The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1399: Open the barrier


read2();   In peacetime, the son bid farewell to his father, and during war, the father bid farewell to his son.

   Blood and death are the eternal melody on the battlefield. The situation that Peng Mu, Li Yi and Jiang Yue are facing at this time is just a miniature of the cruel blood battle.

   All the Daxia citizens in the vast land of Shenzhou who looked up at the sky actually had an inner anticipation of the cruelty of the battlefield, but when the cruelty was truly naked, they would still tremble uncontrollably.

   This is the Nantian King Xiliu, who stands proudly on top of the Da Ri Crane, and pours out the vast and mighty power of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu. This action will not only kill Daxia’s people, but also punish the hearts of all people!

   Above the North Sea Asura Region, six great sun blue dragons roared up to the sky, and the roaring dragon roar shook the world. They swam forward together, and began to pull the majestic great sun crane behind them, rolling forward.

   In the entire north of the Taixuan Land, another round of big sun directly rose, the light poured down, the temperature soared, and at the same time the beautiful song of the elves of the Yushu Fire Mansion was melodious, resounding across the sky.

   The Godmother's crane is traveling with the big sunrise. It is unparalleled in power and revolves around the world, and no one can stop it!

Endless power, blasted forward from the Great Sun Crane, and approached the Great Summer Fortress wall in the Henglan Tiandi, and the three of the Celestial Army standing outside the golden barrier in the void were constantly expanding and brightening the Great Sun. Below, it seems so insignificant, it seems that in the next breath, it will be crushed to death.

   The Nantian King Xiliu did not control the rolling forward speed of the Da Ri Crane, because she had to spend enough time to make a choice for Da Xia in front of her, and let everyone clearly feel despair and pain.

   "This stinky lady is quite proud, which is really uncomfortable."

Before the golden barrier outside the wall of the fortress of heaven and earth, Jiang Yue sipped the blood in his mouth, and a voice of dissatisfaction came forward. Then he held a big sword beside him, and the blood was tumbling on Li Yi's body. Squinted and responded:

   "Your Majesty has always emphasized that you should never underestimate the high-ranking monks in the land of the profound mystery. It is really terrifying that this Southern Heavenly King can hold the sun rising."

   "Being roasted on the fire in front of the people of Xia, this world is really angry."

   River Yue’s unruly voice contained anger, but there was no color of fear. For Da Xia Huijun’s taboo, even if he fell to the ground, the turbulent mood in his heart would not be fear, but anger.

   "If there is still a chance, this world must push this stinky girl to the ground!"

After    Jiangyue’s still awkward voice fell, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu above the sky seemed to have heard the crude words spoken by the former, and his face glowing with golden light suddenly became extremely cold, and the voice came out:

   "This king tears your mouth!"

   The voice fell, and the five-fire and seven-ling fan with rich colorful light slammed forward, and the huanghuang divine sound once again resounded through the Asura domain sky:

   "Go up the hibiscus sacred tree, Chenming!"

At the next breath, Liulong continued to emit a deafening dragon roar, and the huge and hideous body began to violently force, pulling the big sun crane into the air, faster and faster, just like the real big sun rising from Yanggu. , Board the hibiscus sacred tree.

   At the same time, the rumbling sound rolled outwards, and the infinite golden light poured out from the overhead crane. With the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu as the center, waves of flaming red halo spreading outward appeared.

   Then these red halos condensed on the foreign exchange of the great sun, and together with the pure golden great sun light, they formed a rising round of the shadow of the great sun.

  "Fusian sacred tree, look, there is a phantom of hibiscus sacred tree above the North Sea!"

   As the sun rises, a monk on the North Sea battleship opened his mouth and roared wildly, and then a phantom of the **** tree that ran through the whole world appeared directly above the sea.

   This sacred tree is divided into two plants with the same root, supporting each other to rise into the sky, vast and majestic, covering the sky and obscuring the sun. From a distance, the entire Beihai Center can hardly accommodate its huge figure.

   Even the big sun crane that occupies the entire half of the sky, pulled up from Kowloon into the sky, and slowly fell on the branches of the Shenmu stretched out.

   Countless fiery red hibiscus leaves floated down from the sacred tree, and enveloped the entire sky, which reflected the beauty of the Beihai Asura region, which had been filled with evil spirits.

However, under the road, the more beautiful things often contain the danger of ruining the world, so after only a few breaths, the branches of this hibiscus phantom began to bend downwards, and at the same time, it smashed. The voice came out.

   "The hibiscus tree bends, this is because Liulong is too slow to pull the cart. I want to throw the entire day crane out!"

The sound of horror came from the mouth of Elder Shenji Pavilion, and after such a vision came to everyone’s eyes, it was not only the monks in the Taixuan Land above the North Sea who had changed their colors, but also all the countless people who had witnessed this. Daxia people.

   "Your Majesty!"

  In the Huangji Hall of the White Emperor Palace in the capital of God, a hundred officials all bowed forward, and a uniform voice came out.

Later, the cultural relic officials and the important ministers headed by Li Chunfeng, at the same time, knelt down together, holding their breath, and taking a breath, Zhao Yu, who was sitting on the high platform Huangji Hall, raised his eyes from the zipper in front of him, like an ebony In his black eyes, a strong imperial might emerged.

   Then the emperor sound came out from Zhao Yu's mouth:

   "You waited for these people to kneel down in front of me arrogantly, what is it? Do you want me to order this barrier, or not?"

   The voice of the young emperor’s opening speech, although still thick as a mountain, has the supreme majesty that makes people admire, and then all the civil and military officials’ responses lingered in the hall:

   "Your Majesty, the pressure on the Marshal King of the North Sea battlefield is very heavy, and the ministers begged your Majesty to open the fortress boundary and bring three Radiant Army adults into the battle!"

   The uniform shouts resounded throughout the hall of the Emperor Great Hall, and then the whole hall fell directly into the audible silence of the needle drop. After two breaths, Zhao Yu's emperor's voice continued:

   "It's not the first day that you followed me. You should be able to understand my will, and also understand the backbone and national style of Daxia [笔趣阁]."

After    finished speaking, the young emperor slowly stood up from his seat, and the emperor Huang Huang continued to ring in everyone's ears:

"Daxia has been established since His Majesty Taizu. With war and fire going to the present, there has never been such a move to abandon comrades in arms. You don't need to worry about Wang Jing's pressure too much, because he understands me, he understands Daxia, finally. "

   said here, Zhao Yu paused for a moment, a smile appeared on his face, and continued to open his mouth:

   "In the end, Liang Po was on the front wall."

The voice of the young emperor had just fallen. On the main battlefield of the North Sea Asura Region, the celestial army robe was hunting and hunting. The burly beam, raised his hand to touch the bright bald head, and took a step forward, full of magnetism. The voice then came out:

   "Marshal Wang, open the barrier."


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