The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1125: Dragon Heart


read2();   There is no doubt that the Silver Mountain Great Master is the pinnacle of the mastery of the puppets between the whole world and the world. Its greatness lies not only in its indomitable body, but also The power of breaking the earth lies in the fact that he has his own intelligence, able to think and practice.

   In other words, the Great Lord Silver Mountain can already be called a creature with wisdom!

   In fact, the spiritual wisdom contained in the Great Silver Mountain has not completely dissipated in the silence of tens of thousands of years, but stubbornly sinks into the core area, and is stored in the constant ups and downs of air transport like a sea of ​​fog.

All creatures and creatures have the instinct to survive, so the remaining spirit and wisdom of the Great Silver Mountain is like an old farmer guarding a three-acre land, protecting this massive force of air transport to prevent it from leaking. Because it knows that this force of Qi Luck is not only the source of energy for itself to stand proud in the world, but also the only trace of vitality among the nine deaths.

   As the most mysterious between the heaven and the earth, the supreme luck that has been greeted by all the major repairs in the Taixuan Land, represents the good fortune, and it is the path of good luck.

   And now, in the third grade, this vitality comes directly!

In the core area of ​​Silver Mountain Great Lord’s body, the originally violently tumbling sea of ​​gas and mist, from the roaring storm tornado, to the big hand that confronts the claws of the doomsday with lava, to the huge eye that now occupies half of the top. , Very clearly reflected the change in the attitude of the Great Lord Yinshan Lingzhi towards lava boasting and washing the red dust.

   then put away the different-colored lava in his eyes, and looked at each other with the upper eye pupil, opened his mouth and slowly opened his mouth, and the extremely thick voice rolled out again:

   "I will ask again, the great master can decide? My Daxia does not allow betrayal, nor will I give you the opportunity to betray."

Lava boasted this statement, solemnly, calmly, and also with a meaning that could not be rejected, because this was the will of the young emperor. After hearing the words, the eye of luck at the top blinked again without hesitation. Then perhaps it was because of the lava boasting too much nonsense, the huge eyes formed by the will of the Great Lord Silver Mountain continued to blink three times, as if urging.

   The unexpected behavior of the Great Silver Mountain made the weird color on Lava’s boasting face thicker and thicker. Even the washing red dust beside him subconsciously chuckled and said:

   "Exaggerate people, Silver Mountain is not like you said, it takes a long time to think carefully."

   "Isn't that better, it also lacks the deity's words."

After he finished speaking, a smirk appeared on Lava’s lush face, and then the expression on his face became more and more solemn. The violent aura on his body directly reached its peak at this moment, and the sudden burst of hell’s doomsday force swept outward, causing Xihongchen on the side took a step back subconsciously.

After that, Xi Hongchen stared at the ancient giant whose aura was greatly changed beside her in amazement, her eyes narrowed, and in her induction, the entire space within the surrounding Great Lord seemed to have directly become a doom that belongs to the bottom of Jiuyou The lava kingdom of hell, in this kingdom, doomsday magma flows everywhere, and the dark brown land is burning with an unquenchable flame of destruction.

   In Jiuyou Hell, this kind of land has a name that makes all demons and ghosts talk about it.

   scorched earth!

   The scorched earth raged, and between the lava bursts, in the lava boasting, a hoarse and cold roar came out again:

"The Great Silver Mountain, who has lost his heart, wants to stand up again. It is simple and simple. It only needs an equally powerful heart. But between heaven and earth, it is not easy to create such a complex and vast mechanical heart. It’s impossible, so you have to accept another kind of heart."

After the rolling sound fell, the lava praised the huge devil's claws and stretched directly to the flying messenger in front of him. At the next breath, the small cloth pouch on the back of the little pony waving its wings opened directly outward, and the entire space around him suddenly became extremely Fuzziness is like opening a door to the rest of the space.

Then the lava boasted a huge demon's claws, stretched into this space portal, squeezed inward, and then slowly pulled out, and the lava boasted as an ancient giant with infinite strength. The speed was extremely slow, even with a crackling sound that smashed the entire void, as if the thing he was holding in his hand had a weight that was difficult to describe with numbers.

The fact is the same. At this time, Lava Kua, who has already mobilized all the strength of his body, clenches his teeth tightly, and his strong breathing sound is like a roaring dragon. After a full breath, with the withdrawal of Lava Kua's right hand, the whole Suddenly, one after another drums came from extremely far away in the void.

Then this roar like a heavy drum was getting closer and louder, and it resounded throughout the void in an instant, and it continuously bombarded Xihongchen’s mind, and at the same time, the girl’s blood began to violently boil along with it. .

The void shook like a drum, and this sound of shaking like mountains and seas caused Xi Hongchen to subconsciously cover her heart, and began to mobilize the vitality in the body to suppress it, but the effect was little, and then the girl found that her heartbeat gradually changed to the void. The vibrations in it overlap each other.

   "Is this a heartbeat?"

The murmur of washing Hongchen has not yet fallen, Lava Boasting Tiantian once again let out a deafening roar, and then his right hand is directly pulled out of the flying messenger. At this moment, the earth-shaking heartbeats around directly reached the peak. .

   "咚, 咚, 咚!"

   Under the roaring heartbeat that even seemed to shatter in the void, Xi Hongchen, who was covering his heart, looked up, and saw that the lava boasted demon's hand, tightly holding an equally huge heart.

This giant heart is full of pure and incomparable scarlet color. At this time, it is beating vigorously again and again, and with every beating, a large amount of black smoke will emerge from the inside and out of the heart, billowing into the sky, looking far away Go, it's like a huge firework burning.

At the same time, an unimaginable vitality pours out from the nest. This vitality is so rich that even the power of Qi Luck where the Great Silver Mountain is located above is instantly attracted, and one after another quickly descends. , Scrambling to try to get into this heart.

   Then Lava took a step forward slowly, raised his head, and continued to lift up the huge heart in his hand, staring scorchingly at the eyes of Qi Luck that showed the color of desire above, then opened his mouth and let out a roar:

   "Great Lord Silver Mountain, you are still satisfied with the Heart of Terror given by the Holy Lord. In fact, this seat prefers another name.

   "Dragon Heart!"


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