The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1380: Second Blood War


read2();   "Woo, woo, woo!"

   After the warship fleet of the monks in the Taixuan Land first launched a frenzied attack, the sound of the horns that shook the sky, together with the billowing smoke, rose violently on the battlefield.

   The horn sounded, the smoke rose, and the **** killing battle once again descended on this Shura region in the depths of the North Sea.

   This is the battlefield drawn by the will of this world, destined to be filled with countless blood!

   "The whole army listens to the order, the shield army is ready, the Weiyang army puppet thunder guns and crossbows are ready, the Minxiu archer opens the string and shoots the arrow!"

On the wall of the fortress of heaven and earth, the command roar from General Da Xia was brought very quickly by the messengers and flying messengers to the armed forces that were already ready to go. Then the commanders of the armed forces lit up their murderous eyes and opened their mouths. Roar:

   "Boys, it's almost time to rest, it's time to fight the enemy."

   This roar came out, and the commanders behind the commander all started to beat their chests together, opening their mouths and uttering a firm shout:

   "Daxia Glory!"

"The battle of defending the city does not have so many twists and turns. It relies on suppression, killing the enemy, and then suppressing. Therefore, you give this commander all the strength to draw milk. You can open as many bows as you can. Don't worry. The vitality of heaven and earth in oneself is not enough."

   After the commander of the Great Xia Minxiu army finished speaking, he raised his right hand and pointed to the mountain-like purified water behind the army, and the increasingly loud voice continued to roll out:

"Just yesterday, your Majesty made the latest decree in the White Emperor's Palace. The supply of life and purified water on the front line has been directly increased by 30%. Boys, that is a full 30%, enough for you to kill countless enemies. Shoot fiercely!"

The roar of the commander of the Minxiu army did not fall, on the other side, lined up on the wall of the fortress of heaven and earth, the fierce thunder guns and crossbows on the back simultaneously raised the Weiyang army puppet camp, and the same suffocating voice spread out. Out:

"In this battle, the primary goal of my Weiyang Army's thunder guns and bolts is still the enemy ships below. This commander will not go anywhere this time, just watching from the periphery of the city wall, whoever is It’s crooked, I’ll see everything in my eyes, and when this battle is over, don’t blame Ben that I’ll ask you to settle the account.”

After    finished speaking, the middle-aged general who was the commander-in-chief of the Weiyang Army suddenly turned around and looked at the bottom of the city wall. He was constantly approaching the sea of ​​magical powers. He raised his right hand, and the roar continued to resound through the clouds:

   "Thunderbolt, get up!"

   In the next breath, countless blazing white thunders appeared directly in the world, and at the same time, the harsh thunder sound filled the entire Shura domain, and the entire half of the sky was suddenly illuminated by the light of thunder.

   "Send the command to the entire army, the second battle of the North Sea Front in the Taixuan Land, Kai!"

   Wangjing Yingqi's majestic command sounded, and the surrounding figures surrounded by the celestial army and the night dire robes disappeared directly. At the same time, the deafening drums directly rang through the sky.


Under the sound of the war drums, an emerald green light swept outwards, sweeping through countless soldiers on the front line of the summer, and then the hearts in the soldiers’ chests began to beat violently, and a violent force emerged from the depths of their blood. , Making the basic quality of every Daxia soldier soar.

   "Thunder cannons, arrows rain in ten directions, come!"

After an instant, on the wall of the fortress of heaven and earth, the sea of ​​blazing white thunder, which was transformed by countless thunder guns and crossbows, rushed down violently from the top of the sky, looking from a distance, it was like a sea of ​​nine-day thunder that cracked directly from the crack. Countless anger thunder poured out.

After two more breaths of time, the supernatural powers that blasted upward from the thunder torrent and the warship of the Supreme Profound Land blasted to one place directly above the void before the heaven and earth fortress. Everyone felt the void where they were all suddenly. Trembling violently.

   Collision, elimination, destruction!

Generally speaking, the void is impermanent, and it is hard to feel the vibration and tremor. However, once a large area of ​​space is shattered at the same time, the fluctuations generated will still cause the surrounding monks to be torn apart. The horrible feeling of cracking.

The aftermath of the magical energy generated by the first wave of confrontation made the central sea surface of the North Sea below more turbulent, but for the monks in the Taixuan Land on the battleship, there was no time to take into account the violent ups and downs at this time. Hull.

  Because of the ten-point arrow rain made up of countless arrows above the head, it has already poured down mightily!

For the Minxiu archer, the battle of defending the city from high to low is undoubtedly the easiest and most perfect terrain. Therefore, two waves of arrow rain rose into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, covering the original scarlet blood mist. The already dim sky of the Shura domain was completely covered.

The billowing darkness suddenly enveloped the depths of the North Sea. The people of the sect on the battleship are all practitioners with extraordinary cultivation bases, so they have a sense of danger in the dark, and at this time, they are in the toppling ten directions Below, countless monks numb their scalp, their bodies are standing upright, and they make a strange cry:

   "All high-ranking monks must take action, otherwise the defensive enchantment of the ships around us will be directly cut off most of the energy!"

When the voice fell, the leaders of the sect who had already felt the situation was no longer hesitating. They instantly raised the vitality circulating in the body to the limit, raising their hands against the rain of arrows covered above, and blasting their strongest magical powers, trying to overcome countless The armor-breaking and blasting arrows ripped apart to ensure the continuation of the defensive enchantment outside the warship.

   However, faster than the brains of these sects, and more tyrannical, are the four Huofu generals who have been angry to the extreme.

Shizhonghuotian will be directly nailed to the ship by Pengmu’s spear of the **** of war, immobile and dying. This makes the remaining four people who practice together on weekdays rush out the four-color origin fire in their bodies. Finally, Unleash the racial Taoist statue and directly become four real flame elves.

   Blue, cyan, red, and chaos, four-color flames swept the entire void, and then the four flame elves directly rose up into the sky, stretched out their flame-wrapped hands, and tore them outward against the arrow rain above.

   In the next breath, within the ten-square arrow rain, four flame dragons rushed out and raged, roaring and tearing open the four holes that had been covered by three waves of arrow rain.

   In the next four days, Hui's figure disappeared from the same place, and when it appeared again, it had already reached the void, standing directly in front of Pengmu on the top of the fortress wall.

   "Hurt my robe, and pay with my life!"

After    there was a roar, the four days who were in the form of a flame elf would simultaneously make a fist, and blast out a punch against Peng Mu in front.

   The void exploded, four fire dragons came out, opened their huge mouths, and tried to engulf Peng Mu without a glance, and burned them all.

   The fire in the air, the fire in the wood, the fire in the samādhi and the fire in the world at the same time, the entire void where Peng Mu was located began to melt, and countless drops of liquid dripped down.

   These liquids dripping from the void are scarlet in color. They are Shura's evil spirits that have been melted by the flames!

   "Burn the mountains and boil the sea, turning to ashes!"

   The anger of the Four Heavens General rolled out again, and Peng Mu, who was enveloped by his supernatural powers, still did not speak, but he clenched the God of War spear in his hand, and then every cell in his body began to exert strength.

   Silence represents self-confidence, and silence is also a kind of contempt.

   An instant later, the second God of War Swift Spear cut through the void and tore the sky!

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