The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1158: Qiushui Qiaojia


read2();  In the early winter of the ninety-first day of the Great Xia calendar, in the afternoon, although the temperature did not drop, the snow that enveloped the capital city became more and more intense, which seemed extremely abnormal.

   At the same time, the heaven above the entire Shenjing City, along with this goose feather heavy snow, began to sink, roll, and raging.

The higher the cultivation level, the more the illusory momentum above the sky can be felt by the monk, and the emperor's prestige that rises slowly from the Baidi Palace, which makes people want to worship, clearly declares to the world With a strong message.

   "Our Majesty will start to make big moves!"

   In the eastern suburbs of the Shen Jingcheng, deep in the Taoist Palace, within the ten-mile peach forest where peach blossoms are in full bloom, an old voice sounded.

The owner of this voice is an old man wearing a purple robe. Although his beard and hair are white, his skin is still full of ruddy luster. At this moment, he is carrying a hoe, bending over and digging under a peach tree. Touching the land, and not far from the old man, there was also a middle-aged in purple robe wielding a hoe. After hearing this, he spoke:

   "Calculate the time, and the time limit for contact with the legendary Taixuan Land is not long. Your Majesty and Daxia should start all preparations and deployments."

   The voice of the middle-aged in the purple robe was very elegant. Although he was also bending over and hoeing the ground, he gave people a sense of ease and stability. Then the voice continued to be heard from his mouth:

"Although we knew the news earlier than the average Daxia people, we also found it unbelievable that this world is really too big. If it were not for the sudden change of the world, such as my life, we might not know what the outside world looks like. Not to mention other ordinary people."

   "Zhengyang, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. This sentence is a truth that will never change."

After    said, Wen Xiuqi, the old palace master of the Taoist palace stood upright and continued to speak while pestering his hoe:

   "But this time, the Taixuan Land is a matter of life and death for all the people of the imperial court and the Dao Palace. No one can be an exception, so we can't ignore it."

   After the old man’s voice fell, the purple-robed middle-aged man waved his **** for a short while, and then returned to normal. A **** hit the ground, turning out a large piece of mud, and after showing a smile, he said:

   "Under the covering of the nest, there is no end to the eggs, naturally there is no reason to stay out of the matter. This time I will help the court with my disciples. After all, after the previous few cooperation, I am also familiar with the road."

   After the words of Chu Zhengyang, the principal of the Taoist Palace and Zonghengyuan, fell, he stood up and turned to look at the old man not far away, but the latter shook his head and responded:

   "Zhengyang, this time there is a big trouble, so the old man will go personally."

   Dao Palace Master Wen Xiu made this statement, Chu Zhengyang frowned and said:

   "Palace Lord?"

   "You don't need to say too much. In a few days, the old man is going to tell the disciples of the Quandao Palace that you will take over my position and become the new Palace Master of the Taoism Palace."

   The words of the old man really changed Chu Zhengyang's expression. The latter stepped forward and said anxiously:

   "Palace lord must never be."

   "Why, the old man is getting old, and this palace will be handed over to your young people sooner or later."

After Wen Xiuqi finished speaking, he swung down the **** in his hand and opened the ground under the peach tree in front of him. In the next second, a strong smell of wine permeated outwards, with an extremely attractive mellow fragrance. Xiu Qi's expression changed drastically, and he looked at the wine jar that was smashed by the hoe, and let out a strange cry:

   "The old man is really old-fashioned, and he can't control his hands. He broke the peach blossom wine jars!"

Just as Wen Xiuqi, the lord of the Taolin Taolin, wailed distressedly about the peach blossom wine that was broken in the ground, Sitian Tower in the middle of Shenjing City, carrying Sima Annan’s carriage, stopped at the nine-story towering sky Before the gate of the tower.

Then under the blizzard, the tall and straight figures of Sima Annan and Xuebancheng quickly entered the Sitian Supervisor. After dozens of breaths, the atmosphere inside the Sitian Supervisor changed drastically, and there began to be a figure wearing a secretary. Jumped directly from the gate, and after a few ups and downs, they disappeared in all directions.

Among these uncommonly cultivated Sitian Supervisors and officials, a group of people went to the Da Ya of the Criminal Ministry to retrieve the dossier of the investigation of Qiushui City in Chuzhou within a short period of time, and a group of people went to the sky in the small world. The Huijun garrison reported the situation, and the last group of people sent directly to Qiushui City to make advance arrangements.

   Now that Sitian Tower has been streamlined for more than a year, under the strict requirements of Xia Xia, a fast response mechanism has been established, which is like a precision machine with greatly improved performance, fast, efficient and accurate.

   On the first floor of the Sitian Tower, the densely packed Sitian Supervisors and officials under a cold and stable instruction perform their duties, while the scene on the huge mountain and sea picture scroll on the top of the tower changes rapidly.

   "According to the latitude and longitude, the scene of Chuzhou Qiushui City was transferred."

   After the clear command sound came out of Xianxia’s mouth, the secretary's response sounded immediately:

   "Respect Order!"

Just three breaths after the sound of this response fell, the scene of the huge mountain and sea map above the Sitian Pagoda was partially blurred and became clear. There are many islands such as the huge Lingbo Lake dotted with stars.

  The fast response speed of the mountain and sea map made Sima Annan, who was next to Yuqian Xia, nodded, and couldn't help but praise:

"My son once remembered that the mountain and sea map appeared. The farther away from Shenjing City, the longer it will take. Based on the distance between Shenjing City and Chuzhou, the original display time should be about ten breaths, but now it has tripled. More than that, it can be seen that Si Cheng is very clever."

   "Master Sima is absurd."

A soft voice came from Xia's mouth, and then the girl sitting firmly on the wheelchair in the center of the main hall on the first floor of Sitian Tower continued to look at the landscape of the mountains and seas above that showed the appearance of the entire Chuzhou Autumn Water City. , The command sound continued:

   "Enlarge the entire Qiushui City, mobilize the power of the mountains and seas, sweep the city, revealing all the monks above the Grandmaster Realm."

Please Xia’s words fell, and the scene above the mountain and sea map changed again, just like an eye that was originally located in the high sky, suddenly dropped a large part, after the line of sight fell, the buildings in Qiushui City suddenly enlarged. At the same time, one light spot after another representing the monks of the Grandmaster Realm appeared on the map.

   After everything is over, please take Xia's gaze back, turn to look at Sima Annan, who is looking up at her side, and speak:

   "Master Sima, I waited for Sitian Pagoda to have covered the entire Qiushui City with the power of the mountains and seas. What should I do next, do you have a judgment in your mind?"

   As soon as this question came out, Sima Annan raised his right hand and touched the smooth chin, muttered in response:

   "I don't dare to say the specific judgment, but I am sure that I can do these things in Qiushui City secretly, and I can guess the power of the investigators in Qiushui City."

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan raised his right hand and pointed to the upper mountain and sea map, which represented an area on the west side of Qiushui City on the shore of Lingbo Lake. Then he opened his mouth and uttered four words:

   "Qiu Shui Qiao's house!"


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