
read2();   The crimson land fairyland country, at a violent speed, slammed into the extremely cold North Sea, stunned the sky and the water mist rushed into the sky, directly forming An extremely spectacular water column.

   Until this time, the surviving sect monks on the cliffs gradually recovered their hearing, and there was a deafening sound in the ears.


   The loud noise was so violent that it seemed to be released after the previous silent sounds were combined, directly causing the sect monks to subconsciously raise their hands to cover their ears, and wisps of blood flowed out of the ears.

This battle on the shore of the fairy island started quickly, and ended more quickly. Between the electric light and flint, the country was crushed and flew, leaving only a devastated place, and compared to still in a trance. The ordinary monk from the northern sect of the Taixuan land, completely watching all the other six land gods, the throbbing in his heart, it is difficult to describe in words.

What happened below    completely exceeded the expectations of these nobles. Therefore, the will within these six rounds of colored kingdoms began to boil like never before, and the vast coercion subsequently became one piece and pressed down fiercely.

  In the cracked ground, the lava stood proudly with its burly body, and then he raised his hand and waved his large robe, turned slightly to the side, and a rough voice came out:

   "With these two punches, can Mr. Wen understand something?"

   As soon as he said this, the dignified Wen Xiuqi behind him gave a wry smile, shaking his head and speaking:

   "The fist of exaggerating people contains the principle of heaven and earth. It not only absorbs all the laws of destruction for one's own use, but also contains another source of the laws. I have insufficient realm, and it is really difficult to figure it out."

After    finished speaking, Wen Xiuqi arched his hands to the front, and continued to speak with a little grateful voice:

   "This campaign is over, if the old man can return to Taolin Taoist Palace, he must use peach blossom wine to entertain exaggerated people."

   "It's so good. I have been thinking about this peach blossom wine for a long time, but before that, I still have to complete the task ordered by your majesty."

   After the rough and hoarse voice fell, Lava boasted and turned around, raised his head and looked at the Kingdom of Six Rounds above his head. The smile on his face grew thicker, and he uttered a roar directly to the sky:

   "This seat, Guaner, etc. are all ready to move, why, because of their large number of people, want to attack in groups?"

The roar of    rolled across the sky, and then the lava fists clenched and raised again, and directly smashed them violently against the ground in front of them.


   Between the shaking and the mountains, all the gravel that has not been covered by lava within a thousand miles of the sea cliffs was shaken into the void at the same time, covering the sky and the sun. The scene was spectacular.

Then the lava boasted his right hand and gently squeezed it forward, and the infinite gravel rolling and flying above the sky, under the action of a great force of heaven and earth, quickly gathered inward, and in only one breath, it directly condensed into a handful that spans most of the sky. Yan edge.

   Yan blade runs through the sky and the earth, and then the lava exaggerated hand holds this heaven and earth Yan blade, and then the raging doomsday fireworks begin to burn violently above the Yan blade, and the golden flames fill the sky and burn the sky and the earth.

   After a breath, the lava boasted the body and pressed forward, and the right arm was forceful, and the blazing knife he was holding directly slashed forward. In an instant, the flames of the doomsday above the blade of heaven and earth flared outward, almost completely occupying the entire sky.

This flame that shoots the doomsday above Yan Blade has the purest law of destruction in the world, and its inherent power is more pure and rich than the previous Yan Jue Guozun, directly at Yan Blade. Around, there is a life restricted zone where gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

   "Ancient taboo magical powers. Yan blade!"

The words of lava boasted calmness and indifference, but this was shrouded by the fiery knife, the vast will in the six-wheeled land fairy kingdom, but one after another boiled, billions of thoughts flowed and flashed at the same time, and the divine consciousness poured outward, At the same time made the same judgment.

   Evacuate outward, avoiding its sharp edge.

   In other words, the doomsday messenger lava boasted and forced the six land gods to retreat!

After round after round, the country exuding dazzling vast light disappeared in place like a teleport, Lava Kua did not control this style of Yan Blade to catch up with one of the superior realm powers, but continued to be extremely violent. The state, facing downwards.

   Below the raging doomsday blazing knife, is the North Sea, which is still surging, and under the North Sea, no one else is on the lava state who was blown away by the lava before.

   At the next breath, the sea on the shore of the North Sea Xiandao separated directly to the two sides, and a crimson country broke through the sea, and at the same time, Yan Ren violently smashed from top to bottom.


   An instant later, there was a hoarse and tyrannical roar from within the crimson kingdom, and he was hit once again as soon as he rushed out of the sea, which is enough to show the despair in the heart of the Yan Jue National Lord at this time.

Then inside the crimson kingdom violently tumbling, a roaring underground fire demon, wrapped in countless eruption of **** magma, stretched out his claws on top of his head, and directly mobilized the power of the kingdom up and down the whole body. It is enough to destroy the sky. The taboo of the land Yan blade.

A moment later, Yan Ren, who almost directly divided the entire North Sea into two parts, slashed across the crimson kingdom without any fancy. The endless flames of doom was intertwined with the violent sweep of the tyrannical magma, sweeping the infinity of the entire North Sea center. The sea water evaporated suddenly.

  The thick smoke rushed to the sky, together with the mist of Dao abandoned in the nine heavens, which was not completely absorbed, directly obscured the high nine heavens, making the bank of the fairy island in the center of the North Sea suddenly dark.


The piercing sound of the evaporation of sea water resounded through the sky, and the sea level outside the fairy island fell at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then the monks of the Supreme Profound Land who were lying on the cliffs to avoid the aftermath, looked beyond despair. Desperate, couldn't help but open his mouth and muttered:

   "It's over, it's over, this warship staying on the surface of the sea, and the sect monks who stayed behind, are all **** over!"

Accompanied by the wailing of the monks of the sect, the billowing water mist and the red-gold flames of the doomsday directly formed a large and boundless ancient behemoth, and opened the huge mouth to bring the huge sea ship above the sea. , Swallowed in one bite.

   After about fifty breaths, the lava boasted that his hand dissipated the blazing knife, and then raised his head to look up at the violently tumbling Beihai sky above his head. There was endless evil intent boiling in his black eyes.

   The water mist rolls over, and it will turn into rain after alternating hot and cold above the sky!

   So in a short while, drop after drop of bean-sized raindrops fell directly, and in a blink of an eye there was a downpour.

   The heavy rain covered the entire Xiandao Sea, hitting the ground that was melted into crystals by the violent supernatural powers, making bursts of crackling noises.

   In the next breath, within the half-beaded rain curtain, one figure after another slowly appeared in big robes, and stepped forward.

   Then Sima Annan, who was headed by him, lightly waved his big sleeves, and his handsome voice rolled out:

   "We are mortals, but with mortal bodies, we can perform the power of the gods!"

The voice of    fell, and the surface of the North Sea continued to break open. Guo Zun Yan Jue roared out of the sea, and his left arm was severed by Yan Ren. The kingdom was shattered and looked miserable.


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