
read2();  Six dragons come out of the gods, and the gods fall in flames!

   In the hands of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, after the Yushu Fire Mansion Supreme Treasure Five Fires and Seven Ling Fans have fully revealed their power, every fan can directly burn the entire void in front of them into a chaotic state of chaos.

Then the six dragons on the battlefield of the North Sea Shura Region, after the true flames of the great sun breathed out, the huge and hideous body did not dissipate, but hovered and soared in front of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, looking obedient, as if six statues were completely tamed Domestic animal.

The king's robe outside his left arm was torn to pieces. The anger of the Nantian King Xiliu at this time can be imagined, so waves of golden flames radiated from inside and out of his body, together with the huge crane that gradually became clear behind him. At the same time, the vast and unparalleled power became stronger and stronger, completely becoming the center of the entire Beihai.

The countless tumbling scarlet evil spirits in the Shura domain were shining golden red under the shining sunlight. At this moment, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu who stood with a fan in front of the crown block is the well-deserved **** mother of the big sun. .

Under the shining light, the Nantian King Xiliu, his body covered by countless great sun liquids, fluttered and flew, and then he continued to lift the five-fire seven-ling treasure fan in his hand and pointed forward, his cold words continued from his lips and teeth. Between:

   "No matter where you escape, this king will kill you!"

   At the next breath, the six dragons hovering in the sky, roared up to the sky again, and continued to spray six real flames across the entire void at the three celestial army who had fallen toward the fortress wall.

   The void between the heaven and the earth is once again lit by the infinite day fireworks, and the avenue is simple, and the flame roared by the six dragons of the crane has no superfluous law changes, and it is the purest Japanese origin flame.

   The closer to the origin of Tao, the purer and stronger!

   Therefore, under the breath of the six dragons, the golden barrier outside the fortress of heaven and earth suddenly began to fluctuate violently, just like countless invisible punches, constantly bombarding the barrier barrier, making a loud noise.

   "Peng Mu, put on the challenge headscarf!"

After    clicked the voice of Wang Jing on the stage, Peng Mu at the end of the three Radiant Army Taboos, the rapidly falling figure, directly rotated 180 degrees, facing the breath of true flames that pierced like six big sun pillars.

   Then Peng Mu tightened his lips with blood remaining, stretched out his left hand and grabbed it from the void, and directly pulled out a small headscarf, putting it on his neck without saying a word.

   I saw that this turban was dark brown all over, and it was covered with square and square runes painted by countless ancient wizards with all their best efforts. Although its appearance was strange, it had a coveted effect.

  Law resistance!

Therefore, after Peng Mu puts on this challenge headscarf, in his burly body surrounded by battle spirit, a very strong yellow-green light suddenly radiates outwards. This light merges with the scarlet spirit of the **** of war around Peng Mu and begins Pouring outwards is like a mountain-like massive power.

   At the next breath, Peng Mu lifted the heavy shield directly in front of him, enveloped himself and Li Yi and Jiang Yue behind him, and then let out a roar of war.

   Ancient taboo magical powers. Body armor shield!

   Ancient taboo magical powers. Insulation!

   Two types of intrepid defensive supernatural powers were released together, and Peng Mu directly appeared a yellow-green and a scarlet two defensive barriers covering the whole body.

   An instant later, the Breath of the Six Dragons once again bombarded Pengmu's heavy shield directly. The flames, the fighting spirit, and the law-resistance air were directly intertwined, as if the two sides were opposing each other and fighting fiercely.

The void trembled and collapsed. Although the insulating taboo magical power released by the challenge turban canceled most of the aura of the law of the sun in the dragon's breath, the impact of the breath still blasted the battle shield in Pengmu. on.

All of a sudden, the defensive supernatural powers released by the three Radiant Army Taboos combined with each other, trembling violently under the light of the day, and after only ten breaths, they were bombarded again and hit the sky for the second time. Above the golden rune barrier above the fortress wall, he continued to let out a muffled grunt, and the blood in his mouth was even worse!

   "All the guards obey the order, and nine hundred puppets are ready!"

Behind the fortress of heaven and earth, Xue Beichuan's right hand was raised high, and the roaring command sounded through the ears of the entire moat, but if you listen carefully, you will find that the young man’s voice is actually trembling insignificantly. .

Xue Beichuan is one of the most calm and calm disciples of the Daxia Academy, so even if thousands of weapons are added to his body, his brows will not be frowned, but now, the young man’s heart is extremely heavy, and he raised his right hand. , As if there are thousands of burdens, it is difficult to fall.

   "Commander Xue, nine hundred guard puppets are ready. Will they be directly on top of the city wall?"

   After the high questioning voice of the adjutant general behind him came out, he raised his right hand, and Xue Beichuan, who pressed his lips tightly, fell into silence for a few breaths, and then he opened his mouth and uttered a short word:


After he finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Xue Beichuan on the battlefield above the sky, his eyes fixed on the circling roaring, the third wave of dragon's breath, the six dragons of the crane, and the continued holding of the battle shield and the big dragon outside the enchantment. Sword's three Radiant Army figures continued to speak:

   "My Daxia has never abandoned the precedent of a comrade-in-arms, and once these nine hundred puppets are on top of the city wall and the barriers are solidified, the three celestial army adults will be completely isolated and cannot return!"

The solemn voice from Xue Beichuan's mouth made all Da Xia around him clenched his fists. In his eyes, raging anger burned wildly, and at the same time, in the burly body under the armor, the extremely murderous intent billowed into the sky. Rise.

Then, under the eyes of countless soldiers on the entire frontline battlefield, the six great sun dragons above the void of the Asura domain battlefield, within their opened mouth, the dazzling golden light once again shined in the world, through this golden light, you can Clearly see the big day fireworks that are rapidly gathering inward.

At the next breath, the eyes of the Nantian King Xiliu's long red flying hair revealed a look of interest. There was a five-fire seven-ling fan swaying with colorful light in his hand, and the more majestic voice continued to roll. Out:

"This king has been practicing for a long time. I know that the most difficult thing to test in this world is the human heart. Therefore, even this king is very curious. Under such circumstances, how you and the so-called Xiandao Daxia would choose ?"

After the voice fell, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu paused for a while, and then his slender figure slowly rose up, wrapped in the immense power of the sun, and flew onto the towering crane summoned by the southern palace of the Holy Court, just like a man The **** mother Da Sun flew from Yanggu.

   After an instant, the former’s voice continued to resound through the sky:

   "Under the choice between life and death, let us guess, do you choose to continue to strengthen the barrier to resist the king's assault, or open the barrier and let these monks into the city wall?"


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