The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1435: Snow lotus in the desert


read2();   "Take a look, take a look, the biggest treasure tonight is a Dingfeng Pearl from Fufeng County, Central Plains!"

In the central area of ​​Xiaoyao City Market, on the periphery of a large shop, a young, beautiful, tall woman is a casual cultivator, standing on a high platform, under the shroud of bright lights, her red lips open and emit A loud shout of provocative motivation.

After that, the gorgeous female nun on the stage looked around the sea of ​​people, and the crowd of casual practitioners gathered continuously, revealing a mysterious smile, and then the female nun opened her hand and tore off the cloth on the side, revealing A small bead that is red in color and swirling in it.

"My dear brothers, you must be familiar with the function of this wind bead. As long as you wear this bead on your body, you can cut off the invasion of strong winds. Just imagine, as long as you have this baby, we will be the bad guy in Liusha County. The environment is all clouds!

   "The auction of this bead will begin below, and the higher bidder will get it!"

There was a strong temptation in the voice of this glamorous female cultivator, and due to the effect of the wind beads, the eyes of the numerous casual cultivators below were brightened, and they raised their hands and made bids. What's more, after the upper head, their faces were red. , Smashing all the net worth in it.

   At the same time, in the interior of this shop, two young brothers in brocade clothes were leaning against a soft collapse, squinting, and then a voice with a deep disdain sounded:

   "An ant is an ant. A small fixation bead can cause these people to fight for blood. If they take out some more advanced things, can they completely rule these casual repairs?"

   This voice fell, and another sect child next to him, sitting upright slightly, responded with a sound:

"Except for this boring life and the extremely harsh practice environment, it's actually not bad for me to be a mountain king in Xiaoyao City, but it is too boring here. When the little ladies are gone, we will also bring someone back. Zong Nan went down."

   When talking about the words "Little Niangs", the eyes of the two people in the room lit up at the same time, showing a strong possessiveness. Then another young man spit on the ground, and the voice continued:

"Brother, you and I do not have a high status among the core disciples of the sect. Once you return to the sect like a deserter, you will have to lose your tongue. I will not be able to raise your head in the future. Endlessly, don't leave in this Xiaoyao City!"

  As soon as he said this, the older monk beside him condensed, and he turned his head and said:

"You better think about it before you say this. No matter how low our status in the sect is, that's also a sect child. If you want to stay in this small town of casual repair now, you will undoubtedly defect to the sect completely and become a ghost like a lonely ghost. Wandering and repairing like this?

   "Let’s not say whether the sect will send someone to execute you. If you leave the cultivation resources given by the sect every month and stay in this northern wasteland, your cultivation will be difficult and stupid!"

   The elder sect monk said without mercy, then he looked at the eyes of his younger brother in front of him, and continued to speak high-level words word by word:

"One more thing, I’m going to say the ugly thing ahead. If you dare to hit that little lady’s idea, I’ll break your leg. This person is a gift I am going to give to the elders in the clan. Can we keep it after returning to the clan? The position of inner disciple depends entirely on this water spirit lady.

   "So put away the crooked thoughts in your heart, otherwise, even if you are my brother, don't blame me for being merciless!"

   The elder brother monk's fierce voice fell, and a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes, because the younger brother who had been expected to be furious, at this time still leaned on the collapse, without saying a word.

Then the former stretched out his hand and pushed against the young monk in front of him. Just about to continue speaking, his expression suddenly changed wildly, because a huge human head fell directly from the neck of the figure in front of him, and at the same time the blood spewed directly into the sky. Rising, splashing in every corner of the room.

   "Who is it, who is it, come out, come out to my son!"

A strange cry with infinite horror came from the mouth of the young sect disciple, and behind it, a figure shrouded in a black robe appeared like a ghost, and then the figure lifted his hand forward, and after a magical light passed , The former's body slowly fell to the ground.

   "Congratulations to the monk, for winning this precious Ding Fengzhu at the highest price. From then on, it will be unimpeded in Liusha County!"

On the high platform outside the shop, the impassioned voice of the glamorous female cultivator resounded in the ears of countless fanatical San Xiu in Xiaoyao Market. What no one knew was that in the darkness they couldn’t see, they came from Shenzhou Hao. The ghost death **** from Tu Daxia is harvesting a large number of lives stranded in the sect of Xiaoyao City.

   The blood in the hands of every Daxia elite Sitian censor scout was innumerable, so this obliteration was actually over at the very beginning.

At the same time, at the periphery of this popular shop where Ding Fengzhu was auctioned off, Lao Sanxiu took Sun Qian and the three figures, passing through the dense silhouettes, and continued to walk towards the depths of the long street. Then the old voice of the former sounded. :

   "Dear guests, although my master was once a descendant of Xiaoyao Sanren, but by this time, it has already declined. I hope you will not dislike it later."

   This line fell with a little helpless voice, Lao Sanxiu stayed in front of a small inn at the end of the long street, and then he stepped forward and pushed open the door of the inn, raising his hand to lead:


   Outside the door of the inn deep in the street, only a few faint lights were on, and it looked extremely dilapidated and depressed. Then Sun Qian retracted his gaze and took the lead to step into the door with his leg raised.

   There is a small aisle behind the door, and at the end of the aisle is a small lobby. In the lobby, a few candlelights are lit, exuding a faint light.

   After a few breaths, in the shimmering light from the lobby, the figures of Sun Qian and Song Xinhao slowly walked in. At the same time, a beautiful figure that had been waiting in the lobby slowly raised its head.

   At the next breath, several eyes that shouldn't have any overlapping eyes suddenly intertwined in the lobby.

   Then, there was a glimmer of appreciation in Sun Qian's gaze under the hood of the black robe, and the admiration made his debut:

 [书趣阁]   "What a beautiful jade man."

In the lobby, a beautiful young girl was sitting quietly, with picturesque eyebrows and white skin like jade, just like the purest snow lotus in the world, making every person I see Kind of urge to care.

   At the same time, just like Sun Qian at this time, he made a heartfelt sigh, sighing that such a holy and perfect snow lotus could grow in this barren land of yellow sand.

   The girl didn't say anything, but everyone felt that her voice must be natural, and the truth is also true. After Sun Qian's voice fell, the former in the lobby, with red lips lightly opened, and a very pleasant voice sounded:

   "I am a snow lotus that grows in the desert. The strong wind spurs my skirt to disperse the yellow sand behind me. If I am destined to be picked, can it satisfy my request?"

   The words fell, and the girl paused slightly, and her voice continued:

   "Can I find a piece of pure land after I lose my function, and be quiet until I die?"

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