
read2();   the vast land of the great summer of China, the Sitian Pagoda in the center of the capital city, the vast beam of light soars into the sky, and the milky white light sweeps outwards, spreading at a very fast speed to the entire 36th of Daxia The state, making the great summer at night, in a flash, brighten up.

  The sky and the earth changed drastically, and countless awakened people rushed out of the house, then looked up at the looming picture of mountains and seas above the void, bowed their heads, and had religious faces.

   The Zhao clan that dominates the entire Great Xia, spent nearly a hundred years, let the first artifact, the mountain and sea map penetrate the hearts of all the people, and lay the core foundation for the latter to become a new way of heaven.

  The emperor divides the confession, the people admire, is the foundation of heaven!

At the same time, just as a citizen of Daxia raised his head and sighed that the night was like daylight, a very young sigh sounded from the Great Golden Ship of the Jinzong in the northernmost part of Fengxian County, Taixuan Land, and followed by the cold wind. Spread out.

   "Although this is not the first time this Young Master has seen this North Sea enchantment, he still marvels at its majesty."

After he finished speaking, he comfortably comforted his chubby body, the Young Master Jin ingot, who was lying on the soft collapse, threw a fruit into his mouth. After chewing, he continued to squint his eyes to look forward. The enchantment that penetrates the sky and the earth, runes lingering.

After the episode of Feng’s attack was over, this luxurious ship from the Gold Rolling Sect continued to head north. By this time, it had already come under the North Sea barrier, and once it passed this barrier, it was truly bloody. The brutal Taixuan land Beihai.

"Young Master Jin, in fact, for those counties closest to Beihai, such as Fengxian County, this Beihai enchantment arranged by the mighty can be described as a life barrier, which prevents the gray mist of Beihai from going outward. After tens of thousands of years, Fengxian County may have been completely assimilated by the North Sea and turned into a barren land where no grass grows and vitality is hard to survive."

As Jin Dashao chewed the fruit, Dong Yuan's equally young voice rang in his ears, and then Dong Yuan, who was like a childish body, looked at the Heavenly Enchantment quickly approaching in front of him, clenched his fists, and swallowed secretly. Take a spit.

   For the creatures living in Fengxian County, the real North Sea has always been a taboo place circulated among the people. There are also too many bizarre legends that herald its danger and horror.

   then stood upright, the whole person sitting up with the gold ingot, as if feeling the tension of Dong Yuan on the side, smiled and said:

   "In fact, Beihai is not as terrifying as you think. There is even a large city standing on the bank of the North Sea. There are not many Beihai creatures living in the city, but it is just barren."

After    finished speaking, Jin Yuanbao stood up, came to Dong Yuan's side, patted the latter on the shoulder, and continued to speak:

   "If you want to gallop in this utterly mysterious place, you must be bold, otherwise you will be wiped out. Come on, this young master will lead you to do a big thing."

The voice of    gold ingot fell, and he turned around and walked towards the cabin of the big ship first, while the questioning continued to sound:

   "Steward, what's the situation with the third prince of the reckless man in the Central Government?"

   "Sect Master Hui, your subordinates will stun the third prince whenever he is about to wake up, so he is still in a coma at this time."

   "He didn't know he was on Ben Shao's boat, right?"

  The continued inquiries from the gold ingot made the meticulously dressed middle-aged housekeeper stunned, and he responded with a little hesitation:

   "Should, I don't know."

   "It's good if you don't know, otherwise, with this madman's personality, he will definitely find trouble with his parents."

   After finishing the gold ingots, he turned his head slightly and looked at Dong Yuan who was right behind him, revealing a smile that he considered evil and mad, and then he spoke word by word:

   "Dong Yuan, along with this young man, before the big ship enters the North Sea enchantment, throw this hot potato, the third prince of the Central Kingdom, back into the sea.

   As soon as he said this, Dong Yuan's whole body trembled fiercely, and his temples suddenly throbbed.

   After about a quarter of an hour, the figures of Jin Dashao and Dong Yuan once again appeared on the deck, and behind them, a man of the digitally tattooed turtle family followed closely with a burly figure.

I saw the burly third prince of Shangguo, who was **** by the big five flowers. Although he tilted his head and fell into a coma, he still had a strong aura spreading out, indicating that the injuries in his body had already recovered under the blood of the powerful golden dragon. Mostly.

   "Young Sect Master, just throw the third prince back into the sea like this, is it too sloppy?"

   After the group of people came to the edge of the deck, Dong Yuan, whose temples were still jumping suddenly, couldn't help but speak again. Then the gold ingot next to him shook his head, and the response came out:

"It's the best choice to throw this third prince here. Dong Yuan, you don't know the power of the central government. The prince came to Beihai to participate in the battle for the grandfather. The forces he followed were not weak, so the three The power of the prince must be frantically searching for the trace of the latter on this North Sea, and once I wait for the third prince to cross the North Sea barrier, I will be found if I can't pass."

   After finishing talking about the gold ingot, he reached out and pointed at the rolling sea below, and the voice continued:

"The bloodline of the royal family in the Central Shangguo is extremely powerful. Even if the sea beast bites its teeth, it can't bite its skin. I quickly throw it away. I have rules in the Jinzong. Don't walk too close to the royal children. I will throw it away. threw."

   At the next breath, accompanied by the high voice of gold ingots, the men carrying the three princes' digital tattoos and the tortoise clan immediately worked together and threw the latter's heavy body directly out of the ship.


   After a loud noise, the third prince Ao Lie of Central Shangguo, who had been stunned after only opening his eyes once in recent days, was once again submerged by the rolling sea gorgeously.

Time continued to flow forward. About half an hour later, under the bright and bright full moon in the sky, the golden light formed by the big golden ship of the Rolling Jinzong crashed into the fence of the North Sea between the whole world and the earth. .

   This enchantment is extremely mysterious, and even for ordinary creatures, it is an intangible existence. Its function is to block the air transport outside the North Sea from being swallowed by Beihai County, and it also has the power to isolate the exploration of the spirit.

   At the same time, in the sea behind the golden ship of the rolling Jinzong, not far from the gold ingot thrown by the third prince, a dazzling and rich scarlet blood suddenly appeared on the violently rolling sea.

   At the next breath, a big hand suddenly stretched out from below the sea surface, and the undulating sea surface rolled more and more. Then a handsome head was exposed from a pool of blood, and the golden dragon eyes above the head slowly opened.

   After a trance, the three princes of the Central High Kingdom frowned and murmured:

   "I seem to vaguely remember that there was a fat man holding his fist and prince?"


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