The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1169: Attack of the Giants


read2();   "Your Majesty, this is the latest news from Qiushuicheng."

   The imperial garden of the White Emperor's Palace, Liang Po stepped in from the outside, and presented a letter just written on the imperial table in front of Zhao Yu, and then the young emperor reached out his hand, picked up the paper, and looked down.

   The content on this booklet is very short. After Zhao Yu scanned it, he murmured:

   "Qiu Shui Qiao's family, madam, a sleepless person between life and death?"

   After these words came out one by one, Zhao Yu fell into a little thought, then he raised his head, with dark and deep eyes, staring at Liang Po in front of him, and slowly said:

   "Break, get ready, I am coming to Qiushui City!"

   "No! Subordinates will make arrangements."

After Liang Po's burly and mountainous figure exited the imperial garden, the entire Baidi Palace began to move quickly. At the same time, Qiu Shuicheng Qiao Mansion Ginkgo Courtyard, the three generations of Xiangfa profound energy continued to gush out from Sima Annan's upright body , Flush forward.

   Sima Annan, as the core disciple of the Shenji Pavilion in the vast land of Shenzhou, has shown a vast cultivation base that is not lost to any taboo at this time, and even more mysterious, because it involves the power of mysterious and mysterious time.

Then Sima Annan, who was under the ferocious backlash of the true shadow of the soul, the blood gushing out of his eyes and nose even more, raised his foot and took a step forward, staring at the true shadow of the lady's soul. A tortoiseshell mask.

At the same time, under the influence of the torrent of time, the huge ginkgo tree behind the lady was washed into powder and gradually dissipated. The power of time contained in the three generations of the ancient and modern times has brought this plant to a thousand years. The historical ginkgo trees have completely washed away into nothingness before they grew up, and it also heralded the decline of the thousand-year-old Qiao family.

   "Amidst the rolling historical torrent, the dynasty that has been passed down for thousands of years will also fall apart in an instant. The rise and fall of a family seems so insignificant."

   Outside the ginkgo courtyard, Xue Beichuan looked at the tall ginkgo tree disappearing in front of him, and let out a sigh, and beside him, the girl Qiao Yue was already in tears.

"In the body of this old lady, there really is a secret that may be related to the land of the profound mystery, especially the mask inlaid on the face of the true shadow of the soul. It should be the key point. No, it wants to escape, Peng Mu, stop it. it!"

   When a very solemn voice came from Wang Jing's mouth, the weird mask covered with lines above the lady's soul trembled, and then broke out directly, turning into a weird black light and gray smoke, moving away from it.

However, Peng Mu, who had already locked him firmly beside Wang Jing, took a step forward and stretched out his right hand to hold the God of War Spear that passed through the lady's chest. His right foot moved forward a tower fiercely, and the whole world suddenly sounded. There was a loud noise.


Under the loud noise, centered on Pengmu's burly body, the scarlet war god's iron-blooded power appeared in the void. After an instant, a huge lava wall suddenly rose directly from the ground, covering all sides of the entire Ginkgo courtyard. Shrouded.

   At the same time, on this vast ancient city wall, a line of ancient war gods with spears and shields stood proudly, and then they all raised their spears and violently stabbed them at the mask that was rushing forward.

The power of the God of War that is so strong that it is substantive completely tore the void in the Ginkgo courtyard without hindrance, and no matter how strange the extraterritorial power contained in this mask, it is also blown away under such a level of taboo power. Back, at the same time a roar came from within.

   This roar from inside the mask was no longer a hoarse and harsh human voice, but turned into a deafening roar like a dragon.

   "The roar is like thunder, the void trembles, with such strength, it seems that your body should not be small."

   When the tortoiseshell mask was blasted back to roar, Sima Annan's voice sounded, and the words fell. The young man in white dancing appeared directly in front of the tortoiseshell mask and stretched out his right hand to grab the latter.

   But at the next breath, Sima Annan's brows frowned tightly, because this tortoiseshell mask was extremely strange and completely transformed into an intangible form of nothingness, causing the palm of the former Red Lotus Karma to directly penetrate through.

   Then, Sima Annan gave a fierce look on the blood-filled face, and directly turned his fingers with his palm, and pointed fiercely at the tortoiseshell mask:

  "This life is truly imprisoned!

   "The future, the vicissitudes of life, annihilate nothingness!"

Sima Annan was completely angry. Under the white robe, the vast and mighty power poured out frantically, and directly cast two types of three-life phase magic supernatural powers to the mask. A roaring river of time appeared throughout his whole body. Within the river, stretched out. A dazzling and dazzling jade hand appeared.

   This hand seems to be possessed by the most perfect woman in the world. It has crossed countless time and history, and grabbed the tortoiseshell mask.

   "For the people of Sleepless Sect, the most feared thing in the whole world is time, because we are the forsaken of time. Since we have abandoned it, don't intrude again!"

The roar from inside the tortoiseshell mask brought an unprecedented tyranny in an instant. At the same time, the numerous tortoise patterns interlaced on the mask illuminate outwards. At the same time, in the center of Lingbo Lake, the thick fog envelops that year. At the bottom of the forbidden lake, the same lines magnified by countless times slowly appeared in the deepest part of the lake, and disappeared in a flash.

   In the next moment, whether it was Sima Annan, or the three taboos of Wang Jing, Peng Mu, and Xi Hongchen, all their complexions changed suddenly, and they suddenly raised their heads to look towards the sky above their heads, and they all spoke together:

   "Something has come down, and it's huge!"

   After the voices of a few people fell, Peng Mu directly held a spear in his right hand, and his left hand held a heavy lava-colored shield from the void. The whole person sank, accumulating power, and rising into the sky like an abyss.

   Whether he was serving in the endless mountain Yulong Pass or now after joining the Radiant Army, what Peng Mu did has not changed, that is, standing in front of the enemy with a strong shield in his hand to resist all attacks from the enemy.

  He is an indestructible wall of flesh and blood!

The extremely solemn atmosphere in the ginkgo courtyard, and the appearance of Sima Annan and the others on the verge of an enemy, made the people around them extremely confused, because at this time the sky above Qiushui City was completely empty to the naked eye. , There was no attack from anything.

   The blue sky, white clouds, and scorching sun, as always, even the cool wind, was still blowing above the sky, but the next breath, a dense rune appeared directly above the entire Qiushui City, dazzling a golden light mask.

  The mountain and sea map protects the city!

As soon as this burst came out, countless people in Qiushui City stopped their movements and looked up at the sky with a face of doubt. They didn't understand why this great city defense formation would appear as it is now without warning. !

   Two more breaths after time, countless people in Qiushui City began to open their mouths and exclaim, they already understood why the great defense formation would suddenly unfold.

I saw the golden light formation above my head under an unimaginable force, suddenly it began to sink downwards from the middle, and then the arc of the depression became larger and larger, like a huge foot, fierce than the big formation. Step on it.

   "Is this some kind of emptiness, feet invisible to the naked eye?"

   Beside Sima Annan, Wang Jing's voice of utter confusion came out, and then the former pursed his lips and responded word by word:

   "If I am not mistaken, this is the leg of the legendary Beihai Daao!"


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