The longest road has an end, and the darkest night will also welcome the early morning.

The last battle of Beihai seemed so long every minute and every second, but to the outside world, it was only from dusk to late night, and then from late night to dawn, to complete a round of sun and moon alternation.

Under the earth-shattering vision, the entire Beihai of Taixuan, especially where the fairy island in the center of Beihai is located, has long since disappeared from the so-called sun-moon rotation.

The blood glow, the gray fog, and the shadow of the soul that covered the sky and the sun made the center of the North Sea seem to be completely stripped, and then moved to the most dangerous chaotic sea battlefield.

Afterwards, the sleepless **** with his mouth wide open, while continuing to exert violent suction, absorbing the spirits floating in the entire North Sea, while sticking out the same scarlet tongue, it extended down towards the place where Zhao Yu was located.

After a few breaths, the tongue came directly to the top of the young emperor’s head, hung down, looking from a distance, like a curtain, immediately after the red light on the long tongue suddenly spread out, and on it began to appear. Another extremely mysterious symbolic text.

These symbols and words appeared densely one after another, as if someone was writing with a pen, and after only a few moments, a long contract was formed.

"Come on, young man, you only need to leave your soul mark on this contract. Within these three hundred years, the northern border of the Profound Sky will belong to you."

In the sound that continued to sound from the sleepless god's mouth, there was a bewitching power of charm, and at the same time, light and shadow intertwined suddenly on the long tongue, and countless flashing names appeared.

"These are the names left by the creatures who traded with this god, and they all got what they wanted!"

The voice of the Godless Giant Mouth just fell, and the picture above the scarlet tongue instantly freezes, and what appeared on it was a small blue light.

"Have you seen this lamp? This is the Lingxiao Blue Lamp. There is only one person in charge of this lamp in the entire Taixuan Land, and that is the Lord!"

As soon as these words came out, the void trembled and thunder bursts, and then the more and more harsh voice of the sleepless **** rang in his ears again:

"Even the saint has signed a deal with this god, what are you still hesitating, young man, as long as you sign these contracts, you are the Lord of the North Sea!"

The Lord of the North Sea is in four words, as if it has infinite magic power, directly lingering back and forth in the depths of the entire void, roaring endlessly.

At the same time, everyone on the shore of Xiandao Sea was holding their breath, waiting for the decision from the young emperor.

Although it is the taboo standing behind the young emperor at this time, or the people of Daxia who are watching all this above the vast mountains and rivers of China, they are extremely sure of what Zhao Yu will choose.

They know their emperor, and they also know the hot blood flowing in all the Daxia human races, and the arrogant backbone that will never yield!

At the next breath, a young, steady, and indifferent and heavy voice arrived as scheduled:

"The deal in your mouth, I refuse!"

The response that came from Zhao Yu's mouth was not loud, but it reverberated directly throughout the world, even overshadowing the increasingly loud roar of the noisy soul.

The next breath, the huge scarlet mouth that was still smiling, paused for a moment, and then the smile on the mouth became less and less, and the response came out:


"The deal you mentioned, I refuse."

The second voice of rejection that came from Zhao Yu's mouth was still as smooth as a mountain, as if this answer was taken for granted, even if I asked it thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, the answer was still rejected.

As soon as this statement was made, the huge smile of the sleepless **** disappeared completely, and then an increasingly cold voice came from above:

"You know that there are countless people in the entire world who want to trade with the god, and young people, you have to know, what will you face if you refuse a god's request?"

"I don't know, I really don't need to know [Xinbiquge]."

The look in Zhao Yu's black eyes was like a calm and waveless lake. Then the young emperor stared at the huge mouth of the sleepless **** above, and the faint response continued:

"Because in my opinion, your so-called transaction is actually not valid at all. You said that the holy lord ceded the northern border of this profound land to you, but you ignored one of the most obvious problems."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu paused, stretched out his right hand and pointed to the ground below him, and Emperor Huang Huang once again lingered between the heaven and the earth:

"The northern border of the land of the profound mystery does not belong to the Holy Venerable from the beginning to the end, let alone you. Therefore, there is no question of cede or not cede, because the land under my feet belongs to me and belongs to Da Xia!"

This sentence belongs to me, since Zhao Yu's mouth sounded firmly!

After he finished speaking, the young emperor's brows furrowed tightly, and the cinnabar-colored flame burning from the flower of the avenue in his brow, coupled with the black hair flying behind him, made Zhao Yu's entire handsome face full of endless majesty.

Then Zhao Yu stretched out his right hand, spread his five fingers, and let out an angry roar:

"Sima Annan, the flag is coming!"

Before the sound of the Emperor Gungun, Sima Annan, who was already prepared in the rear, took a huge Fengao Nine Heaven Banner from the rear, and threw it directly in the direction of the young emperor. At the same time, the roar of Sleepless's giant mouth above the sky burst. And down:

"Even the Holy Venerable cedes the Northern Territory, you brat dared to speak wildly, are you really not afraid that your **** will directly destroy your whole clan, and then turn this Northern Territory into a part of Chaos Sea?"

The voice of the sleepless **** at this time is more tyrannical than ever before, and at the same time, the vast and endless aura of sleeplessness is directly and vastly suppressed. This aura is completely different from the pressure of the heavens in the Beihai before, but it is more permeating. More terrifying.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu shook his hand and held the nine-day phoenix dance flag in his hand. On the flaming flag, a nine-day phoenix fluttered in the wind, its wings vibrated, almost trying to fly out.

This is the national flag of Daxia, and what it contains is the soul of the entire country!

Then Zhao Yu, holding the flag in his right hand, stepped forward again, and his domineering voice rolled out:

"What a vast area of ​​the northern border of this Taixuan land, if you want to fill it with the chaotic sea water, unless you directly smash the entire nine-day sky of the North Sea as it did thousands of years ago, you just rely on your mouth to spit water, don't Say three hundred years, that is, three thousand years are not satisfied.

"People of Sleepless Sect cannot leave the Chaos Sea, so coming to the land of the Supreme Profound Realm is also a huge risk for you. You have concerns in your heart, so you can't make up your mind to really attack the northern border completely, so you will do it with me. This so-called transaction."

Zhao Yu's words at this time were convincing, and the words were all words, making the big blood-red mouth above condensed the initial tyranny, but it became calm and calm. After a few breaths, he uttered:

"anything else?"

"The land of the Profound Profound Realm is not a soft persimmon, you and the Lord can knead it at will, but each step of the development is actually a game with each other.

"Earlier, I said that I don't know how to play chess or something, but I also have things I am good at."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu suddenly raised the Fengwu Nine Heavens Banner in his hand, turned sideways, stepped, and directly cut the long tongue that protruded from the huge mouth in front of him, and the emperor's voice suddenly rang:

"I don't know how to play chess, but I am good at lifting the table. With me, you can't do it, I said!

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