The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1211: Chasing soldiers


read2();   the sun rises into the sky, and at the beginning of dawn, the light of the morning sun disperses the darkness and dense fog, shining on the shimmering sea, even with a hint of quiet and peace.

Because the big ship hurried to the north, it gradually approached the North Sea enchantment that spanned the entire sky, causing the sea breeze on the front to slowly bring a bit of chill, and then on the big golden ship, a line from Dong Yuan's voice sounded:

   "Young Master Jin, throw the bait here. There are a lot of fish in this area and it's easy to get the bait."

   After Dong Yuan's words fell, the bow of the ship leaned against a soft gold ingot and nodded, shook the fishing rod, and threw the hook vigorously in the direction Dong Yuan said.

In the next second, the fish hook with a piece of meat steak fell into the sea, and after only two breaths, the fishing rod in Jin Yuanbao's hand felt a huge force drawn from the sea. The former's eyes lit up and he went straight. Standing up his chubby body, he spoke very excitedly:

   "Good fellow, this fish is so powerful, it must be so big."

After   's words fell, the gold ingot was pulled upwards forcefully, and a huge ferocious head was then pulled out of the water. At the same time, an extremely harsh roar of a sea beast spread out, and the waves around the ship suddenly began to roll violently.

   "Today's breakfast is over!"

   The gold ingot opened his mouth and let out a cry of excitement, waved his hand to stop the help of the others on the side, set his feet apart, and pulled the fishing line in his hand harder.

The fishing rod and fishing line in the hands of the gold ingot are rare treasures in the Taixuan Land. They are extremely tough. Even if the strength of this sea beast is ten times or a hundred times stronger, it is impossible to break it. It is one of the hobbies of gold ingots. Therefore, after the two who have been enthusiastic about fighting with each other for a full quarter of an hour, the sweaty gold ingots, the young master, dragged this completely overstretched sea beast onto the big boat.

   Then the gold ingot sat down directly on the deck, staring at the extremely conspicuous yellow tail of the sea beast in front of him, and said with a smile:

   "Good luck, it turned out to be a yellowtail fish that is famous for its delicious meat. This fish can be sold for a high price in the inland of the Taixuan Land. Especially this yellowtail is a must, butler, take a knife."

After the gold ingot had finished speaking, he reached out and took the sharp razor handed by the butler, very skillfully scraping the scales and peeling, and then lightly slashed at the yellow tail of this sea beast, suddenly a large piece of fish that was as thin as a cicada's wings and crystal clear It was directly filmed out.

   Then the gold ingot directly put this piece of fish into his mouth and tasted it carefully, squinting his eyes, and let out a sigh:

   "This taste, two words, absolutely!"

   After finishing speaking, the gold ingot once again swung the blade out a piece of fish tail meat, put it into his mouth and chewed it carefully, and the question continued:

   "Dong Yuan, the man and woman we rescued last night, did you wake up?"

   "Return to Jin Dashao, how could it be so fast? When these two were rescued, they were almost in a dying state. Whether they can live or not, it is naturally impossible to wake up so quickly."

   After Dong Yuan's response fell, Jin Ingot thought for a while, threw the razor in his hand to the steward aside, got up and walked towards the cabin, and the voice continued:

"Ben Shao went to see what the two of them looked like. It was too dark last night, and the two of them were bloodstained. They couldn't see the truth at all. They only knew that one was petite and the other was strong and burly. "

"The identities of these two people are very suspicious. Recently, Fengxian County has been extremely uneasy. Some time ago, due to the appearance of the ancient battlefield, extremely tragic battles broke out, and then these great wars came from far away from Taixuan. The forces once again fought for the treasure fishing dragon rod on the edge of the North Sea, and I think the identities of these two people may be very unusual."

   "Those who are lucky enough to survive the movement of space should have a decent body treasure."

   Gold Ingot responded with certainty in the voice, and then he picked up the white silk and satin served by the maid beside him, wiped his hands and continued to speak:

  "Dong Yuan, do you know that, if the machine is chaotic today, and luck is up and down, in the records of my Jinzong, this is a sign of the world's chaos. Although my gold ingot is not high in talent, I still have a little self-knowledge.

   "Why can I inherit so many years and still have countless wealth? The most important point is to have self-knowledge, troubled times, life like weeds, no matter how much money is there?

"With immortal coins, you can do whatever you want. It was in a peaceful age. Once the world's wars ignite, the precepts and rules will all be broken. Everyone thinks about how to live, and it is me who is the target of the heroes. !"

In the voice of Jin Yinbao’s opening, there was a clear understanding of the situation. Then Dong Yuan looked up at the former as he entered the cabin, and for the first time understood why this seemingly ordinary golden ingot could suddenly emerge. Become the young master of the rolling gold sect.

  Different eras require decision-makers with different perspectives. Some people are prudent in nature and good at defensiveness, while others are ambitious and good at expansion. The more long-lasting forces are inherited, the more profound they have and the more they cannot be underestimated.

At the same time, Dong Yuan, who was on the big ship, stared at the back of the gold ingot in front of him and thought about it. At this time, the Jinzong ship was about a hundred miles south, which is the sea area where the figure was found last night. The fleet of warships came from the south by wind and waves.

Every warship in this fleet is extremely sophisticated. The deck is full of monks who are sharp and inseparable, exuding a strong iron and blood. At the same time, a huge flag is erected on the bow of the leading ship. On it, a big Feng character is waving in the wind.

   This is the fleet belonging to the Feng family in Linchuan City, Fengxian County.

   "Stop the boat!"

A vigorous voice rang from the ship at the forefront, and in a blink of an eye it rang through the entire sea space. Then the warships stopped, lined up, and the mighty battle forward, faintly holding the entire space firmly in all directions. locking.

   "Old ancestors, the spatial fluctuations detected in the clan last night are nearby."

On the deck of the main ship of the Feng family fleet, an imposing middle-aged man walked slowly in front of a particularly elderly man. After a strong voice came out, the old man opened his eyes and sounded with a hoarse voice. :

   "Do you think it is the Master Duobao who fell into the rift in the North Sea and the third prince of Central Shangguo that caused such spatial fluctuations?"

   "Returning to the ancestors, it is, and the more important thing is that this spatial fluctuation has appeared twice in sequence. If only one is a coincidence, then two are extremely unusual.

   After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he lowered his head slightly, watching the old man in front of him, and then the entire deck of the battleship fell into silence.

   After about twenty breaths, the ancestor of the Feng family, who had been thinking about it, slowly turned around and looked at the endless blue sea, slowly speaking:

   "Go and check all the ships in the sea these few days. If these two people appear in the waters under the control of our Feng family, this may be a chance."


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