The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1373: Important information


read2();   "Daxia, trespassers, death!"

This line of golden characters floating in the sky, even if there are raging flames raging around, still very clearly reflected in the eyes of all the monks going north in the Taixuan Land, and the overbearing majesty and boundless aura of these eight characters. , So that everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Especially next to the golden inscriptions, the temple of human heads built by countless monks is nakedly proclaiming that the will flowing in these eight golden inscriptions is not a lie, because the Beihai monks who stepped into it before are dead. !

   "Senior Brother Lin, I now understand a little bit why you felt uneasy before, because Junior Brother, I also feel a panic in my heart now."

   In the central area of ​​the fleet going north in the Taixuan Land, Junior Brother Fang sounded with a slightly trembling voice on top of the Haihe Big Ship occupying a large area of ​​the sea.

   Then Lin Xing, who held the spear in both hands in front of him, stared at the top overhaulers who were frightened by a line of eight gold characters in the front, nodded, and continued to speak:

   "The horror ahead is that you don't know what's in the center of the North Sea, and even the scales and half of the claws of the behemoth have already made everyone feel almost suffocating.

"In other words, this is an invincible attack on the heart, which shows that the creatures on the fairy island in the depths of the ocean ahead not only have incomparable fighting ability, but also have extremely high combat wisdom. This is undoubtedly more. terror."

The young man Lin Xing said with worries that he didn't even notice. He is a very careful man. He must control everything as much as possible in his hands. However, under the vast momentum of this rolling forward, a person's power It is so small, which makes his inner anxiety more and more intense.

   "Look, Brother Lin, the golden palace of the central Shangguo emperor who had fled back from the north is slowly following behind."

   The words of Junior Brother Fang pulled back Lin Xing's thoughts, and then the latter turned his head and looked at the emperor's golden palace floating in the distance behind the densely packed warships, and the voice came out again:

   "These emperors of the Central Shangguo should have been scared before, but because of face they refused to approach me and wait, now they are watching the theater behind them."

After   's words fell, Lin Xing turned his head, and the extremely low voice continued:

"The old emperor of Central Shangguo is such a character, so that the holy sovereign above his head has no way to take Central Shangguo for so many years, but the sons that were born are not good. If there are no ruthless characters suddenly emerging, the light will be here. Several emperors, under the coercion of the holy court, the Shangguo will not be held for a few years before they will be demolished."

It is true that the ambition of Shengting to become another fairy palace can be said to be known to passers-by, and the central Shangguo below the ruins of the fairy palace is undoubtedly the first line to prevent the expansion of the Shengting. The old monarch on the dragon chair, the strength and wisdom of the heavenly generation, has built the entire Shangguo for so many years to prevent the continuous infiltration of the holy court.

However, under the great road, balance is the eternal theme. Even if it is stronger than the monarch of the upper kingdom, it will face the hopeless state of life is approaching, the five decay of heaven and man, and the body. Therefore, in the land of Taixuan, some well-informed children of the sect are all It is known that the veteran power of Central Shangguo is walking on a fork that determines the fortune of the country.

   "Brother Lin, listening to you say that, no matter what this Beihai upheaval eventually turned into, the place where we live is inevitably undergoing an earth-shaking change."

   "Yes, and many people will die, but under the shattering and reorganization of luck, the fate of many people will also change. This is the so-called unbreakable and unreliable!"

When the young man Lin Xing said this, the fire of ambition in his eyes was burning at an unprecedented level, and even the corners of his mouth were raised unconsciously, as if he had been waiting for a long-term opportunity, and he really appeared before his eyes. A voice came from his mouth again:

   "Only in troubled times can we emerge from the lords, Junior Brother Fang, the next era we will face is not only the most cruel and **** era, but also the best era!"

Just as Lin Xing’s words fell, Junior Brother Fang at the side was also thinking about it. Behind Haihe DaShi, a young disciple suddenly rushed over. Before arriving behind Lin Xing, he sounded anxiously. :

   "Senior Brother Lin, that, that monk named Xue Dao, who escaped from the south, said there are important things to report!"

As soon as he said this, Lin Xing's eyes suddenly lit up for a few more minutes, and then a very powerful aura shot out from his body, without saying a word, the figure disappeared in the next second. Ground.

   It wasn't until Lin Xing disappeared in the same place for a few breaths that Junior Brother Fang next to him reacted and said in amazement:

   "It's so terrifying. When did Brother Lin become so strong, why doesn't he show it on weekdays?"

   Despite the huge area of ​​the Haihe big ship, it took less than a hundred breaths after Lin Xing completely let go of the repair base, and the flying figure of the former Haihe robe appeared at the door of the room where Xue Dao was.

Then this deeply hidden GCC core disciple stretched out his hands and straightened his robe. After calming his breath, he opened the door and saw that one of them was missing an arm by a table in the room. The young monk with his eyes closed was sitting, and when he heard the door opening, he shouted directly:


   "Brother Xue is not anxious, it's down, Lin Xing."

   After Lin Xing responded, he looked around the room for a week and saw that there was no one in the room before closing the door quietly, and then opened the door to the ground:

   "Brother Xue, I heard the sect monk say from below, you want to see me."

   "Yes, I want to understand, I always have to plan for the future, so some very important information can be used as a bargaining chip."

  With a little hoarse voice, it came from the mouth of the young monk in the room. At the same time, Lin Xing stepped to the table where Xue Dao was sitting on, and the voice with a little higher volume sounded directly:

   "Well, as long as this information is important enough, Brother Xue, I promise that I can give it to you whether it is a disciple of the GCC or a genius."

After    Lin Xing's voice fell, the young monk with a broken arm in the room fell into thinking. After a few breaths, the former shook his head and spoke very solemnly:

   "You are not enough, I want to see your Master of the GCC, because the news is too important."

   "Brother Xue, are you sure?"

   From the voice that continued to ring from Lin Xing's mouth, he gradually became cold and harsh, completely different from the gentleness of the previous one, and then the latter slowly stood up, bringing the voice of bold killing intent, suddenly lingering in the house:

  " Xue Daoyou, you have to know that if you deceive me, I have 10,000 ways to make you better than dead!"


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