The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1288: The fairy mountain returns to its place


read2();   Shenxiancheng, on the banks of the North Sea, this small courtyard is very close to the five fairy mountains in the center. It was originally in the southern inland, where a family named Jianghezong monk was stationed in Shenxiancheng.

However, Jianghe Sect was also involved in the torrential rain and killing started by Qingzhi Kingdom last night. All the monks in the small courtyard were killed by hostile forces, and the corpses were everywhere. At dawn, Xue Dao and other talents took advantage of the dispute to cease. Came to this small courtyard to repair, so as to find the opportunity to enter the five immortal sect mountain gate.

The slightly orange light of the morning light continued to shine from the sky on the land of Beihai County. At the same time, in the depths of the North Sea, because the two land immortal islands of Daiyu and Yuanqiao continued to smash into space, they produced endless vigorous fluctuations and formed a wave A shocking tsunami struck outwards.

   The torrential rain that stopped at the break of dawn because Jiecheng swallowed the fog of Dao abandoned, accompanied by the formation of the sky-swallowing tsunami, was once again engulfed by the sea breeze and came in advance, enveloping the violently boiling Shenxian City.

But what is extremely strange is that under the downpour, since the middle-aged man wearing a sling clothes appeared, in the induction of all the others, the small courtyard where Xue Dao and others were located seemed to have been wiped out. Nor can it be detected to the slightest.

   "There is no malice in this seat, so don't be too nervous."

There was no sharpness in the middle-aged man’s words, but at the same time he carried a mighty force that made people unable to resist. Then the gold ingot standing at the door turned around and looked at Xue Dao in the small courtyard with his eyes in his eyes. With the color of inquiry.

   "It's a pleasure to have friends from afar, please come in!"

   Xue Dao’s response sounded, and the gold ingot let the gate open, and then the middle-aged man walked into the hospital with the little girl, and his mellow voice followed:

   "To be honest, the deity was surprised to see you, and from a certain aspect, even this seat inevitably falls into the shackles of cognition."

After finishing the sentence, the uncle and niece came to stand in the center of the yard, perhaps because the smell of blood in the yard was too pungent, which wrinkled the little girl’s Qiong nose, and then the middle-aged man raised his hand and waved it gently. The next breath, after a wave of profound fluctuations, all the smell of blood dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

The middle-aged man raised his hand gently with a wave. It was not as simple as releasing the magical powers to dispel the smell of blood. Instead, he moved and exchanged the space in the entire yard with his magical powers in an instant, while Guangguang waved his hands. , It is enough to show that this person's cultivation realm has stood at the top of the world.

   "Waving your hand to move the entire space, your master has cultivated to the sky, I don't know what it is to find the little brother by my side?"

   Xue Dao, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, stood up. He didn't lie to him, but directly asked questions. Then the middle-aged man's gaze came from the front, and the response came out:

   "In fact, this seat is also very interested in you, people outside the territory, or can you call you the person who sunk the mountain?"

   As soon as the middle-aged man said this, the little girl beside her opened her red lips directly, revealing an extremely shocked expression. At the same time, Jin Yuanbao and others' expressions were cold and severe, and their fists suddenly clenched.

"Even the Jinjin Sect who is the best standing in line is on your side. It seems that you have not come to the Taixuan Land for a short time. If the rest of the Taixuan Land knows about it, the deity estimates that they will be shocked. "

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he smiled. Then he lifted his right hand and gently pressed it down. A large amount of blue aura suddenly emerged from the void in the entire small courtyard. As the blue aura rolled, the figure of the former disappeared instantly. When he first appeared, he had already come to Xue Dao, raised his hand and tore it forward.

   Accompanied by a harsh neighing sound, the prototype of the deep sea kingdom in front of Xue Dao was directly torn apart, and then the man looked at Li Dingshan in front of him, and his voice continued to roll:

   "Are you reading the deity's heart?"

The middle-aged man’s eyes seemed to carry infinite weight, causing Li Dingshan, who was exerting the power of listening, to take a step back directly after a muffled groan, his head lifted, and the golden tea rune eyes closed suddenly after a tingling pain. on.

In the next moment, the middle-aged man's figure disappeared once again, and the billowing blue aura rushed outward, stripping the entire small courtyard from the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, completely incorporating it into his own world, and then the louder voice continued. Resounded in everyone's ears:

"This trip to Beihai is not for the so-called opportunity of heaven and earth, so no matter where you come from, I don’t care at all. Even if you don’t know how to come to the land of Supreme Profound in advance, this is due to the general trend. ."

   After the words fell, the middle-aged man raised his hand and moved forward with a gentle move, moving Li Dingshan and his burly body not far away, directly in front of him, and then the former's questioning continued:

   "You are the refined form of heaven and earth, but you only have a trace of perfection. If you follow me, you can practice directly to the perfect state, are you willing?"

  Will the words fall, the hearts of the rest of the people who heard it continued to tremble, because it was the former who was robbing people naked, and then all eyes suddenly gathered on Li Dingshan's body.

   At the same time, deep in the North Sea, the frost, snow, tsunami, and the fog of road abandonment were all rolling, and the void oscillated wildly. In the cracks in the open world of the North Sea, the huge and boundless land shadows completely tore out the space.

Until this time, the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom still used the vast and endless cultivation base to drag the two fairy mountains into the North Sea void, and under the action of the sky-defying kinetic energy formed by the infinite weight and the vast inertia, the vast land of China is now located The mainland, like a huge meteor, smashed firmly on the North Sea.

  Imagine that a meteorite the size of a human head can still destroy a city, not to mention an entire continent!

   Therefore, when the two fairy mountains that overlapped each other completely broke free from the void and blasted into the North Sea of ​​the Taixuan Land, the entire north of the Taixuan Land directly experienced an extinction catastrophe.

   The extremely violent power, centered on the crack in the center of the North Sea, completely wiped out the void and shattered it. At the same time, the vast and endless impact power spread outward, causing the Golden Sea Great Lord at the edge of the crack to directly open his mouth and roar:

   "Xuan, if you don't leave again, you and I will be bombarded directly by the two fairy mountains!"

Before the roar fell, the Great Lord Jin Hai directly stretched out his hand to hold the young man Xuan in his hand, and the entire huge body suddenly leaped back. At the same time, the land gods who were watching closely from above the nine heavens also controlled The kingdom is moving away from the south quickly.

Under the power of nature, even if it is a ground-shaking major repair, you must avoid its edge and dare not to be presumptuous. If you take a bird’s eye view from the sky and through the already completely chaotic and endless air current, you will see the center of the North Sea. At the place, a huge cavity appeared.

The middle of the cave was completely blasted into a chaotic state. Suddenly, at the bottom of the cave, a huge shadow of the land appeared, but above the shadow was deserted, without any vitality, it was overlapped. The back of the two immortals mountain.

Just as Sima Annan analyzed, the vast land of Shenzhou is actually hanging upside down in the void compared to the land of Taixuan. After hundreds of breaths, under the action of a mighty force of heaven and earth, this behemoth hanging on the bottom of the sea Start to rotate upside down, and rise quickly.

   The fairy mountain returns to its place, and the world begins to solemn!


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