
read2();  The central area of ​​the North Sea, the land of Taixuan, after the infinite tsunami from the birth of the two fairy mountains, the storm that runs through the entire sky and the sea rises again, and the component of this storm is not sea water and The power of vanishing void, but the sword, the sword of countless supernatural powers.

Before the torrent of the monks in the Great Profound Land, the sword blade storm came with a mighty and violent whistle, and between breaths and breaths, the storm surged outwards at an appalling speed, and it only took a few breaths to cover most of it. The sea where a monk is advancing.

   "Dear friends, don't take action at this time, wait until when, this sword storm is strong, but if this mere magical power blocks the way, we people will be laughed at for a lifetime!"

   The roar of the great prince of Shangguo in the center revived, and then the Great Sword Sect Streaming Light Sword Formation took the lead. A large number of supernatural powers continued to pour out from the power of the great prince, forming a torrent of supernatural powers into the blade storm.

   At the next breath, more and more magical powers gradually rose from the army of cultivators, suddenly turning the torrent of magical powers into a vast ocean of anger, and fell towards the sword storm that penetrated the world.

Quantitative changes are enough to cause qualitative changes. Under the overlapping of countless supernatural powers, even the void along the North Sea is blasted into countless fragments like spider webs. But what makes all monks in the Supreme Profound Land feel suffocated is that these vast supernatural powers are eliminated. In addition to the edge damage carried, the power of the law that was originally more powerful has no effect on Blade Storm.

   "Forbidden Magic Realm, the sword dragon in this storm can release the Forbidden Magic Realm outward, which means that magical powers are invalid to it!"

   An incomparable roar sounded from the monks' army. At the same time, a deafening dragon roar sounded in the sword storm that was still rolling under the cover of the sea of ​​magical powers.


  While the dragon roared and rolled, the cyan sword dragon directly brought countless swords into the sea, and at the next breath, the entire North Sea began to boil from bottom to top, and countless bubbles emerged upward.

   "Open the hull barrier, pay attention to sea defense!"

The reminders from the high-ranking monks of the major forces just fell, and when the defensive barriers of the warships were only halfway open, the sea water under the monks' army suddenly tore open in all directions, and the huge sword dragon wrapped the Dao sword storm violently. After rushing out, dozens of warships were completely torn apart in an instant, and a large number of monks on board suddenly turned into blood foam and burst.

   "Disperse, **** it, disperse quickly, this sword dragon storm actually crossed the top power in the front, and raged directly behind. Without major repairs and suppression, I can't stop it. Avoid it!"

A storm of blades that gathers countless swords in the vast land of China, each sword is wrapped in infinite sharpness, and continues to move backwards soaring. Along the road, the ship splits and kills people, and the blood soaks up into the sky. The chilling scarlet tornado.

   "Your Highness, there is a blade storm raging behind, do you want to send someone back to help?"

   It is not only the formation of the emperor of the Central Kingdom, but even the heads of other powerful monks who have heard such inquiries, but the responses of all the principals are surprisingly consistent:

   "Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky, don't care about these people behind, speed up and rush forward, shred those arrogant human races, and occupy the fairy mountain as soon as possible!"

   As soon as the command sounded, with the sword storm raging across the world as the boundary, the forward speed of the powerful forces occupying the front end suddenly increased, and the golden palace, warships, and flying magic weapons densely attacked the center of the North Sea where the mist of Dao abandoned.

   As for the forbidden line that Sima Annan had previously drawn with Xuantian wine, and the constant mention of Daxia rules, they had all been left behind.

  After a few breaths, the golden palaces of the emperors of the Central Kingdom first rushed across the white line of the forbidden ground, and then a monk from the other sects rushed into the rolling fog of Taoism one after another.

Since dawn, perhaps the northern boundary city that has been absorbing the gray mist has reached saturation, and the absorption power has been greatly reduced. Therefore, a large number of mists of Tao and Abandonment that isolate the spirits and weaken the sense of heaven and earth are hovering at the intersection of the two immortals. Around the huge peak of Wanrenxian Island formed by stacking, a natural barrier is formed.

   "My Lord Saint, shall I wait to move on?"

   Above the Nether Ghost Dragon above the North Sea, a hoarse questioning sounded, and then the great saint of the Soul Burial Sect narrowed her eyes and slowly shook her head.

   "I will not enter the fog of Taoism ahead, raise the height of the ghost dragon, wait for the fog to dissipate, and watch the change."

After    finished speaking, the tall black robe figure lowered his head to stare at the empty void beside him, and the cold voice continued:

"Although the talkative people of Wujiang Sect are annoying, but they have to say that they still have the ability to predict bad luck. The boy before Wu is still watching. This stupid boy is probably scared by those two human race , Forgot the strong smell of alcohol."

As soon as this statement was made, a wave of fluctuations suddenly appeared in the void on the side, and then the smell of peach blossom wine disappeared instantly, indicating that Wu Qian, a disciple of the Wujiang Sect, had already realized his own flaws, and the voice of the Great Saintess of the Soul Burial Sect continued Out:

   "The reason why this saint is more worried is that the ancestors and the rest of the land fairyland have entered the North Sea center in advance, but at this time there is no movement, really weird!"

At the same time, just as more and more forces crossed the white line and rushed into the fog of Daoqi, starting from the location of the saint of the Soul Burial Sect, they continued to the north, crossing the thick fog of Daoqi, and truly entered the North Sea. Behind the center, there is a sea completely covered by ice.

Above the sea, a slender figure shrouded in the vast frost and snow stood proudly, with countless roads and gray mists all over it, being forced outward by the power of the kingdom pouring out from the body of the Xuemei kingdom, with a breath, A magnificent voice rolled down from above:

   "Master Xuemei Kingdom, since these two sunken mountains have already been born, why still use the ice kingdom to seal the sky and not let me wait to explore?"

   This sound is billowing as vast as thunder, undoubtedly coming from a terrestrial **** fairyland master. At the same time, there is another stalwart aura intertwined in the sky above the sky, indicating that there are many masters and powers gathered here.

   "You are not a fool who has been practicing for so many years. You should know why this monarch is doing this?"

Under the frost and snow, the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom still holds the dragon fishing rod tightly in his hands, and the tight golden thread on this dragon fishing rod shows that the sleepless **** at the other end is still in the far north. Struggling violently above the city.

   Then the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom took a step forward, and the Huanghuang voice continued to resound throughout the sky:

   "This monarch spent countless years of accumulation of cultivation base before pulling the fairy mountain out of the sea. If you are waiting for the oriole who wants to do a good job, ask me if I agree!"

  The words fell, the Monarch of Xuemei took a deep breath and continued to move along the direction of the gold line of the dragon fishing rod, his figure dissipated like a phantom, and the increasingly cold voice blew up the ears of all the monks in the land fairyland:

   "Before I set foot on the land of the Two Immortals Mountain, whoever dares to walk in front, I will kill anyone. The five decay of heaven and man has already come, I will live well in a few days, don't drive me crazy!"


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