The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1227: The real world


read2();  Since the terrifying truth of the Taixuan Land has been known to all the people on the vast land of Shenzhou, with preconceived ideas, whether it is ordinary people or most of the officials of Daxia All take it for granted that the vast land of Shenzhou, which has a vast area and occupies the vast land of thirty-six states, is a certain fairy mountain in the North Sea of ​​the Taixuan Land that was once settled by the war.

The world thinks that the place where they live will be the center of the whole world, but the facts are often unexpected. Therefore, when the officials on the Huangjidian Square heard Sima Annan’s words, they looked at the gradual direction above the void. In the gaze that stretched out the light and shadow of another continent, there was a more and more intense color of horror.

   The Empire of the Sun, a term familiar to all officials, but extremely strange in recent years, now I hear it again, but has a completely different state of mind.

"Our ancient books on the vast land of China have recorded that the full sky and yellow sand territory where the Sun Empire is located is actually on the other side of Kunlun Mountain. According to the dictation of the Great Lord Lingbo, the Wuxian Mountain, which was originally horizontal and horizontal above the North Sea, The area of ​​each is extremely vast, at least several times the size of the territory of China."

   The voice of Lang Lang from Sima Annan's mouth continued to sound in the void of Huangjidian Square, and then he continued to raise his hand, pointing to the mainland that just appeared on the other side of the Kunlun Mountains, and continued to speak:

  "The vastness of the Taixuan Land is actually far beyond your imagination. A fairy island far away from the main continent, the area is several times that of our Daxia, and you should know the resources behind the area.

   "But for another convenience, Daxia and the Sun Empire were born together. From the perspective of the military aircraft office such as me, it is actually not a bad thing."

   At this point, Sima Annan’s finger pointed at the void lightly, and then the voice continued:

"First, after the power of the Solar Empire in the endless mountains is slain by us, its domestic strength is still a few points of the victory period, which is still to be discussed, and the second point is that it can completely replace us. Sharing some of the gazes of the tigers and wolves in the primordial land, so that our Shenzhou vast land will not become the target of public criticism.

"Don’t underestimate this, because in the eyes of everyone in the military aircraft department such as me, the most difficult place for me and Daxia at present lies in the two worlds. It can even be said that the two civilizations collided at the beginning. Stage, because that is a life and death struggle period, and once Daxia has a firm foothold on the North Sea, then my waiting rate will greatly increase."

   After Sima Annan finished speaking, the officials on the square below the Huangji Hall nodded in agreement after thinking, and then Wei Guogong Xu Sheng, standing in the front, raised his head and said:

"Actually, in the military affairs, in many cases, the victory or defeat is between the slightest. All the conditions that are conducive to my waiting for Daxia, even the slightest bit, are worthy of my joy. But the old man, I have been fighting with the Sun Empire for a lifetime. I thought After the destruction of the Shenwei Fortress, there was no chance to meet again, but I didn't expect to meet again in this way one day."

   "Perhaps this is the so-called good fortune, but this is good, it can help us attract some attention, I hope that this time, the little emperor of the Yu clan can hold on for a little longer."

The old voice came from Li Chunfeng who was not far from Wei Guogong, and after the old man's voice fell, the surrounding officials all subconsciously glanced at the young man standing above the bright moon quietly, and the flying robe The emperor's heart suddenly shuddered.

   Because of his age, Zhao Yu, who is looking down on all beings from the sky at this time, has achieved achievements that can be called the eternal emperor.

   "Sima is looking for flowers, the old man has a question, can I answer it?"

   Just as the civil and military officials were thinking about each other, a strong voice came from the mouth of Wei Guogong Xu Sheng, and then the burly old man opened his mouth, and the voice continued to resound in the night sky:

"As I know, there are two immortal mountains in the land of Taixuan tens of thousands of years ago. They are Daiyu and Yuanqiao. The old man thought that the solar empire might be another immortal mountain. After I woke up, I couldn't help thinking, since the Solar Empire is also on the Daiyu Mountain, where is the real Yuanqiao Mountain?

   "Since Daiyu Immortal Mountain is so huge, the members of the Five Immortals Mountain should not dissipate completely, there is no trace."

   After Wei Guogong Xu Sheng’s question fell, Sima Annan, who was standing in front of the Palace of Emperor Huangji, smiled, and the response came out:

   "Wei Guogong's question is also one of the content that the next official will talk about. Please take a look."

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan continued to raise his hand and wave forward, and then a large light and shadow slowly appeared above the Daiyu Xianshan suspended in the void, and then the exclamation from the officials below sounded:

   "This Yuanjiao Xianshan and Daiyu overlap. According to the light and shadow above, is it possible that Yuanjiao Mountain is not on top of my head?"

   After several breaths after this exclamation, the official who responded shook his head and said:

   "This Yuan Qiao Immortal Mountain is not above my head, but under my feet. Because Kunlun Mountain points downward, so I actually live upside down on Daiyu Immortal Mountain!"

   "What the lord said is quite true."

   Sima Annan nodded, fixed his gaze towards the completion of the gradual change, and continued to speak:

"A few years ago, I went with your Majesty to the Giant Sea, one of the eight forbidden places in the vast land of China, and in the depths of the sea, I clearly found some traces from the ancient fairy mountain period, and these are the most representative ones. The relic of **** is the top sect in the Wuxian Mountain, Yuan Shizong, once the land of Taixuan.

   "At the same time, this primitive sect, according to records, once stood tall on the Yuan Qiao Xian Mountain. This is one of the reasons why our Military Aircraft Department made this judgment."

After    Sima Annan finished speaking, all the officials on the Huangji Temple Square focused their eyes on the light and shadow that had completely appeared, and the image above the void was the world everyone was in at this time.

   This is the first time that the civil and military officials have seen the world they live in so intuitively, and for them, this is definitely an unspeakable huge impact.

It turns out that the world they live in is not the place where the sky is round as in the legend. It turns out that they thought that the vast expanse and the vast land of Shenzhou, which is difficult to travel in a lifetime, is actually only half an island. The forgotten corner of the world!

   Under the impact of the mind, the entire Huangji Temple Square fell into a deep silence. The biting cold wind in the sky, accompanied by the moonlight, blew one after another official robes.

   After a long time, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng exhaled forward and sighed:

   "This world is much bigger than we thought!"


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