The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1485: Heaven opens eyes


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  Beside the cliff sea in the center of the North Sea, the entire ground began to center on the Gobi battlefield. One after another huge cracks appeared, and they spread rapidly in all directions.

   In a certain sense, the confrontation between the young emperor and the Xuemei Guozun, who was descended by the will of heaven, was another life-and-death fight between the sky and the earth.

  天, is the Beihai Heavenly Road that is almost broken and almost extinct.

  地 is the vast land of China where trillions of people live and work in peace after being reborn after tens of thousands of years.

   Behind this violent battle between heaven and earth, two wills represent the struggle for control of the North Sea!

In fact, for Zhao Yu, who was standing with a gun at this time and violently, he understood that once the vast land of Shenzhou was reborn above the North Sea, the difficulties and moats that Henglan would face in front of countless Daxia people were not only those of Tai Xiazhi. Di Zongmen monks are extremely greedy and covetous, as well as the longing for reorganization and recovery belonging to the broken heaven!

"Tian Dao regards all beings as ants, and doesn't care about the life and death of my Da Xia creatures. If you say abandon, you will give up ruthlessly. Fundamentally, all you Beihai Tian Dao need is the rebirth of Daiyu Immortal Mountain, in order to start a radical change in the world. And the northern gate that can absorb the mist of Taoism."

The emperor voice that came from the mouth of the young emperor was as steady as ever, and then the spear of the **** of war in his hand was raised and blasted directly into the void in front of him, and the silver emperor flame on the gun body turned into a torrent, roaring towards Ahead, wherever he went, the void shattered.

   In the next instant, a white shadow appeared directly in front of the emperor flame torrent, turning from movement to stillness, engulfing an entire world of phantom, shaking the world.

   Immediately after the Xuemei Guozun who covered the whole body with the heavenly veins, stretched out his arms and directly tore the silver flame torrent in front of him, like a thin piece of paper, to the sides.

   At this time, boiling within the Xuemei Guozun’s upper body, madly confronting and pouring into the surrounding void, not only the violent laws and the power of origin, but also the more core power of the heavenly world.

   Therefore, on this Gobi land in the North Sea, the icy figure intertwined by the avenues can mobilize any laws and is a well-deserved god!

After an instant, the Xuemei Guozun's upper figure that appeared in the void suddenly dissipated again. When it appeared again, it had already stepped out of the void in front of Zhao Yu, and it was the wind that was more swift than its figure. A palm of the avenue of light.

   Under this palm, the most prosperous North Sea world tens of thousands of years ago, once again spread out!

   Xuemei Guozun, or Beihai Tiandao, who dominates the sea of ​​knowledge within his body, tried to crush the world in front of the young emperor with a palm directly into his palm, and then a cold and merciless voice came out:

   "For countless years since the formation of the entire North Sea in the chaos, it has never been so provocative and rebellious as you did. The whole clan should be punishable!"

   "Even the way of heaven will live in the glorious fantasy. This is something I can't think of. Therefore, as the way of heaven, you are no longer pure, you have derived emotions, and you are no longer worthy of being the way of heaven!"

  Gun Gundi sound fell, and Zhao Yu's tall and straight figure leaped back, worthy of leaving the center of the palm of the North Sea world, and then raised his left hand, raised the sleeve of the emperor's robe, and swept it forward.

   If it is said that what was photographed by Tiandao before was a palm containing the world of Beihai, then at this time, the big sleeves of Zhao Yu's imperial robe were a long river in the world.

   Within this long river of earth, there are laughter, tears, sorrows and joys and separation of love and hatred, and there are also moonlit nights and a peaceful home!

At the same time, on the scroll of mountains and seas behind Zhao Yu, mountains, rivers, fields, rivers, fields, and villages and towns are all lit up. At the same time, the rich firework atmosphere continues to roll upwards, gathering inward, forming a head-to-head waving wings. Huang Huang Jinfeng.

  The golden phoenix screamed, flapping its wings and soaring above the mountains and rivers of the vast summer of China, and then these golden phoenixes all flew toward the sky and gathered inward, gradually becoming a nine-day phoenix occupying more than half of the sky!

   "If there is a phoenix coming, the world will be peaceful!"

   A burst of singing sounded from within the mountain and sea map and drifted outwards. In this song, there are old and young, male and female, and it comes from each of the Daxia people who are nestling together.

   Then the louder and louder singing, accompanied by the nine-day phoenix, rose directly into the sky, forming a vast golden light, flying out of the sea map of the first sacred mountain in the vast land of China, and shining brightly on the cliff seaside of Daiyu Mountain.

   At the next breath, Zhao Yu, who threw out a long river in the world with one sleeve, stood upright with the flying body in the emperor robe, and the emperor voice continued to spread out:

"Under countless years of shattering, the countless souls and distracting thoughts in the entire Beihai have corroded your mind. If the Tao is not pure, it is not the way of heaven. Therefore, based on this alone, how can I not connect Daxia with hundreds of millions of people? In your hands."

   The voice of the young emperor's opening was categorically decisive, with the imperial majesty that could not be denied, and even directly overwhelmed the noisy voice of the heavens rolling forward.

   At the same time, in the long river that scoured the North Sea world, in the mountains and the land, in the streets and cities, people began to appear one after another.

  Man is the spirit of all things, and if there is no man in this world, how can it be called the world?

   "The North Sea is dead. Even if it recovers in an instant, it will not be a human being. You don't know where the real world is!

  "In the real world, in the greetings between neighbors, in the smoke rising from every household in the morning, noon, and evening, in the evening dinner table of the family, lighting the lamp and waiting for your soft eyes!

   "Since it is the so-called treason, then I will punish the sky today!"

   As soon as the word "Zhu Tian" came out, there was a violent and unparalleled thunder, which suddenly blasted from above the nine heavens, engulfing an unprecedentedly strong will of heaven, and running through the entire world.

After that, on the cliff and the sea, the monks in the Supreme Profound Land who were not sheltered by the altar, directly because of the majestic majesty of the heavens, suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole body was crumbling, every inch of skin was in Under unimaginable pressure.

"Heavenly Dao, Beihai’s Heavenly Dao has awakened most of it again. With such a strong will to heaven, even if the body of the Snow Charm Country Venerable is a well-known ice battle body in the entire Taixuan Land, I am afraid it will be about to come. Can not bear!"

   At the next breath, with this extremely painful whisper, the Xuemei Guozun, who was already intertwined with dense avenues, continued to look up to the sky and let out a silent roar.

   Then, on his body composed entirely of ice, one after another scarlet **** Dao vein, after another ray of heavenly will descend, it instantly extended several times again.

   At the same time, the eyes of the eyebrows that had been tightly closed on Guozun Xuemei suddenly opened, and a scarlet eye slowly emerged.

  The Eye of Heaven!


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