
read2();   Above the sea outside Fengxian County, the land of Taixuan, the orange-red sunset light sprinkled on the undulating sea surface, as if burning a large area of ​​raging red flames on it .

  The sky in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, in addition to the big day, there are three vague lights and shadows, so whether it is the day or the setting sun, the brightness is far beyond the vast land of China.

Under the setting sun, this sea area was calm and the temperature was suitable. Under the water vapour, it carried a heart-warming comfort. Then in this golden sun, a huge golden ship sailed from the south. Entering, and as this big ship approaches, the light around the entire sea area becomes brighter in an instant.

A large amount of dazzling gilt light reflected from the golden ship in all directions, shining on the entire sea surface, at the same time, looking from a distance, it looks like a particularly huge celestial coin, sailing outside Fengxian County at a very fast speed. Above the sea.

At this time in the evening, on the deck of the Big Golden Ship of the Rolling Jinzong, a maid was holding a steaming fragrant food and placed it respectfully on a table already full of luxuriant food, and then the maid They all saluted the gold ingots above, and their voices were as crisp as an oriole:

   "Little Sovereign, please have a meal!"

This tender drink from the mouths of the young maids was like cats scratching their hearts, and it was tickling, but Master Jin, who was leaning on the limp, was completely unmoved. Showing the demeanor that a Young Sect Master should have, waved his hand, and the voice spread out:

   "The butler goes to the cabin and calls the distinguished guests to have a meal. By the way, call Dong Yuan, Lu Yin, too."


About a quarter of an hour after the middle-aged butler left, the dinner on the Dajin Ship officially began. As the premier chaebol in the Taixuan Land, the Jinzong Sect, whose young lord eats food every day, is an ordinary person's life. Rare and delicious delicacies, many of them look weird in front of them, but they contain a large amount of food that even Dong Yuan has never heard of.

However, Dong Yuan, sitting at the end of this table, was somewhat restrained at this time. He did not stretch out his chopsticks, but waited quietly. In front of him, apart from the two black-robed figures he had seen before. In addition, there was another person in a black robe with a smaller figure. This person did not speak, but Dong Yuan, with his extended right hand, was sure that he was also not old.

   "It's really some mysterious and weird existence!"

   A faint sigh sounded in Dong Yuan's mind, and then a question from the gold ingot came from the front:

   "Boy Dong Yuan, Ben Shao once heard you say that you belong to the impatiens family, and this impatiens and Fengxian County both carry the word impatiens. Are there any connections between them?"

   After the question of gold ingot fell, Dong Yuan put down his chopsticks, held a fist forward, and responded:

  "Young Master Jin is easy to remember, and he is indeed from the Impatiens family. In fact, before the **** battle in the North Sea for tens of thousands of years, the northern Fengxian County of the Taixuan Land was dominated by my Impatiens family.

"My ancestors were not weak in power, and the power was sitting on most of Fengxian County, and it was considered a strong one. However, the sky was unpredictable. The monarch of Longbo Kingdom and the immortal sages of Wuxian Mountain were the first on the territory of Fengxian County A deadly battle broke out, and the violent aftermath directly destroyed half of Fengxian County's land, turning it into a vast ocean, and at the same time buried the glory of my impatiens grass under this ocean."

   Dong Yuan’s words are a bit lonely. In fact, in a sense, the place where the Jinzong ship sailed at this time was the sphere of influence of Dong Yuan's clan tens of thousands of years ago. Now the world is in a cold state, and it is inevitable that there will be a trace of sorrow.

   However, Dong Yuan is a man of determination after all, so after a short breath, he returned to normal and continued to answer the gold ingot question:

"As for the word phoenix that Sect Master Jin Shao just asked, it can be traced back to a legend in the ancient fairy palace era. It is rumored that the emperor immortal came here when he was young and saw a beautiful woman planting flowers and plants in the courtyard. He turned into an ugly beggar who came into the courtyard to ask for a bowl of water.

"The beggar turned into by the emperor is not only very ugly, but also full of pus and stinks. Most people can't avoid it, but the kind-hearted girl doesn't have any dislikes. Not only did she give water to drink, but she also brought out something that can be fruitful. When the immortal emperor saw the food as a gift, he loved it even more and took the girl back to the immortal palace as a concubine."

   At this point, Dong Yuan paused slightly, and his voice continued to ring out:

"The name of the empress who was brought into the fairy palace was Empress Fengxian, so this county was named Fengxian. What is even more strange is that not only Empress Fengxian, but also the creatures in the courtyard of Lian Empress, including chickens The dog and the vegetation all ascend into the sky and rank among the immortal class, and the next ancestor is a small grass planted by the mother herself."

   "This is the so-called one person gains the Tao, the chicken and dog ascend to heaven."

   After Dong Yuan finished speaking, Ye Yi, who had been looking down at the news from the Shenji Pavilion, suddenly spoke. Then Dong Yuan at the end of the table nodded and said:

   "This adult's words contain the true meaning of Tao, I admire it."

   "Since your ancestors were listed in the immortal class along with the concubine of the immortal emperor, let me talk about your unique ability."

After speaking, Ye Yi put down the intelligence book in his hand, and continued to pick up another book of intelligence to open it. Then, under the hood, he looked at Dong Yuan below, and the latter in an instant, as if directly plunged into the boundless. In the dark night, his breathing suddenly stagnated.

   This feeling of being enveloped in infinite darkness was fleeting. After Dong Yuan recovered his senses, his pupils swelled outwards. After taking a quiet breath, he responded:

"My lord, the special place of my impatiens family is the first hundred years after birth. It is an ordinary plant that grows by the water. Since the age of 101, it has transformed into a human form and began to practice. There is only one kind of racial power that is best at it, and that is listening to the wind."

As soon as the word "wind" came out, Jin Yinbao and others who were eating on the deck of the ship stopped. Even Ye Yi and Xue Dao who were reading the information gave a slight pause. Then Jin Yinbao was very interested. The voice came out:

   "Dong Xiaozi, what is listening to the wind?"

  "Returning to Master Jin, my family of Phoenix Celestial Grass takes a hundred years as the boundary and spends a whole hundred years to integrate into the outside world, especially to feel the laws of the wind, and the talented and strong among my clan will gain the power to listen to the wind.

"Listening to the wind in the lower mouth refers to the ubiquitous wind in the void, which will blow the look they see when they come, clearly telling it in my ears, and following the veins of the wind, I can even be What happened or just happened far away in my mind.

   "This is listening to the wind!"


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