
read2();  "Have you heard of this? It is said that this Xiaoyao was not dead before the scattered people, and that his last spiritual god, even the same body inherited, was embodied on a wooden sculpture. If you get this wood carving, you can get a great opportunity!"

   "I don't believe this news. If there is a so-called inheritance, it would have been discovered long ago, but at this time someone has collected this woodcarving at such a high price. It is difficult for people to be unimpressed."

   Xiaoyao City, shrouded in the night, completely turned into a world of violent wind and yellow sand after the enchantment in the central market dissipated. Then, within the darkness, a series of exchanges continued to sound throughout the city.

"A wooden sculpture is worth ten cents. That is ten cents. If you know that baby Dingfengzhu tonight, only less than a hundred cents were sold. In other words, ten small ones. Wood carving is equivalent to a fixed wind bead."

   In the dark, there was a strong greed in the voice of casual exchanges, and then someone turned his eyes and continued to ask:

"The origin of this wood carving was from an ancient tomb unearthed in the desert outside Xiaoyao City. At that time, the ancient tomb caused a huge sensation, and a large number of casual repairs flocked to it. As a result, there was nothing good at all, not even a coffin. , Only a large number of wood carvings, like funerary objects, were dug out, making these wood carvings unnecessary."

   After the monk finished speaking, he slapped his thigh extremely annoyed, and continued to speak angrily:

   "I was on the scene at the time. When I thought about the back of the wood carving and the mysteriousness, I regretted my intestines. I grabbed a few from the ground and I was more jealous than I am now!"

There are not many people who regret extremely like this casual cultivator. These people have also rushed to the tomb before, and they had no effect on this. The wood carvings that can only be used as decorations dismissed them. Then someone thought of something. , Raised his hair and made a very puzzled voice:

   "That's not right. At the beginning, we saw this wood carving unearthed with our own eyes. Although there are a lot of them, there is not necessarily as many as there are now. Many stalls in the market are selling them."

   As soon as this statement was made, the people who heard it looked all over again, and then someone uttered a very solemnly:

   "You mean, there is someone in Xiaoyao City who can carve this wooden sculpture, and it's not bad?"

The voice of    fell, everyone's eyes lit up at once, and then a casual repairman who was lost in thought continued to speak:

   "I think of it, many of the woodcarvings in the stalls were taken from Li Broken Arm. If someone woke up with something tricky, they would definitely have no relationship with him."

   As soon as the words came out, a large number of casual cultivators immediately wrapped up in windproof robes, rushed to the street outside, and touched the house where Li's broken arm was.

   Money can make ghosts push, not to mention the penniless wandering and casual repairs. For cents, these desperadoes can do anything!

Before long, a large number of people gathered outside the casual repair house called Li Broken Arm. After a short period of hesitation, some people couldn't stand it, and directly picked up the sharp blade and stepped forward to smash the entire door with a sword. , Rushed into the house, scanned back and forth, and let out a roar:

   "Mother, this Li broke his arm and ran ahead!"

  As soon as he finished his words, he saw a small wooden box placed in the corner of the simple room from the corner of his eyes. Then the person quickly stepped forward and opened his hand, only to see a large number of wooden sculptures lying in the box.

   "God helps me too, and God helps me too!"

   This San Xiu Yangtian let out a wild laugh, but his laughter had not yet fully spread, a long sword had penetrated the former's neck, and the sound stopped abruptly.

   Then another casual repairman who succeeded in a sneak attack in the rear hurried forward to close the box, and was about to lift it up. The whole hut was surrounded by a large number of casual repair teams who had come after hearing the news.

   Since then, a **** death-to-life battle has been staged directly in Xiaoyao City, and countless monks have launched a chaotic battle for the originally inconspicuous wood carving.

   "Sang Gong, where did the news that this wood carving can sell for ten cents come from?"

Under the yellow sands of Xiaoyao City where the killings are happening everywhere, a very hidden pit was dug in the city. A small torch in the pit is burning with a very weak light, and two figures surround it. The torch shrank in the corner.

   When the woman in front of her was very ordinary in appearance, after the question fell, she was watching the one-armed young casual Xiu who was startled by the flames in front of her. After returning to her senses, the response came out:

   "The news appeared extremely suddenly, and it is said that it came from the controller behind the Starlight Enchantment in the market, that is, the only blood of Xiaoyao Sanren who still survives in the world."

   "Is that credibility?"

  The woman's enquiry followed, with deep worries, and then the man with his lips pressed out, stretched out his only arm, and directly pressed the torch in front of him, and his resolute voice came out directly:

   "Mrs., no matter whether this news is credible or not, we can't look back, and for those of us wandering and meditation, in this life, the next life, or the next life, there may not be any chance to turn around.

   "But this time, if the news is true, our lives will change."

   After finishing the broken arm and loose repair, he closed his eyes and began to close his eyes to rest his mind. At the same time, it was cold and dark, which perfectly concealed the thin body of the former who was trembling slightly because of being too nervous.

It’s not just the broken arm who made the most daring decision in life. Tonight’s Xiaoyao City, Liusha County, there are too many people awake all night, excited, but the star is changing, and the torrent of time is rolling forward. To come.

   The dim light of dawn gradually appeared in the east. Under the driving of the godmother Xihe, the nine-day **** sun rose mightily from the hibiscus tree, illuminating the whole earth.

   Perhaps it is because today is very special for Xiaoyao City. Even the wind and sand that was raging at first seem to be a lot smaller. If you raise your head, you can actually see the outline of the rising sun above the gray sky.

But for the countless casual cultivators in the entire city, whether they can see the sunrise or not is not important at all, because they have put all their attention in the center of the city, and then there are a few courageous casual cultivators, carrying with them last night. Several wood sculptures looted from others were extremely alert through several streets and turned into the market.

   Then, as soon as these people entered the market, their complexions changed suddenly, first they were horrified, then they turned directly into ecstasy, and then they ran straight forward.

In the center of Xiaoyao Market, a huge high platform appeared in just one night. This high platform was white all over, exuding a very holy atmosphere. From a distance, it looked like a holy snow lotus in full bloom. .

At the same time, on the high platform, an old San Xiu stood crouched, and beside him, there were several open boxes. The endless rays of fairy coins in the boxes rose to the sky, reflecting the sky for a long time. , Gorgeous.

   "Sen coins are all sen coins. This news is true. You are getting rich, you are going to get rich!"


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