The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1309: Instant kill


read2();   is located on the North Sea at dawn, full of the light of dawn, the white line drawn by Sima Annan with Xuantian wine, in front of all monks in the Taixuan Land, instantly changes Is particularly dazzling.

   Draw a line with wine, horizontally fence the world, and those who cross the line cut, this is Daxia's rule!

But in the face of Sima Annan’s move, the cultivators among the cultivators who watched all of this, some who disdain to sneer, and those who are dignified and curious, and most of them laughed loudly, and then occupied half of the sky and the entire sea. In the Wuyangyang monk camp, he began to shout loudly:

   "The human race who is overbearing, kill him, kill him!"

For the disciples of these big forces who are usually respected and superior, Sima Annan’s behavior like a man’s arm as a car is the biggest insult to himself. Therefore, more and more monks participate in this roar, and finally they become one piece. This made the entire North Sea begin to reverberate with this deafening anger:

   "Kill him, kill him!"

The shouts were shaking to the sky, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, and then under the Great Prince's Golden Palace, a brocade-clothed Ma Cang of Xunxianzong, with an entourage behind him, fell directly into the cage, and at the same time the former eager question came out :

   "Quickly select a pathfinder dog that is the most powerful in the sea for this son. If you are on a business trip, I will take off your head and feed the fish."

   After Ma Cang's cold voice fell, the monk who was in charge of the cage behind him shrank his head and hurriedly responded:

   "Ma Gongzi, you come with your child."

After    finished speaking, the person opened the cage suspended in the air and got into it. After ten breaths, he brought the horse to the corner of the cage, pointed at the two people in the corner, and said:

   "Master Ma, these two people will be able to complete the task assigned by His Highness and directly kill the Daxia human race who speaks without shame."

   But before this person’s words fell, Ma Cang’s furious voice roared directly:

   "Are you deaf? Your Highness said before. Why don't you just smash all the pathfinder dogs on the two of you?"

   "Ma Gongzi don't be anxious."

   Facing Ma Cang’s roar, the monk hurriedly explained, then he raised his finger to the two figures in front, and continued to speak:

   "This direct child from the Sanhe Sect of Sanhe County, Sanhe County, is known as the King of the River in ancient times. Although this disciple is impure, he is undoubtedly the most suitable pathfinder dog for fighting in the water."

After    finished speaking, the entourage continued to point his finger to a middle-aged man in ragged clothes [天籁novel] on the other side, and his voice came out again:

"Master Ma, please look at the third eye of this person's eyebrows. It is a soul race, and a soul race with a very high realm. It just annoyed which power and was abolished by the flesh, so I was waiting on the road to find it. Come, and the racial talent of the Soul Race, Master Ma should understand, right?"

After these words fell, the joy on Ma Cang's face became more and more intense, and finally he laughed directly up to the sky. At the same time, the face of the young man in the corner suddenly became terrified, and he turned and climbed back. , Let out a howl of fear:

   "Let me go, I don't want to die, don't take me away!"

But the wailing of the river boundary was destined to be useless. The middle-aged three-eyed spirit race who took great care of him along the way suddenly brightened the third eye between his foreheads, and then the figure climbing in the river boundary suddenly stopped in place, trembling. Like a sieve, the Qiqiao began to rush blood outward.

   The picture in the corner of the cage was extremely bloody, but the expression on Ma Cang's face became more and more satisfied, and then a voice came from below:

   "My son hereby promises you that if you complete the task assigned by your Highness, you will be free."

After about ten breaths, a figure jumped directly from the cage and hit the North Sea with a loud noise. At the same time, the big prince on the golden palace raised his hands outwards and made a very loud shout. :

   "Everyone, the Pathfinder Dog has been released. In order to let everyone see the strength of this human race more directly, my Highness ordered someone to choose a particularly powerful Pathfinder Dog. Please wait and see."

   As soon as this shout came out, the atmosphere in the entire cultivator formation of the Supreme Profound Land was completely detonated, and the deafening and fanatical roar of Beihai Tianqiang became louder:

   "Kill him, kill him!"

With a loud roar, the surface of the North Sea in front of the monks' army suddenly began to undulate violently, like a huge monster rushing forward under the sea, stirring up raging waves, and this is true of the facts. From the eyes of the monks, one could clearly see that under the tumbling tide, a giant fish-shaped beast was shaking its giant tail and rushing forward violently, and even pieces of golden scale armor could be seen.

   violent waves agitated, and a powerful force radiated outward, causing the monks who felt it to let out an incredible cry:

"This Pathfinder dog has such a strong aura, I am afraid that there is already the power of the master of the birth and death state of the palm. The prince of the Central High Kingdom is so strong. Using a master level existence as a pathfinder dog is really scary. ."

   "I make mystery!"

Facing the sound of admiration from the surroundings, the four princes of Shangguo on the other side looked extremely ugly. However, the powerful aura that this giant fish overturned the sea exuded was beyond doubt. At the same time, this three-river catfish, who was born good at water control, The sea has a unique advantage, that is speed.

In just a few blinks, this three-eyed catfish, which revealed its body after being seized by the Three-eyed Spirit Race, directly carried the billowing waves and approached Sima Annan above the sea. It was also close in front of Sima Annan. The forbidden white line.

  The monks in the land of the profound mystery can't appreciate Daxia's rules, so they sent a pathfinder dog to trample on Daxia's rules!

At the next breath, the sea in front of Sima Annan burst out suddenly, like a spring erupting, and then a giant catfish, as large as a hill, covered with golden scales, jumped directly from under the boiling sea, spreading enough to swallow Several people's huge mouths bit down at Sima Annan.

   "Eat him, eat him!"

The roar of the monks in the Great Profound Land suddenly reached its peak. Under the bloodthirsty roar, the fangs in the mouth of the Sanhe catfish exudes a sharp to extreme cold light, and when the dense and dense piles are closed, it suddenly occurs. The neighing caused by a stream of air being cut apart.

   At the same time, two safe and different auras poured out from the huge body of the Three Rivers Catfish. In addition to the thick water law like the sea, there was also a very strange soul breath.

   These two breaths were directly wrapped around Sima Annan's body like hemp rope, trying to tie the former to the place, and then they were torn apart by huge sharp teeth.

Then the sword student behind Sima Annan took a step forward and raised his hand to hold the hilt in his hand, but was stopped by the former raising his hand. Then the young man in white clothes tumbling violently, his face was solemn, and his eyes became increasingly cold to watch the pounce. Here comes the giant catfish.

   After a blink of an eye, this three-river mandarin fish directly crossed the white line drawn by Sima Annan with Xuantian wine under countless lights!

   "Blazing ignorance of Daxia rules, now the official judges you, die!"

A dead word came out, directly overshadowing the roar of the monks in the Great Profound Land that resounded across the sky. In the next moment, Sima Annan's body moved, directly shattering the yoke of breath surrounding him, and then he opened the folding fan in his hand, his figure Instantly disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, it had already come directly under the giant mouth of the Three Rivers.

   raised his hand, waved a fan, pierced and cut, all in one go.

   This ordinary folding fan is as sharp as a magic weapon in Sima Annan's hands. It effortlessly cuts the golden scales outside the body of the mandarin, and then cuts it out from the beginning to the end.


   The three rivers moan made a sorrowful cry, and a colorful streamer shot into the sky. In an instant, the three rivers were divided into two, and the blood and internal organs were flying all over the sky. The whole North Sea was silent for a moment!


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