The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1513: My heart is my hometown

Everyone who has been to the northern border of the Supreme Profound Land knows that this brown-green, lifeless northern ocean has long been ill, and even on the verge of death.

Not to mention that the Beihai Heavenly Dao, which originally controlled the heavens, gave birth to obsessions after it was broken, and almost wanted to be enchanted. Just this Beihai space without any rotation of the heavens and the earth has caused countless previous Beihai races to disappear and destroy in the silence. inherited.

It is true that all the struggling creatures in the entire Taixuan Land have been seeking breakthroughs in their continuous practice throughout their lives, and this ubiquitous Daoqi gray mist has completely cut off all the creatures in the North Sea. Possible.

As a result, the races that had survived the North Sea War, moved south and fled the North.

As the Shengting Beitian King said to the Taiqing Sect Master before, the Beihai at this time, in the eyes of all the sect monks, is a piece of rotten flesh that has already exuded a foul smell.

As for the carrion that has been necrotic within the body, only by digging it out can it be completely restored and even reborn!

"Sect Master Lan, in fact, I can't tell you that before the birth of Beihai, Wu Daxia had already begun to collect information about the entire Taixuan Land, and the picture provided by your Five Immortal Sects is very important.

"Whether it is your majesty or the entire Great Xia court, there are clear rewards and punishments, so you can make a request to your majesty."

Under the huge blue-and-white taboo light, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng watched the surface of the North Sea which was completely upside down in front of him, and his voice sounded.

Then the old man raised his right hand and pointed at the evaporating gray mist that was continuously culled by the might of forbidden destruction, and the old and strong voice continued:

"My Daxia possesses the best intelligence acquisition and analysis capabilities in the entire Taixuan Land. Therefore, when he was born in Beihai, he resisted the aggression of the entire Beishang Zongmen coalition army while sending a large number of monks to analyze the composition and structure of the North Sea.

"After all, this Beihai will be the foundation of our country. For the future development and well-being of trillions of people, we have to pay attention to it."

After speaking, the earth-shattering scene reflected from the front of Wei Guogong's Master Xu's eyes became clearer, and the voices continued to be heard:

"Not long ago, my prince received a paper on the analysis of Beihai, which stated that there are four stubborn diseases in the north.

"Respectively, the heavens are ruined into demons, the fog of abandonment covers the sky, the lives are dead and there is no inheritance, and the last law of breaking the sky is broken."

Every word of Wei Guogong Xu Sheng at this time was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart of the silver-haired old woman beside him, causing the latter to tremble slightly, and subconsciously opened his mouth:

"How brilliant the Beihai once was, if it weren't calculated, it would not stop here!"

"Things that have passed away cannot be regained. You need to focus on your eyes. At least for now, under your majesty's vast will, everything is improving."

Perhaps it was because Xu Sheng, who had been standing for a long time, wearing light armor, moved his burly body, and a voice came out with a smile:

"The Far North Boundary City can absorb the fog of Taoism above the entire North Sea Void, and at the same time fill the broken sky. On the other hand, the map of the mountains and seas, the first artifact of the vast land of my God, will also become a new heaven that blesses the entire North Sea. The law can be re-circulated and perfected, and the vitality of heaven and earth will reappear on the North Sea, and it will continue to cycle.

"In addition, the chaotic and sleepless qi stubborn disease that merged in the North Sea water was completely evaporated and destroyed under the power of destroying the stars. Since then, the North Sea, which has been broken, will appear new life and become the latest paradise for countless creatures. !"

The voice that came from Xu Sheng's mouth became louder and louder, and then it even screamed from the sky. The heroic voice even suppressed the impact of the stars outside the city, and the roar of boiling sea water resounded throughout the city, with the pleasure of getting what he wanted.

Wei Guogong Xu Sheng's life was given to Da Xia, and now the foundation of the vast land of China in the Taixuan Land has been set, making this old man no longer able to restrain the inner turmoil, roaring and laughing wildly.

"Sister Fu, if someone told me to boil the whole Beihai before that, I would treat him as a fool, but now, I think I am a fool."

In the corner of the Wuxianzong Mountain Gate Square, a young voice came from Ao Bai's mouth, and then a tall girl dressed in white, Ao Fu, slowly pressed down the color of horror in her eyes, red Lips lightly opened, and a sweet voice came out:

"It's said that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the sky. Although you and I have never been to the Central Plains, the so-called great power, it is impossible to burn the entire Beihai as easily as they are now!"

At this point, the girl Aofu's eyes lit up again, and a slightly curious voice continued to sound:

"I am more curious about the Majesty Fuyao who announced to the world and became the Great Emperor of the Northern Territory. I heard Sergeant Daxia from Shen Xiancheng say that the Great Emperor, under twenty years old, is really terrifying!"

"This Daxia young man is a monster from top to bottom."

As soon as the girl's voice fell, Ao Bai directly sounded with a little frightened voice, and then the latter brows suddenly, and Ao Fu's continued voice sounded in her ears:

"Just now, a disciple in the clan told me that you, the big brother, visited the young man from Daxia Black Dragon Guard not long ago. It seems that my memory is still fresh."

As soon as these four words are still fresh in my memory, Ao Bai Junlang's face flickers, a wry smile appeared, and he responded:

"I thought I had the blood of the Dragon Clan, so I might gain something to learn, but I didn't expect it."


"It's more than a defeat, Junior Sister Fu, this black dragon guard named Shunzi is actually immune to an unheard of magical powers, ignoring any offensive at all, and possesses unparalleled super power."

Although Ao Bai did not continue to speak, both of them understood that this time of discussion, the mind of the Five Immortal Sect's major disciple had undoubtedly suffered a huge blow.

Afterwards, the two young people of the Five Immortals Sect quietly watched the terrifying scene of the ups and downs in front of them, slowly put away the different expressions on their faces, and gradually recovered their calm.

At this moment, both of them felt that the burden on the shoulders of the disciples beside them suddenly disappeared, and a very special emotion rose directly from the depths of their hearts.

This feeling is unheard of, warm, firm, and nostalgic!

Perhaps Ao and Bai, who have been struggling in this deserted North Sea since their birth, don’t know this feeling. Their name is actually An Xin, but the two who felt this emotion for the first time wanted to make this moment last longer. some.

At the next breath, Ao Bai and Ao Fu beside him looked at each other, and suddenly they showed a bright smile. Then Ao Bai stretched out his hand and scratched his head embarrassedly, and said:

"It is said that my heart is in my hometown, and I am a little bit looking forward to a new life in Beihai."

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