The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1412: Wrong letter


read2();  The most fertile Central Plains in the Taixuan Land, the central county of 108 County, stands in the center of an extremely powerful country, the first of the four great kingdoms.

  Central Going to Country!

   The Central Shangguo regards Tangdu as its capital and Yin's Dragon Clan as its monarch. It claims to inherit the only orthodox inheritance after the collapse of the ancient fairy palace. Over the past tens of thousands of years, the country has prospered, and it can be described as dominating the center and oppressing all directions.

In the center of Tangdu, outside the huge and infinite imperial palace Tianlong Hall, a heavily armed imperial army lined up in front of the palace, encircling the palace in three and three outer layers, but compared with the past, today’s Shangguo The imperial palace, and even the countless soup capitals of the entire people, contained a very different atmosphere, killing the iron and blood, and the rain was coming.

Unknowingly, a vast and boundless thick black cloud slowly pressed from the direction of Fufeng County, like a giant swallowing beast, covering most of the central sky dome, covering the sky and the sun, but also on the ground. A shadow was left on it moving towards Tangdu.

This large shadow spreads its teeth and dances its claws, but it moves forward very fast. In the blink of an eye, it crosses the countless mountains, rivers, fields and cities in the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land, causing many people to rush out, looking up at the sky, and exclaiming. .

   At the same time, Tangdu Imperial Palace, the empty Tianlong Palace with only a few people, the voice of the old monarch of the Central Shangguo continued to sound:

   "Ting Sheng, tell me, how far is the chance for the birth of this northern fairy mountain?"

   The old monarch’s voice just fell, and the court officials below stood upright, and the response came out:

   "Your Majesty wants to know the specific situation of our nine Highnesses. The old ministers have compiled the information about these contents and put it on your royal table last night."

  The old response from the courtyard sound hasn't fallen yet, and the old monarch, who simply sits on the steps directly above, raises his hand directly, and the voice goes down:

   "I don't want to look at those. For so many years, I have been reviewing the papers every day, and I'm about to read it. You can just say it."

  I don't know why, today this old monarch, who is usually majestic and unsmiling, has some complaints in his words at this time, and if this scene is seen by other people, he will be shocked.

   But Ting Sheng had followed the old monarch for ten thousand years after all, so the latter was just a little dazed, and continued to respond:

   "According to the information sent back earlier, except for the three princes, the rest of the nine princes have already rushed to Shen Xiancheng, but there is constant friction between them, and it will be impossible to tell clearly for a while."

"Needless to say, this monarch also knows what happened before. The second martial artist has always looked at the boss unpleasantly, and he will definitely collide with the latter. In fact, this monarch understands in his heart that the eldest prince is very happy and lacks the imperial spirit. Except for the two strangers, the second and third, the other princes are just a little clever."

   At this point, the old monarch showed a trace of sadness on his old face and let out a sigh:

"If this is the era of Taiping and Shoucheng, the monarch of the country will hand over the kingdom to the youngest man, naturally, he will be extremely relieved, but the heavens are ups and downs, the qi cloud is reorganized, and the youngest and his literati and scholars, how can they be able to carry this huge trend? Torrent!"

   After the words of the king of the Central Kingdom fell, the huge Tianlong Palace fell into deep silence again.

   Regarding the alternation of the throne and the inheritance of Guozuo, even if it was the voice of Ziting, the veteran of the monarch's closest guardian, he did not dare to give a half comment, so he continued to bow to the ground and remained silent.

  After a few breaths, the old monarch of Central Shangguo, who sighed, sat on the steps, squinting his eyes and continuing to speak:

   "Counting days, this fairy mountain that sank in the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago should have been born, and there has been no news recently?"

  As soon as this question came out, the court sound in a purple dress underneath thought for a while, shook his head and responded:

"Your Majesty, in the enshrinement of our Central Kingdom, there is a great power to travel northward. There has been a steady stream of information before, but it is strange that all the news recently has been cut off, as if the entire Northland has been completely Become a unique domain."

   "When the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom came to Tangdu for the first time, and climbed the ladder to find the Lord himself, this monarch knew that this northern land was not easy."

   After the old monarch of the Central Kingdom finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand to support the ground and leaned lightly, a memory of memory appeared in the golden dragon eyes, and a deep voice came out:

"This gentleman has not known this woman for a short time, and he knows her very well. This lady is so proud, and came to Tangdu from Xuemei Shangguo in person, and met this sage who has not been in contact with each other for tens of thousands of years. Zun, it is enough to show that she attaches great importance to the birth of Beihai."

Today’s Zhongshangguo old monarch has become more and more abnormal, just like an old man who has been alone for too long, who wants to give out all the loneliness and thoughts of his life in one go, and then the babbling voices linger again. Inside the Tianlong Hall:

"Ting Sheng, you said that the two of us have lived for so many years, and we have seen so many big winds and waves when we were young, but after the **** battle in the North Sea and the collapse of the fairy palace, this tens of thousands of years in the Taixuan Land has become like a pool of stagnant water. Lifeless, this is completely different from what our group thought."

   The voice of the King of the Kingdom fell in the middle, and the old man below who had been listening silently got up from the ground, bowed to the front, and then responded:

   "My lord, maybe I was wrong before waiting, and I believed in the wrong Lord."

   "It's not that maybe, I said it for you. For so many years, those old guys who listened to him have already known that they believed it wrong."

After    finished speaking, the old monarch raised his finger to the top of his head, and the voice continued:

  "The ancient Immortal Palace ruled the entire Taixuan Land for too long and too long, and for a long time everyone began to get tired of this pool of stagnant water, so we all listened to the words of the Lord at that time.

   "We think that once the fairy palace collapses, the infinite luck between the whole world and the earth will flow directly from the holy court to the 108 county below. From then on, the world is full of fruits and blossoms."

   At this point, the old monarch's fists clenched in vain, and the golden dragon eyes were full of coldness and anger, and the cold voice came out again:

  "As a result, all of us were fooled, and there was no luck in the world. The Beihai, which was originally a holy land of cultivation, was directly crippled. The strength of the entire Supreme Profound Land did not even rise but fell.

"But this is not our original intention, the sound of the court, we were wrong, we were wrong from the beginning, and now this world is beginning to roll violently again, and the drastic changes in Qi Luck start from the north again. Do you think this is in the dark? God's will?

   "This may be God's revenge against us betrayers and thieves!"


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