The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1118: Reverse yin and yang


read2();  "Every time I listen to this thunderous sound like ten thousand birds singing, I will think of Jiang Yu, old lady, and remember that when we were young, this guy only took one shot, just like now It's so powerful."

   Reviewing the high platform, the old Wei Guogong Xu Sheng looked at the thunderous ballista shining in the void below, and let out a light sigh. Then, in his tiger's eyes, the rich color of nostalgia flashed away, and he continued to speak:

   "The thunder stuns the world, the dragon and the snake stings, the power of this thunder is the most restraining of the ghosts, and it must be able to be in the land of the supreme, generous and splendid!"

   In fact, among the officials watching on the reviewing platform, there are many monks who have extraordinary cultivation skills. Therefore, when the thunderbolt pierced the void and the mighty power poured out, they had a bottom in their hearts and nodded secretly.

   In the previous burst of arrows, this catapult puppet has already demonstrated extraordinary defensive power, but at this time, its killing power after completely revealing its fangs is undoubtedly stronger, stronger, and more violent!

   On the main island campus, Daxia Qingqi charged like a dragon, and thunder ballista pierced the void like an arrow!

   The ear-splitting drums of horseshoes and the chirping neigh intertwined with each other, making everyone seem to be taken into the battlefield full of iron and blood.

   After being baptized by countless battles of life and death, Daxia Qingqi elite, facing the blazing thunder in his eyes, there is no fear, and then the middle-aged captain, headed by the lieutenant, shook his spear tightly, and let out an angry roar:

   "Arrow formation, shatter the universe, charge!"


All Qingqi let out a roar straight into the sky, and the entire assault force directly formed a real off-string arrow. At the same time, rolling iron and blood rose into the sky from the upright body of the cavalry soldier, and the entire assault formation was enveloped in the blink of an eye. Inside, it was as if this giant arrow was smeared with a thick layer of blood.

After an instant, under the gaze of the eyes, this **** arrow and the blazing thunder bombarded without fancy. Then all the voices in everyone's ears suddenly disappeared, and everything in the entire world The sound seemed to lose its ability to spread at this moment.

   Because the air no longer flows!

   Before everyone's eyes, the scarlet blood and the lightning blazing stalemate each other, splitting the entire sky above the broad campus into two halves.

  After five full breaths, the air in the small world resumed flow, and a tearing sound that resounded through the sky reached everyone's ears.

   This sound is like a piece of paper being torn and magnified countless times, and then on the reviewing stand, several military generals Qi Qi murmured:

   "This voice should be formed by the entire void of the small world being torn apart. Such power is far beyond my imagination."

   "A single catapult puppet can release the thunder guns and crossbows. If ten, a hundred, or even thousands of them are released at once, it would be terrifying!"

   It is true that, for the first time, the catapult puppets who had released their violent and murderous intent for the first time, only used one face to face, and they directly captured the favor of these iron-blooded generals of the Ministry of War. Even after Li Chunfeng saw it, there was an unexpected look in his eyes.

   If you want to use words to describe it, it is both offensive and defensive, powerful!

   "Look at the power of the Thunder Ballista after it bursts completely?"

After reviewing the high platform, Wei Guogong’s voice fell, and after another breath, the situation of mutual stalemate within the school field began to change. With the continued sound of loud tearing, the **** arrow formed by Daxia Qingqi continued to move forward. He plunged into the center of the Thunder Ballista.

   At the same time, the blazing white thunder burst directly outwards, and countless thunder and lightning spread like tentacles with teeth and claws, spreading in all directions, and even the originally non-conductive ground was covered with thunder that contained the power of destruction.

In the center of the huge schoolyard, a huge flashing thunder pond appeared in an instant, trying to destroy everything in the thunder pond. The more and more loud sounds of thousands of birds resounded across the sky, and then everyone stood on their toes and tried their best to open their eyes. I want to see the scene inside through the dazzling thunder light outside the mine pond.

In the next second, within the blazing thunder pond, a thick and extremely **** color began to appear, and then the blood became more and more obvious, and finally formed a huge scarlet arrow in the thunder pond, and it shuttled forward unswervingly. .

   "It's Daxia Qingqi, they are tearing apart the thunder pool formed by this thunder gun!"

A series of exclamation sounds came from the mouths of the surrounding craftsmen, and the Ministry of Industry officials on the reviewing platform, as well as a large number of organ sect disciples, showed their worries, because the situation at this time is already very clear. There was enough response in the follow-up trial, and Zhou Fan and Senior Brother Yan, who controlled the puppet, chose the extremely risky two-wing flying tactic.

At this time, when the rest of the catapult puppets are in the recovery phase, once the light cavalry breaks through the ballista mine pool, then the victory or defeat can be declared directly, not to mention the most violent white hoof in the other side of the school. Wu Zhongqi was ready to go, ready to give this final fatal blow.

   "Block it, block it!"

This shout echoed in the minds of the craftsmen of the Ministry of Crafts and the disciple of the Organ Sect. At the same time, inside the sling puppet, the senior brother Yan, who was watching all this closely, subconsciously reached out and held down Zhou Fan’s shoulder beside him, opening his mouth high. Shouted:

   "Zhou Fan, use whatever means to block it. We must block the arrow formation of the light cavalry, otherwise we will be the sinners of the entire Ministry of Industry!"

At this time, Xiao Pangdun Zhou Fan had actually forgotten everything about the outside world. In his mind, there was one and only the **** arrow that was constantly magnifying in his eyes, and then the roar of Senior Brother Yan came in. In his ears, Xiao Pangdun's whole body suddenly began to tremble violently.

   But this time Zhou Fan's violent shaking was not from fear, but from excitement and indomitability!

There is an indescribable force in Zhou Fan's body. Between the electric light and flint, it turned into a billowing heat flow from the depths of his bloodline and spine and gushing out violently, rushing into the sea of ​​consciousness, making his eyes instantly crimson, and his body is full of momentum. The outside skyrocketed, and then the vague sling puppet Taoist spirit behind it instantly condensed into substance.

   At the same time, Zhou Fan inside the puppet opened his mouth, clenched his fists, and uttered the most violent roar in his life toward the front. Under the roar, the blazing thunder pool formed by the thunder ballista on the school field changed drastically in an instant.

   from shallow to deep, from white to black!

  The fiery thunder shining in the huge thunder pool suddenly turned into a stunning black water mysterious thunder in an instant.

   "The reversal of yin and yang is actually a reversal of yin and yang. How can a puppet have such a top-level overhaul to understand the core principles of one or two!"

   Looking at the huge blackened thunder pond above the school ground below, Sima Annan, who has always been extremely indifferent, changed his face for the first time. Then the old Shangshu from the Ministry of Engineering next to him shook his head and responded:

   "The catapult puppet itself does not have this ability. It is the soul of the sling, the soul of the catapult puppet bestowed by your majesty!"

  As soon as he said this, the surrounding civil and military officials turned their heads and stared at the front, standing steadily like Kunlun Mountains from the young back, the color of awe in their eyes became stronger.

   At the next breath, a steady voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth:

   "Li Chunfeng."

   "Weichen is here!"

   Li Chunfeng bowed and saluted, and then Zhao Yu raised his right hand and swung lightly, the emperor continued to sound:

"Let the white hoofed black horse and the troops behind stop. This review is enough to this level. I will let you be responsible for cooperating with the Ministry of War to form a regular new army. In addition, all the craftsmen in Daxia will begin to build the lower part. These big guys."


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