yu’s peace lies in her self-confidence, strength and fearlessness, while the peace in Man Yuanyuan’s eyes is because she cares little. In a sense, if a person doesn’t even care about death, it’s natural. There will not be too much fear.

   When the young emperor looked down at Zhezi, the entire small remote room of the teahouse was silent, and everyone held their breath. After a while, Zhao Yu did not lift his head, and a steady voice came out:

   "Qingzhi Nation, dominated by the Shumei clan, loves peace by nature, and the Intelligence Department analyzes that it has a high probability of being friendly to China."

   After the voice of the young emperor fell, he threw the folder in his hand to Sun Qian who was aside, and continued to speak:

   "Sun Qian, take a closer look at this folder, and then talk about your views."

After    finished speaking, Sun Qian hurriedly reached out to take it, and then opened the folder to read it carefully, and then in the small tea house, the Emperor Huang Huang from Zhao Yu continued to sound:

"Man Yuanyuan, since I waited for the vast land of Shenzhou to be one of the immortal mountains that sank tens of thousands of years ago, it is enough to show that everything in the vast land of Shenzhou is inextricably linked to the land of the great profound. Relationship, you might as well guess, which force in the Southern Barbarian Jungle is related to the Taixuan Land?"

  As soon as this question came out, the face of the barbarian girl who stood quietly changed slightly, frowning and thinking for a few breaths, then responded:

   "Your Majesty means that my barbarians came from what you said tens of thousands of years ago?"

   "Eight nine never leave ten."

   Zhao Yu turned his head and looked at Man Yuanyuan, who has healthy wheat-colored skin, her voice continued:

"Information from the land of the Supreme Profound Realm shows that the Qingzhi Nation established by this tree-mei clan is powerful, one of the four great kingdoms, and most of the tree-mei clan was transformed by hundreds of millions of years after trees became spirits. It can be said that everyone is a miracle of the avenue. The most important point is that they also believe in the mother of the jungle!"

As soon as the words   Mother of the Jungle came out, Man Yuanyuan's originally calm face suddenly showed a little horror, and then the murmured response sounded:

"If the mother of the jungle believed by the so-called Shumei clan is the same as the mother of the jungle of my barbarians, then this should be basically certain. In fact, every saint of the barbarians knows a word of mouth. The secret method can communicate with the mother of the jungle, but for so many years, even when the Holy Blood is still there, there has been no successful communication."

   "After the two worlds were separated from everything and sank under the North Sea, I waited for the vast land of Shenzhou to directly lose contact with the Taixuan land, so naturally you can't call this mother of the jungle."

After the Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu stood up, came to the window and stood with his hands, like black eyes in the night sky, watching the wandering people who are constantly gathering from the eastward stronghold below and gathering towards the square, young The voice continued:

"As for how you have evolved from the Shumei clan to the current barbaric clan for so many years, I estimate that after the sinking of the two immortal mountains, the race that descended from the Taixuan land in the southern barbarian jungle is more than just the Shumei clan. ."

   After Zhao Yu finished speaking, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he sighed:

"I can imagine that in this huge jungle, there must be a tragic, life-and-death battle for survival, and in a sense, there is no winner in this battle, because it is necessary to continue survival. The blood is no longer pure."

   Through Zhao Yu's sigh, everyone in the small room of the restaurant can clearly feel the cruelty of this kind of clan war, because in this battle about the right to survive, there is no retreat, and no failure at all.

After a while, more and more spectators gathered in the square of the Dongwang stronghold, and in the restaurant where Zhao Yu and others were located, Sun Qian, who had carefully checked the details of the Qingzhi Kingdom in his hand, frowned and thought. , After a change of expression, he let out a sigh:

"This zhezi's analysis of Qingzhishumei is perfect. If the Weichen is allowed to analyze and deliberate on the existing intelligence, it may not be able to be so interlinked. Weichen is very curious. This zhezi is caused by The author?"

   "If you turn over the fold, it will be clear."

   Zhao Yu turned around and watched Sun Qian speak gently. Then the latter turned the information folder in his hand and looked down, only to see a line of small fonts in the corner of the folder.

  Beian Wangfu, a city in snow.

   "Xue Bancheng? When did the Royal Mansion of Bei'an come out with such a wizard?"

After    muttered to himself, Sun Qian raised his hands, holding the zhezi in his hands, and bowed deeply to Zhao Yu, and then a respectful voice came out:

   "Your Majesty, the minister has an unrelenting request. If in the future the minister needs to represent Daxia on behalf of the rest of the country, then the minister hopes that his Majesty can now hand over this Xue Bancheng to the minister."

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