
read2();  The heart is also an organ in the body that promotes blood circulation.

The human race, who is the spirit of all things in the world, possesses a heart, and the ancient giant, who has been standing in the sky since ancient times, has a vigorous heart beating in his body. Therefore, if the realm and the understanding of the road are the spiritual advancement of higher-order life Step, then the core of the body is the evolution of the body.

Inside the Silver Mountain Great Venerable, more and more violent storms of luck are rolling in, and the indescribable coercion is getting stronger and stronger. At the same time, the core place of the Silver Mountain Great Venerable is also because of the arrival of two uninvited guests. Also because of the shouting of the word qiyun, the first drastic change began to take place in tens of thousands of years.

   When all the white misty air luck was sucked into the tornado storm, everything around became extremely clear, and then released a strong apocalyptic aura to cover the washing red dust and the lava boast of itself, staring at the front, and continuing to speak:

  " Great Dao leads to the same goal by different routes. Regardless of the race, if you cultivate to a certain level, you will get closer to the essence of Dao. Dao has a core, so our body naturally needs a core.

"Although among countless creatures in the world, not all existences have a heart, but the core is more indispensable. Therefore, the existences that created this silver mountain must still follow the most basic logic of life, just like the blood of the human body. It will not automatically rush to the limbs, the Great Silver Mountain also needs a heart to absorb the force of this billowing air transport, and then transport it to the whole body."

After    finished speaking, Lava Kuan stretched out his hand to press on his left chest, and then sounded again with a faintly painful voice:

"No one can feel the feeling and pain of losing the heart better than the deity. All the five senses have disappeared. The coldness, loneliness and darkness are always accompanied by your feelings, undoubtedly more painful than death. Ten thousand times."

As the voice fell, Lava shook his head with boasting, put away the strange emotion that was fleeting, and then continued to move forward against the violent storm of luck that swept outwards, and at the same time, there was a question from Xihongchen behind him. Voice came out:

"Exaggerate, I understand what you mean, but why the heart of the Great Lord Silver Mountain suddenly disappeared. After all, I waited and confirmed that no one could break the Great Lord before the Master made a sword. Defense, then destroy its heart."

   "Actually, according to this seat, the core heart in the body of the Great Lord was not destroyed by humans."

After the lava's boasting response fell, his stepping forward stopped, and then he squatted down, reached out his hand to pick up a half-human puppet wreck from the ground of the core area, and looked at what was formed after the top of the wreck was split apart. Crack, continue to speak:

   "This should be the wreckage of the original Yinshan Great Master's mechanical heart, and you can see the laceration of this fragment."

After    the lava boasted, the washing red dust behind her stepped forward, raising her head and watching the fragments almost the size of her in front of her. When she saw the crack shape on the fragments, the girl blurted out:

   "Only one side of this piece of wreckage has a large number of cracks and a searing shape after high temperature burning. Only one situation can form this abnormal shape, and the inside burst!"

   "Exactly, this coincides with the deity's guess."

   After finishing the lava boast, he gently placed the debris in his hand back to the ground, and then sighed:

   "The North Sea Battle where Wuxian Mountain was located was so tragic, so tragic that it was as strong as the Great Silver Mountain, and it fell into silence because of abrupt exhaustion and exploded the entire heart."

As soon as the words “Exhausted and Explosive” came out, it was the way of the puppet. Everyone’s heart was violent and violent. This puppet abruptly exploded the entire central core, just like a monk, overdrawing his life in an instant, thus Obtaining super strength for a period of time is a heroic act that will kill oneself.

And the Great Silver Mountain where Xihongchen was located at this time gave people the feeling that it was so powerful that even the girl felt that no one in the world could resist the edge of this puppet of heaven and earth. Therefore, under the contrast, Xihongchen's heart was inexplicable. There was a heavy pressure on the ground.

   This pressure not only comes from the earth-shattering North Sea battle, but also comes from the land of the Supreme Profound!

"Before this seat, I listened to your organ sect telling the story of this great silver mountain in the vast land of Shenzhou, and discovered that this puppet of heaven and earth, after the heart is broken, can still gallop on the vast land of Shenzhou for countless years. It can be really strong and unparalleled."

After the voice fell, the lava boasted around the remains of the mechanical heart scattered in front of him, and continued to move forward. As the two quickly approached the center of the storm of luck, more and more huge heart fragments were scattered on the ground, looking far away. Going is like the ruins of a city that has been abandoned for countless years.

However, unlike ordinary ruins, there is a puppet's core place with a strong force of luck, and even the passage of time has slowed down, so these tens of thousands of years have been shattered. The core remains have not been extensively corroded and destroyed, but have retained their original appearance to the greatest extent.

   In this way, these fragments are one of the most tempting treasures in the world, especially for the ancient runes looming after the cracks, which made the girl almost unable to move her legs.

   Then, as Xi Hongchen stared at the rune and lingered, he strode in front of him to continue towards the lava boasting in the center, and directly said:

   "Don't worry about the washing girl. When we leave, this seat will collect all the remains, but now, there are more important things to do."

   "The more important thing?"

After washing Hongchen back to his senses, after the slightly doubtful voice sounded, the aura of destruction on the whole body became stronger and stronger, and even the lava that was gradually expanding outside the whole body nodded boasting, then squinted his eyes and looked forward. The rough voice sounded again:

   "Little girl, look at the shape of the space surrounded by countless blood vessels under this storm of luck, does it look like a heart magnified countless times."

After finishing the sentence, Lava made a fist with his right hand, raised it to the front, just above the vacancy, and then the eyes of the two changed at the same time, because from where they were, the giant tornado of luck in front , It happened to be poured into the heart replaced by a fist from top to bottom of the lava, and then poured out into these blood vessels leading to every part of Yinshan Great Venerable's body, forming an extremely spectacular circulation system.

   "The rest of this great statue is intact, even the power of Qi Luck is preserved extremely intact, without any leakage, so to make it come alive, you only need a large and strong heart!"


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