The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1189: For the beauty?


read2();   The sea underneath is undulating wave after wave, just like when I was a child lying in a cradle and being gently pushed by my mother.

   This kind of feeling is actually very reassuring. If it weren't for the constant roaring North Sea wind around him, and the vast momentum of one after another soaring to the sky, Master Dubao would even want to lie down like this.

Over the years, she has been covering herself with a dark hidden fairy robe, because she remembers what the elders in the family said when she insisted on leaving the ancestral land. Once she leaves at this time, she can only live in the dark. Before Japan exposes its true face to everyone, there will be a disaster.

   "What the ancestors said is really right, this time maybe we will return to the wind."

  'S soft voice lingered in Master Duobao's mind, and then his emerald-like eyes, staring at the sky above the sky under the magical power of illumination, like the sky, a trace of trance appeared in his eyes.

   "If you can lie down like this, it's actually not bad."

   Perhaps it was a coincidence. Master Duobao's real name happened to be Duobao, and her nickname was called a baby, but it has been a long, long time that no one has called her like that, perhaps even she herself has forgotten this nickname.

Above the sky above the four golden temples with white wings waving heads and horses, the roars of the incomparable Central Shangguo emperors wearing python robes, the woman Duobao subconsciously turned over. Rolling his eyes, murmured again:

   "These so-called big forces still have a lot of nonsense as always. They can even wrestle with each other for several days for a treasure. If not, this girl would not get so many treasures every time."

After    finished speaking, the girl sighed lightly, and the voice in her mind continued:

"It's a pity that these treasures that this girl has finally obtained are broken and broken. If it weren't for this broken pole, this girl would **** so many treasures and find another spiritual vein away from disputes, and calmly To be a little lord, this is the girl's long-time dream!"

For some reason, at this extremely critical moment, the thoughts in the woman Dobao's mind are flying everywhere, from the messy memories of the ancestral land when she was a child, and then to the scenes of hunting treasures through various dangerous places in these years, and finally turned to Your current physical state.

   "Aeolus is on, it hurts!"

At this time, Master Duobao’s state can be directly described as dying. The seven orifices on his face are still emerging with blood bubbles, almost completely covering his beautiful face, appearing extremely embarrassed, and he was previously by the central empire. The huge impact when hitting the sea hard caused the girl's internal organs to almost shift, and her bones were cracked a lot.

   was falling apart, and there was a wave of severe pain. If it hadn't been for the previous Master Duobao to refine a large number of physical treasures, he would definitely be unable to turn his eyes.

   However, the importance of the treasures of heaven and earth to the monks in the Supreme Profound Land gradually manifested. The essence hidden deep in the body came out after feeling the crisis of the body, and began to repair the scars continuously.

   then recovered a little Qingming Master Duobao, his body rises and falls with the wave, and his eyes continue to stare at the sky above the North Sea.

And in his line of sight, vaguely saw above the extremely high dome, vaguely appeared one after another country radiating dazzling light, like a round of colorful big sun hidden in Deep in the sky.

In each of these countries, there is a land **** and fairyland, who is using a vast and secret will to focus on the sea below. Although these top major repairs did not directly end the battle because of the covenant, they wandered and locked in the vastness. Will indicates that this treasure called the Dragon Fishing Pole still has a strong attraction to them.

   Master Duobao naturally recognizes this terrestrial fairyland that represents the top-level overhaul in the Taixuan land, so she suddenly laughed at herself:

   "The praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, I am the cicada, but before the end, who can know whether he is a praying mantis or a oriole?"

After the voice fell, Master Duobao, who was born to sense the wind, first suddenly opened her pupils, and then a smile appeared on the woman’s face. The smile became more and more prosperous, and even started because the laugh was too violent to the wound. Cough violently.

   In the roaring wind of the North Sea, she heard a bell from far and near!

   Master Duobao suddenly laughed wildly, which directly aroused the attention of the emperor of Shangguo and his monks in the center of the four golden temples directly above it. Then Ma Cang, who was standing next to the emperor, looked down and raised a question:

   "This Treasure Master, is it because he knew he was going to die, so he fell into a demon?"

  The sound of the question fell, and the arrogant Ma Cura showed disdain, and continued to speak ironically:

   "Random cultivating means casual cultivating. Without self-knowledge, it is simply seeking death."

   "Fuck your mother."

Before Ma Cang’s sarcasm had fallen, the curse from the woman Dubao directly rang out above the sea, and this curse seemed to have a kind of magical power, and it was directly transmitted to everyone with the whistling wind of the North Sea. Ear.

   Then the face of Ma Cang, a young disciple of the Tianzong School, turned from white to blue, then from blue to red, and finally to an extremely angry purple, and he let out an angry shout:

   "Shut up, you!"

   "What are you doing? Opening your mouth and shutting your mouth is a humble casual cultivator. Did the casual cultivator kill your whole family? I hate the casual cultivator so much!"

   The words of counterattack from Master Dubao were merciless, and the sharp words made the monk's robe on Ma Cang's body bulge out because of the aura, and even a puff of white smoke on his head because of anger.

   "Hahaha, you savage girl, this prince admires it very much, come under my command, I will protect you fully, how can such an interesting person fall into the hands of my big brother that hypocrite."

The rugged laughter of the three princes resounded across the sky, and the golden eyes were full of appreciative colors, and then his extremely burly body took a step forward, and at the same time, commanded the actions of his body, all the monks and soldiers under his command skyrocketed into the sky. The rising murderous intent directly tilted forward, and the atmosphere above the North Sea suddenly became tense.

   Such a change caused all the onlookers to scream in exclamation. Even the old man of God, who had been extremely sure that these emperors would not break into conflict before, showed a shocked expression and said:

"They all say that these three princes are reckless. Everyone looked down on him. He is not only a reckless man, but a madman. The old man even suspected that his behavior was not for the dragon fishing rod, but for the rich man. Master!"

  As soon as the voice of the old man Shenji fell, a monk made a strange cry around:

   "Are these three princes rushing for the crown?"


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