
read2();  In fact, from childhood to adulthood, Liang Poqiang's bald head had very few ups and downs, because he didn't need to think too much.

   Most of the time, apart from standing beside Zhao Yu and guarding the safety of Emperor Fuyao, the rest of his mind is cooking.

   Maybe I have to add the white shadow that has been in my mind over the past few years.

The red-gold sun shining, engulfing the fiery power of burning mountains and boiling the sea, rolled down from above, shining on Liang Po’s burly body rushing forward, and did not let this person face on the city wall. The young man stepping forward felt a little uncomfortable.

   Liang Po's bright bald head directly reflected the reflection of the six dragon cranes that became more and more dense and turned into a huge red sun, like a bright red flower blooming on his head, which looked extremely strange.

   At the same time, among the countless gazes from the monks in the land of the profound, all kinds of emotions are intertwined back and forth. There are those who disdain, those who ridicule, and those who admire.

At any time, those who dared to charge against the bright sun without fear, even if they were enemies, would still make people rise in awe, whether it was the giant of Longbo Kingdom or Liang Po now, this The act of hitting the sun may be extremely ridiculous in the eyes of the world, but who would dare to say that he has such courage?

   "Step on the ground, charge toward the sun, and pursue the light. I even admire this Daxia race now."

   With a little sigh, it was heard from some young people on the battleship of the Taixuan Land. Then the elderly monk on the side changed slightly, and he opened his mouth with some dissatisfaction:

   "To put away the heroic spirit that you think in your heart, this action is an overwhelming search for death. It is a moth that knows that it will die."

After    finished speaking, these elder monks flicked their long sleeves and continued to speak coldly:

"In the land of Supreme Profound, if you want to survive, you just put away the so-called heroism, and the previous act of Daxia on Xiandao destroying the barrier for the sake of three people is extremely stupid in my opinion, just for the sake of the limit. The three cultivators, and taking the lives of all people, are digging their own graves!

The words of these monks were merciless. After all, in the concept of the entire Supreme Profound Land, Daxia’s decision before it was really difficult for them to understand, but what made these people dissatisfied was that after they finished speaking, the young people around The monk did not agree, but he looked like he wanted to talk.

   This caused a trace of irritation flashed in their eyes. They just wanted to continue to reprimand, but suddenly looked up at the sky, because the brilliant voice of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu once again rolled out of the violent red sun:

   "Just one person charged forward, where did you wait for the Daxia Clan of Xiandao to destroy the **** enchantment for the three people?"

The voice of the Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court has no trace of the crispness that belonged to the girl before. It is exactly like Xi and the **** mother possessed, majestic and domineering, reverberating, and accompanied by the soaring majesty of the sun, it makes people directly produce An impulse to worship.

   Then the golden red sun over the center of the North Sea traversed a trajectory that tore through the void, quickly approaching the heaven and earth fortress built by the Daxia human race on the North Sea, and then the voice of the Nantian King Xiliu continued to sound:

   "Under the charge of this king driving Da Ri, did you back down? That disappointed me too much. This king thought that the human kingdoms who returned to the land of the profound mystery would be different."

   In the words of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, there is a deep disappointment. Then he gently shook his head, squeezed the five fire and seven feather fans, pointed forward, and the sound of the gods once again lingered in the sky:

"Under the heaven and the earth, this is the inferior nature of all creatures. The Six Dragon Crane under this throne not only summons the shadow of the true godmother, but also gathers the power of all the 100,000 fire mans of the South Palace. You should be afraid. What reason do you have for not being afraid?"

   The words that the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu uttered at this time seemed to be persuading himself, and then the increasingly hot sun **** flame burned wildly in his golden eyes, and let out a roar forward:

   "Since I am afraid, I will be crushed directly by the king. It is better to go to the underworld palace than to suffer in this world!"

As soon as the words of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu fell, the golden-red big sun crane pulled by the six dragons under him appeared like a teleport, directly above the city walls of heaven and earth, falling violently, and then a vast and endless **** sun. The mighty mighty downward pressure, almost blasted the countless Daxia soldiers below into powder.

   At the next breath, between the golden flames of the day falling down, Wang Jing’s still confident roar echoed directly:

   "The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, there is one thing you are wrong, it is very wrong."

After speaking, Wang Jing's figure disappeared directly above the Dianjiang platform, and appeared again, already beside the huge battle drum above the city wall, and then Wang Jing took the drumstick from the soldier's hand, and with both hands, he directly hammered in front of him. There was a loud and deafening noise above the drum.


   After the earth-shaking drum sound came out, Wang Jing's roar continued to rush into the sky:

   "My Daxia, from the sage and the ministers to the traffickers and pawns, there is nothing to fear, let alone the sun overwhelming, even if the sky falls and the world collapses, have you ever seen me frown?

   "Under the glory of Daxia, there is nothing to fear!"

   Peng Mu’s roar, he continued to beat the drums in front of him, and then all the Daxia soldiers in the array roared to the sky:

   "Under the glory of Daxia, everyone is fearless!"

The roar of    together with the sound of the war drum beating like a heart, interweaves a scarlet music score of war and blood. At the same time, Wang Jing’s vigorous and powerful announcement sounded along with this war music score:

   "Maybe tomorrow, there will be no me in the world, but my great summer is still the five mountains up, all the rivers are rolling east, the human will is fearless, to crash into the invading sun, just like Master Liang!"

   Wangjing beats heavy drums, as soon as the announcement sound accompanied by singing, countless frontline soldiers sang:

   "The human will is fearless, to crash into the invading sun, just like Master Liang!"

   is not just the front line, all the people of Daxia in the rear who have witnessed all this, regardless of men, women, young and old, sang loudly and shook the sky. After spreading out, they even crossed the sea, making the front line of the Shura domain clear.

   In the next breath, accompanied by the war song between the heavens and the earth, Liang Po's mouth suddenly revealed an extremely rare smile. Although the smile was only fleeting and was put away by the former, it still shocked countless lights.

Then the running Liang Po stepped heavily on the city wall, and with a bang, the body of his celestial army robes exploded directly into the sky, turning into a black line that hit the top and fell down. .

   One person for a day officially collided in the North Sea.

   The beam breaks the sun!


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