
read2();   The core area of ​​Qiao’s Mansion, the old ginkgo trees with luxuriant branches and golden leaves stretched in mid-air, amidst the rustle, there was a dazzling golden falling rain .

   This is a beautiful scene that is rarely seen in the outside world, but the tyrannical air released from the lady sitting in the courtyard of the cottage completely destroyed this beautiful scene, leaving nothing left.

This eldest lady, who has been insulted for nearly 30 years in the Qiao Mansion because she could not give birth to children, has a face that is not like that of the other ladies. It is smooth and delicate because of careful maintenance. On the contrary, she is even better than women of the same grade. Be older, and at the same time criss-cross wrinkles deep inside, containing unimaginable resentment.

   She has endured it in silence for so many years. Now that she has gained power, she can no longer control the hostility in her body, and even a layer of scarlet appears in her eyes.

   Time passed slowly, and the ginkgo leaves fell one by one, together with the golden leaves, and there were beads of sweat on the forehead waiting for the housekeeper.

   After a quarter of an hour, when the butler's calves were trembling, there was a noise outside the courtyard. After the sound came in, the butler's tight body became loose, and he bowed and said:

   "Madam, Miss Qiao Yue is here."

   "Bring in and let the people outside spread out a little bit. My lady doesn't want to be disturbed."

After the voice fell, the eldest lady looked at the gate of the courtyard with her cold eyes. Then she looked at Qiao Yue, who walked into the small courtyard under the **** of two strong women one after another, with the corners of her mouth raised, revealing a With a weird smile, he continued to speak:

   "It is really extremely difficult for my lady to ask the eldest lady to come here."

  As soon as this statement came out, Qiao Yue stepped into the hospital, her delicate face getting colder and colder, her eyes were also fixed on the smiling middle-aged woman in front of her, and she said every word:

"Madam, you should be very clear about the meaning of your courtyard. As the saying goes, state-owned, national law, family rules, this ginkgo courtyard is the forbidden place of Qiao's family since ancient times, Qiao's family has rules, in addition to the direct line, dare to enter this The yard is a serious crime, but it will be confined for a lifetime."

After    Qiao Yue's voice fell, she stretched out her hand to push away the strong maid in front of her, stared scorchingly at the front, and continued to speak:

   "So you dare to sit here at this time, it seems that you are sure to be able to stop everyone in the Qiao family?"

   "My lady has been in Qiao's house for so long, she knows the rules better than anyone else, but it's just a bad habit. Besides, this lady is here to see our ancestors. Who dares to blame?"

   The voice of the last word in the doctor population suddenly increased several times and became extremely sharp. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and patted it on the desk in front of him, making a loud bang.

   Under the loud noise, Qiao Yue's complexion did not change, but instead became more and more calm, and directly asked:

   "Where is my father?"

   Qiao Yue’s question came out, and the lady’s face suddenly became extremely cold, and even revealed the same ferocious disgusting face as looking at the Qiao family ancestor in the room, and then the sharp voice continued to sound:

"You should know that a pedantic scholar like your father is the most respectful hypocritical person in the entire world. If this lady remembers correctly, you and your father didn’t deal with it, and in the same way, you also hate the surroundings. Imprisoning your Qiao Mansion, you want an urgent relief, even running away privately."

   The voice fell, the old lady got up and walked to the front of Qiao Yue. She lowered her head slightly, staring at the latter's eyes, and the sharp voice sounded again:

   "My lady knows that you secretly arrange for the steward to go to the dock to purchase Lingbo Lake crabs privately, and also know that you are arranging to leave, but in fact, this lady has a better choice for you than letting you leave."

After   , the weird smile on the lady's face became even worse, and then an increasingly sharper voice came out:

   "That is to invite you to join us, so as to gain the power that I didn't dare to imagine before, and then slam those guys who are as good as your dad underfoot, and even control the entire Autumn Water City."

   "You are completely crazy, who do you think you dare to go to Qiushui City, what gives you the confidence?"

Before Mrs.   's words fell, her face changed greatly and Qiao Yue's tender voice came out directly, and then the shock in the latter's eyes grew stronger and stronger, and she continued to speak loudly:

"You are challenging the Daxia court's control of Qiushui City. Let alone one Qiao family, there are a thousand. If you add 10,000 Qiao houses together, you are bound to die. I don't know how you were stimulated. Will you find a dead end?"

"If you change to normal times, this lady will never dare to think about it, but don't forget, it will be two years after a few months, and then the entire summer will be overwhelming, and the mysterious Taixuan land will be carried out. Under the invasion, everything is possible!

   "At that time, my teacher will fish in troubled waters secretly. Under the protection of the immortal force, no one can kill us!"

   After the eldest lady finished speaking, her eyes slightly indicated that the two extremely strong women behind Qiao Yue directly stretched out their hands, grabbed Qiao Yue's hands and broke them back, and fixed them firmly in place, making it difficult to move.

   The woman is full of strength, and she has no thoughts of pitying Yu Yu, directly causing Qiao Yue's brows to frown because of the pain, but the latter clenched her teeth, and the sound of gnashing teeth came out:

   "You are crazy, completely crazy, you want to collude with the monks in the realm of the profound, not only you will die, the entire Qiao family will be destroyed because of you, you are just a woman, but you are mad!"

   "What do you know? You who have never seen the power of immortality have no idea how great it is!"

   The lady who was said to be suffering from the pain opened her mouth and let out a sharp roar. Then she stretched out her left hand and pinched Qiao Yue's chin. The voice continued:

"Join us, Miss, and truly gain the power of immortality. As long as you join the Holy Church, the entire Qiao family will be completely in our hands. When the Supreme Profound Land invades, everything will come to us. tilt."

   "Idiot people talk about dreams, and the ways are different!"

   "That's not up to you!"

The eldest screamed again, and then touched her face with her right hand, and suddenly a faint black air was caught, and the black air was condensed in her hand into a strange mask, exuding a creepy face. The Wuguang.

As soon as this mask appeared, the housekeeper who was watching all this trembled even more. He had clearly seen how the majestic and powerful Patriarch who was usually put on this mask became as weak and as weak as it is today. It's pushy.

   Then the lady held the mask's right hand forward, and slowly pressed it towards Qiao Yue's cheek while smiling.

   "Join us, live forever, sleepless and invincible!"

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