The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1407: Arrow of Chaos


read2();   Tai Xuan, countless monks, perfect roads.

   After countless years of evolution, even the Beihai Void, which has been abandoned by the avenue for tens of thousands of years, the internal laws are countless times stronger than the original Shenzhou vast land.

Therefore, the supernatural powers between the monks can only blast out some cracks in the void, not to mention the entire space, and even blast out a black hole outside the domain with infinite swallowing power. The collision power it needs is beyond imagination.

The entire **** battle in the North Sea has been carried out until now. There have been countless clashes of supernatural powers, but only the colorful one arrow in the hands of the Nantian King Xiliu and the abyssal nest country outside Liang’s body have formed the first place. Void black hole outside the zone.

   This is a direct duel between the sharpest arrow and the most indestructible shield in the entire North Sea!

   "Will you die?"

The Nantian King Xiliu’s loud shout, with an unprecedented suffocation, because even she has never seen a person like Liang Po with almost invincible defense, so this type of giant shot with the bow of the sun An arrow from the resentment can be said to be the final trump card in the hand of the Holy Court Nantian King.

And this colorful streamer flashing arrow did not disappoint the Nantian King Xiliu. It was wrapped in an invincible edge, and while blasting out of the black hole outside the region, it also pierced into the abyssal nest country on the surface of Liang Bro's body. The behemoth broke the defense for the first time.

  If this matter spreads to the south of the Taixuan Land, no monk will believe that the Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court, together with the countless heavenly soldiers of the entire Nanxing Palace, will be helpless against a Celestial Race.

But the fact is like this. In less than a hundred breaths of time, the Nantian King Xiliu blasted out a torrent of tens of millions of supernatural powers against the inevitable Liang Po, and even summoned nine gods to descend. .

   But the only thing that can really break the defense is an arrow!

   Under the close gaze of the golden eyes of the Nantian King Xiliu, the colorful streamer arrows rushed out of the black hole outside the domain, and continued to approach Liang Po's eyebrows.

   In fact, this arrow is not fast in the eyes of outsiders, because with such a level of supernatural power, it has completely broken free from the concept of so-called space, and reached the core level of Tao and law.

   Then the king's robe flew all over his body, and the red lava flowed behind his hair. The whole sacred Nantian King who exploded backwards, his tall body moved slightly, lowering the Sun-Racing Bow in his hand, and continued to speak cold words:


After the words were finished, the colorful streamer arrow pierced directly into the center of the Roshan Demon King’s eyebrows. At the same time, the endless colorful rays of light suddenly poured crazily in all directions, and it only took a blink of an eye to completely extend outward to the entire Shura The domain even directly overshadowed the dazzling golden brilliance of the Great Sun Golden Wheel.

   Over the entire center of the North Sea, colorful rays of light gleamed, the auras undulated, and the mist was vertical and horizontal, directly turning into a terrifying appearance like the beginning of chaos.

   "Elder Ge, in this, such a situation, how to judge the outcome?"

  On the battleship of Shenji Pavilion, a monk's mumbling and questioning sounded, and then the old Shenji Pavilion beside him, clutching his white beard tightly with his right hand, he sighed:

   "Judging, the old man has never seen such a magnificent fighting situation in his life. Even the world will be beaten to the chaos and reopened. How do you let the old man judge?"

   After finishing speaking, this extremely old man waved his hand and put away the divine machine ceremony that could not be opened anyway in front of him, hugged his arms around his chest, raised his head and continued to speak:

   "What we can do now is look up and look good, because every minute and every second that will happen will exceed your imagination."

The words of Elder Shenji Pavilion had just fallen, and the colorful chaotic undulating void above suddenly began to undergo violent changes. The countless mighty colorful qi spreading outwards directly condensed into an ancient giant roaring upwards. Phantom.

   This ancient giant is full of brilliant colorful light flowing all over his body, which completely outlines the huge and strong muscles outside the body.

   Then the giant stretched out his right hand to the sky, spreading his five fingers, as if he wanted to do his best to grab the object above.

   Although I didn't say it clearly, all the monks who saw such a scene knew that what the ancient giant reached out and tried to grab was the mighty bright sun.

   "This is the ancient giant who crossed countless mountains, rivers and seas, chasing the sun and died!"

   After the murmur from the monk above the sea fell, within the body of the sun-chasing giant composed of colorful chaotic rays of light above the void, an unwilling roar came out again.

   This is the boundless obsession of the giant before his death!

   An instant later, a little golden light shined in the body of this ancient giant, and then it became more and more dazzling with an incomparably violent degree. In a blink of an eye, it turned from a faint star to a dazzling day, and then unexpectedly burst out.

   After a breath, a huge colorful mushroom cloud rose from the sky, covering the sky and the sun. The entire Beihai center of the Taixuan Land was directly divided into two worlds.

   Above the sky where the colorful mushroom cloud rises, the violent power of destruction crushes everything, almost completely stripping the entire space, while the chaos and shattering aura obscures everything, and the entire North Sea center goes from bright to dim in just a short moment.

   However, the strange thing is that the sea level below where the monks of the Supreme Profound Land is located, there is no half of the power that pouring down.

   "The magical power of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliusun who blasted this arrow was completely compressed against the human giant beast. It is a perfect and extremely magical control ability, amazing."

   The old man of the Shenji Pavilion on the battleship, ignoring the fireworks that are still raging on the sea surface, exclaimed again and again, and then the monk subconsciously murmured:

   "Under such heaven-defying magical powers, the sky has been wiped out. This human abyss behemoth is completely finished. Let us smash the human fortress in front of us, just around the corner!"

   As soon as this person's voice fell, the eyes of the heads of the sects in the land of the profound mystery lit up, and they opened their mouths and shouted:

   "The breath of that giant beast is gone, and the Daxia human race has no resistance anymore. Charge with this suzerain!"

   Under the high roars one after another, the remaining army of the entire Supreme Profound Land was suddenly ready to move, and then the next breath, the sound of war drums resounding through the sky, rolled down from the wall where the Daxia human race soldiers lined up in front.

After that, Wang Jing continued to beat his drums hard, and the earth-shaking sounds continued to sound extremely dense. At the same time, every soldier also clenched his fists and beat his chest, accompanied by the beat of the heart, rhythmically beating on his chest. Armor.


   The sound of armor and drums intertwined in one place, and then gradually turned into a name that resounded through the sky.

   "The beam is broken, the beam is broken, the beam is broken!"

Countless frontline soldiers in Daxia, with blood and will, and deafening shouts, clearly expressed their support for Liang Po, and then the iron-blooded will that billowed into the sky turned into a nine-day phoenix with open wings, rushing into chaos , Above the vague and unclear real void.

   After about ten breaths, a vigorous and powerful heartbeat suddenly sounded over the chaotic Beihai sky, like thunder.


As soon as this heartbeat sounded, the heads of the sect of the Supreme Profound Land who had already started to cheer, the voice from their mouths stopped abruptly, their complexion changed wildly, and then the heartbeat from the sky became more and more dense, and The more powerful.

   In the next breath, the countless chaotic fog that filled the void was torn directly to the sides like a curtain.

   After the curtain was set, the golden light of the vast sun continued to pour down magnanimously, illuminating the sea in the center of the North Sea again.

   Under the golden light, Liang Po, the body of a huge and boundless behemoth, still stands proudly in the void, overwhelming the world!


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