The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1111: Manchu Review


read2();  The small world of floating islands, a cloud of clouds carrying a large number of silhouettes, shuttles between the secondary island and the main island at an extremely fast speed, making it busier than ever.

   Because today is an extremely important day for all the craftsmen involved in manufacturing in the small world and for the entire Great Xia court.

   The catapult puppet will be inspected by His Majesty and a hundred officials.

  Once this catapult puppet is recognized by the Lord of Great Xia and the hundred officials of cultural relics, this will undoubtedly be the greatest pioneering work created by the entire Ministry of Industry since the opening of the dynasty, which is enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

In the center of the main island, a huge inspection platform has been built on the Tianhui Military Academy. Not far in front of this platform, the giant puppets lined up in a row under the sun, reflecting a faint light, just like a behemoth. After opening his big mouth, the cold light from the sharp fangs.

   Next to the catapult puppet, a dignified and steady command sound came out, resounding across the sky:

   "Now we will carry out the last exploration. First, is the gathering of spirits running?"

The clear and loud shouts lingered in the square, surrounded by the five puppets, the organ sect disciples stretched out their hands and held the puppet in front of them, injecting vitality into the latter, and the next breath, on top of the puppet, a large rune formation directly lit up. At the same time, the ubiquitous heaven and earth in the entire schoolyard began to riot.

  As soon as this vision came out, the surrounding organ sect disciples retracted their vitality and all responded:

   "The Great Gathering Array is intact."

   "Then the second item next is to explore the large gust of wind."

Under this steady sound of instructions that continued to sound, on top of the five catapult puppets, another rune lighted up once again, and the whole small world was suddenly strong above the wide school [country novel] field. .

   "The third item is a big barrier."

   Along with this methodical voice sounded continuously, all the runes portrayed on the five puppets began to shine in sequence, and various functions were first checked before being reviewed.

And just as these five puppets were being examined very carefully, to their side, the organ sect disciple Little Fatty, who was in an extremely tense state, stepped into the corner and wiped the fine sweat on his forehead. Zhu, panting heavily, tried to keep her calm.

But for the first time facing such a chubby man, his complexion was still green, his entire lips trembled uncontrollably, and even if he kept breathing deeply, a lot of sweat was still flowing out from all over his body. In a short period of time, The whole person is as wet as a heavy rain, extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately, in order to take care of the nervousness of the little fat man, a disciple of a petite girl who was familiar with on weekdays always followed the former to enlighten, and then the same very young girl looked up and stood in front of the five giant puppets. Standing, the handsome young man in white robe flying in white, gently spoke:

   "A month ago, Senior Sister Xi suddenly retreats and has not yet left the customs. Fortunately, Senior Brother Yan presides over the overall situation. Otherwise, it is really awkward to complete so many runes by us alone."

After   's words fell, the young girl turned her head to the side of the little fat man who was in a trance, a funny and kind look flashed in her eyes, she directly raised her hand and slapped the latter's shoulder, and said:

   "Zhou Fan, can you be a little harder like a man, don't be so conscientious, this girl is so angry."

   The girl said this, calling out Xiao Pangdun’s real name, showing that she was really angry, and then the little fat man Zhou Fan next to her, the round head shrank subconsciously, and then continued to speak with a little trembling:

"I know the importance of the puppet next to me, and if this big guy cannot pass through with your majesty because of my unfavorable operation, then I am the sinner of our institution. It would be best to leave it to Senior Sister Xi to control it. "

   "You really think too much, do you think it's so easy to control these five big guys?"

After   's solemn voice came from the girl's mouth, she turned around and stared at the punk in front of her with her big eyes, and spoke word by word:

"If you think about it, there are so many disciples in our Institution Sect, only you can fuse the soul of the stone-casting lane, and thus control the big guy behind us who has made every effort to build. Even Senior Brother Yan is beaten by you. Go down.

   "So this is called the heaven and the great responsibility, you should call Zhou Bufan, not Zhou Fan!"

  As soon as the girl said this, there was a flame burning directly in Xiao Pangdun’s eyes. Just as she was about to speak, the clear command of Senior Brother Yan suddenly sounded in her ear:

   "The last item, puppet manipulation detection, where is Zhou Fan?"

   "Go ahead, just like you usually practice manipulation."

   After finishing speaking, the girl gave an encouraging smile, then stretched out her hand to push towards Xiao Pangdun, who took the opportunity to stride forward, then held her breath, her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth impassionedly and let out a loud shout:

   "Zhou Fan is here!"

All the disciples around saw that Xiao Pangdun moved forward boldly at this time, with a look of generosity to death, they all snorted and smiled. Even Senior Brother Yan, who had always been calm, raised his mouth subconsciously, and then put away his smile. Raising his hand forward, he said:

   "Please, Zhou Fan."

After   's voice fell, Xiao Pang nodded his head heavily, raised his hands directly to the sides, and began to use his best to quickly mobilize the vitality of the world within his body.

   In the next instant, the void behind Zhou Fan suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and countless dark green auras and the vitality of heaven and earth converge inward, causing a sudden change in Zhou Fan's temperament in everyone's eyes.

Then the dark green breath gradually formed a huge catapult phantom. Although the Dao Soul phantom is a bit fuzzy, it can still be clearly felt that this catapult road soul, which is very close to everyone's puppets, contains the inside. Strong and extremely destructive, especially above the Dao Soul, also has terrifying guns and crossbows.


Along with Xiao Pangdun’s low drink, a series of complex and mysterious runes lit up on the soul phantom of the sling stone lane. At the same time, the five sling stone puppets around everyone suddenly buzzed, as if they were inside the puppet. The innumerable gears, which were tightly combined, began to rotate together.

After a few breaths, the entire ground of the Small World Tianhui Military Academy trembled violently, and a faint fluorescent light began to radiate from the inside of the puppet's perspective of the car, and then a strong and incomparable frenzied aura rose up at an extremely rapid speed, belonging to the agency. The power of the puppet masterpiece poured out in all directions.

   In the entire Tianhui Military Academy, these five sleeping giant puppets have truly awakened!

   Then Xiao Pang Dun Zhou Fan nodded, and solemnly spoke word by word:

   "The connection between the catapult puppet and the Taoist soul is close, and the control is not hindered!"


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